Episode 2

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The police draging me outside the apartment building and throw me on the police car locking it from the outside . The other police start entering the front seat and start drive to the police station . I feel really angry and regret for agreeing that offer . Just yesterday i see real criminal being draging by police but today it is me the one been draging by police .i feel wary what will my parents say if they know their child is try arrested by police . I feel really sorry for my parents " i should not agreeing that offer and should not open my door for a stranger " i said . I looked at outside my window with face blank but i have so many thing going through my head . After 2 miles drive the police station building come to see after the police car near the building the police car stop . I look at the police station building is my first time going to the police station ,it is so big and the building color white and black . In the outside of the building parking many police car . The officer open my door grab my arm drag me out from car ,after i got out the officer close the door . On the outside i can see one man that dressed like a member of punk is cursing out to the one officer while the officer draging him to the building . I make and eye contact with the man but before too long i quickly turn my eyes on the officer beside me . The officer start pull my arm and taking me inside the building . On the inside there are so many people sitting on the bench .there are some girls with her make up was ruined , there some teenager boy look like under 17 that it is on drug and there are the punk man . I pull my eyes from them and starting looking at the front . The officer suddenly draging me to some room . He open the door and take me inside . Inside on the room there only one big desk and two chair on the opposite of the desk . The officer tell me to sit on the chair he pulled my hands cuffing it to the desk . The officer leave me alone on that room ,after tge officer leaving i sighing thinking what would this officer will do to me .suddenly the knob on the door turning slowly open the door reveal the officer he look like on his thirties , tall look like 6,5, his eyes are brown , his shoulder is so broad and his police uniform is so tight againts his body make it his muscle working again the shirt .he walking toward the chair opposite me and sit there . I do not know what to say but this officer keep staring at me it look like he observising me "my name is officer zeke " he said . His voice is so deep that make me shiver and feel scared ." Uhm yeah " i said while making a little eye contact with him ." So you actually hacking the goverment secret account ?" He ask ." Y..yes" i said . " what are you searching for ?" He ask but with more firm voice like he want the truth . I silent my hands shaking i do not know what should i do should i tell the real reason why i am doing it but if i tell the real reason jon father carrer will be broke but if i do not tell them they think i am doing it for crime , i keep silent and thinking hard suddenly there slam on the desk " answer me !" He scream . I feel so scared right know i feel my eyes start to water " i...iii just hhhelping some friend" i said sttuter while my eyes looking at my lap . " who ? And what do you need ?" He ask more angry ." Is my friends in college he want me to help his father to clear up his name beacuse his father is being accused for not his doing but other people doing " i said ." Liar !!" He said ." Wh..what i tell the truth " i said right now looking straight at him . " then tell me your friends name " he said ." I cant , if i said his name his father carrer can be destroy while never do anything i do not want ruin other people family " i said . The officer start really feel frustated with my answer " the who the hell is in your apartment !?" He ask frustatingly with angry face ." I do not know him !" I said . " then why he is on your apartment " he said ." I just only met him today , i met him on the sturbuck but after that he offer me walk me home because he have umbrella and it is raining heavily so i said yes , i do not know he suddenly knocking my apartment and said he need to hide i ask from who but he never answer , i ask him how did he know my apartment before he said the answer the police start barge in my room " i said frustatingly feel to beacuse i can not make this stupid officer trust me while i am telling the truth to him . " ugh " he said start rubbing his forehead he get up from his chair and slaming the desk " did you know his name " he ask .what the hell he always slamming the desk it is so noisy i hate it hurt my ears . " should i tell his name or not but i do not know it his real name or not " i think . " i dont know " i said to him ." Did you know that person in your apartment who " he said ." I do not know sir " i said looking at him ." It is one of the member of the 13 devils " he said . My eyes never be open so wide " wh..what !" I said . " yes it is him , so impossible that you said you do not lnow him when usually the member only make a contact with people they really know " he said ." Seriously i do not know anything about him as i say i just met him on the sturbuck he is working there " i said . " what working there impossible , how long he is working there ?" The officer ask ." I do not know i just see him today i think he is a new employe there " i said ." Then we can search him on there he must already leaving damn it " the officer said slamming the desk again . " then why you hacking the goverment information !" He ask again ." I told you already doesnt it i helping my friends father " i said frustating. " then tell me his name !" He ask angry ." I cant i tell you that already " i said ." Then how can i trust you when you do not want say a name " he said . " i cant " i said firmly ." You sturborn " he said while rubbing his forehead . " then there is nothing i can help you , you need to stay here until there some evidence that make you clear from all this mess " he said . " what!!! You cant keep me here i have school and what if my parent is calling me i can not let them know i am at the police station they will worried !!" I said ." Well it is your fault why you do it if your friends offer you that eventhough his father not guilty still you can go to the jail for hacking goverment information you know it is already wrong from the first so you can not said that you are not guilty" he said and leave the room slam the door loudly . I sighing and tired with all this things want to go my apartment . I want to sleep this week already been hard for me i just want to rest from the world .i try close my eyes think something positif " at least in here so silence and i can feel relaxing . I close my eyes feel the silence i feel my self start to feel sleepy. I feel my self start going to dreamland suddenly there is loud noise i open my eyes looking at the door . There sound of loud person screaming and loud sound of gun shooting on the outside . I feel scared i hold my shaking hands my eyes still looking at the door suddenly there a big loud noise of something dropping then a silence . My fear keep growing what if it is some terroris will it kill me then the sound of shoes clacking on the outside that door and feel it keep getting closer then it stop again silence fill the room . My hands keep shaking the door knob turning and the door open slowly . I feel afraid so i dont dare look at the person face and keep my head crouching facing my lap . The person keep walking to my chair and stop beside me . I see his shoes i tried to dare myself look up . I lift my head slowly and look at his face ." You , sturbuck guy !" I said ." Hey again " he said calmly . " what are you doing here !" I said ." Uhm to take you with me " he said . " what i dont want you make me go to the police atation i do not want to make my time in jail longer " i said .he does not listen what im saying and start uncuff my wrist from the table ." Yeah anyway you should get up from that seat " he said ." I do not want " i said still sitting ." Are you sure because my brother will going to broke down that wall from outside " he said while pointing the wall at my left . " what!!" I said there some loud noise coming out like some machine of car then the wall start broken slowly i get from my seat and he start pulling me on him hugging me cover me from the crash with his back . The the wall is broken loud screaming come " hey bro fast we need to get out from here " the person said ." Lets go " he said ." What i dont want " i said pulling my arm from him " then you make me do this " he said ." What " i said . He crouching under me grab my leg and throw me over his shoulder ." Hey put me down " i said try moving my body so he can let go of me but his grip on my waist and legs are so hard make me cant move " hey " i said . He throw me inside the car i feel someone catching from the back i look up and see someone staring at me directly with his black eyes " hei " he said . The sturbuck guy enter the car " lets get it " the person who driving said .the car start pulling back from the room and turning start going starightly fast . " hey can you drive safely " i said screaming because the loud noise of police siren is ringing loudly and gun shooting to our car . " cant babe we do not want to get you caught to that police again doesnt it " the person beside the driver . I look at the sturbuck guy " hey you " i said ." My name is not hey you " he said ." Did you forget my name " he said ." Uhm did you tell me ?? " i crunch my face thinking " uhmmm ah its wonwon " i said ." Ahahah" all person on the car start laughing loudly except sturbuck guy. " shut up !, it is not wonwon it is wonwoo " he said to me firmly "Sorry i can not remember name well " i said ." Well you later must remeber 12 person name " he said . " what!! Why ??, i do not care anyway why are you taking me and where you taking me " i said ." You will know later" he said ." Why you always saying that " i said sulking at him .he laugh and see me " you are too innocent for your own good , i start wandering if it is a good thing too brought you this things " he said ." No no it is going a bad things so you better throw me on the road here or you can just drop me off here " i said ." No you are going to be one of hell entertaiment to our boring life " the driver said ." Uhm excuse me what did you say an entertaiment well did you think im a clown " i said ." Well if you think like that than yes " he said . I slap the back of his head . " hey " he said yelling at me " what !" I said . " wow its the first time someone dare to slap you in the head " the passanger said . " yes i dare " i said ." Wait until we get out from this im going to get it back to you " the driver said . " huh try me bitch " i said to him ." I will just wait " he said smirking through the mirror And start driving more madly ." Gosh are this person crazy " i said to sturbuck guy ." Well yeah " he said like it is the normal things ." Gosh what will happen to me " i said . Suddenly the silence voice from my back said "many things " he said . I look at him and see him smirking at me . Okay what the hell with all this people that keep smirking are there something wrong with their lips . I turn my face on front , for remembering we still on the police car chase . " hey it looks like the perfect time to drop it " the driver said .Suddenly wonwon take his phone turn it on and pushing some number put his phone on his ear . " hey it is time " he said then cut off the call ." What time " i said ." You see" he said ." Why you always say that , it is your favorite word " i said to him ." Maybe " he said ." What the hell " i said . Suddenly theres a loud explosion coming from the back of the car , i turn my head to the back my eyes buldging and see the police car is been burn and the helicopter is on fire ." Yes ! Eat that fire bitch " the driver yelling out the window . I turn to wonwon( still hard remembering his name " did you all just bomb the police car and a huge ass helicopter " i said to him ." Yes" he said ." What wrong with that" he said ." Are you crazy you could kill all that person " i said . "Hmph not my problem" he said while shruging his shoulder . " what !!" I said to him . " you just freaking kill people !" I said to him ." Ugh shut up " the driver said ." Im not talking to you !" I said to him ." Bitch" he said . I slap his head again ." Hey " he yell ." What " i said ." What the hell you keep hitting my head " he said ." Well that head is just not usefull enough " i said to him ." Burnnnn" the passanger guy said ." Shut up you " the driver said ." Hmph " i said . We ride through the woods on the dark ." Why the hell we going to the some dark forest " i said ." To our home " the silence guy said . " what are you a feeaking werewolf why your house in the woods " i said . " did we look like a werewolf " the passanger said ." Uhmm a little from what i watching twilight " i said ." What ever you say " the passanger you said ." Wait are them real " i ask ." No dude we are a freaking human " the driver said ." Owh im just asking " i said . After a long ride through the wood then there was a visible light shining through the road there was a big house like a mansion in the middle of a forest with a high fence against the house. " what there was a fucking house on the middle forest " i said ." Well yes you already see it doesnt it " the driver said ." Shut up i hate talking to you " i said ." Not long you will liking me talking to you so much " he said with confidently ." Ch i do not think so " i said . We stoping infront the big tall fence then the fence opening automatic the car start moving inside the house . I look at the outside the window they have a freaking pool wide ass garden and there was freaking court . "Gosh this house so big "i think . The car stop infront the house .all of people start getting out from the car . I still sat inside the car watching the house suddenly voice coming from beside me " are you not going to get out " wonwon said . " ugh yes " i said looking at him start getting out the car . I close the car door and walking slowly to the big ass door from wood the color is with there a detail line between every carving on the door look like the one on the movie rich people door . The driver open the door then there a loud sound coming from inside . I step my feet inside the house there like freaking 8 people walking through our way . I do not know this people and hiding on the back of wonwon griping his shirt wonwon look at me " what " he said while look at his back at me ." Wonwon who is them " i said . " them ? They are my brother " wonwon said to me . " what are they all your brother " i said shocking . " yes they are " he said. " wow your parents is amazing " i said ." Uhm not really " he said . " of course how can your mother giving birth like .." i said while my finger counting them ." 12 of you " i said . " well it is not we are from the same mother " he said . " what you father is have many wive " i said ." Yes " he said while shruging . I havent pay attention to the other so when i tirn my face to the front all of them already looking at me out of reflex i hiding behind wonwon ." Ow do not be shy " some guy with brown hire with light brown complexion with his smiling eyes looking at me . " im not shy is just that i do not trust you guys and i do not know any of you " i said ." Then why you are hiding behind wonwoo" one of guy with blonde hair ." Well because out all of you wonwon is the only one that i know " i said ." What wonwon !?" Some short guy said ." Yes wonwon because it is so hard remember his name so i just call him wonwon " i said . Then all of them laughing loudly . " shut up " wonwon said ." Did you not like i call you wonwon " i said to him ." Yes my name is wonwoo not wonwon " he said ." Then live with that i told you right cant remember name well anyway wonwon its cute why you dont like it " i said to him ." Because it is cute thats why i dont like it " he said ." Hmph dont care from now on you are wonwon " i said . " ugh whatever " wonwon said while rolling his eyes . " anyway lets introduce ourselves start from me " the passanger guy said ." My name is jeonghan " the guy said and the next guy said " me is the 8 " . " the 8??" I said . " yes like a nickname " he said " oww " i said . Then the next person start intoducing his name " my name is scoups it is a nickname too but you can call me seungcheol it is my real name and me is the oldest from all " he said . Then the smiley guy " hey my name is Dk its a nickname too but you can call me seokmin if you want too" he said smile brightly . Then the crazy driver " my name is hoshi or you can call me soonyoung " he said ." I think i more comfortable call you crazy man its more easy to remember than name " i said ." Ugh up to you " he is grunting . The the short guy " woozi or jihoon" he said coldly ." Uhm i can ask you how old are you ??" I ask . All of them looking at me with wide eyes " what i just asking " i said to them .then wonwon said to me " you do not want to mess with eventhough he short he is the best fighter top 5 from all of us" ." I am 23 " he said . Everybody gasp " what" i ask again ." Usually when people ask his age he will not answer it and start punching the guy , and that was me " the crazy man said ." Shut up you lil shit " the short man said . " anyway next my name is joshua " the next guy said from all this people he look like a very kind guy ." Dont be deceived by his looks his real personality not even close to his face " wonwon said . " uhm okay " i said to wonwon . The next guy is tall man all of them his the tall " hey im mingyu nice to meet you " he said ." Uhm hi " i said still clinging to wonwon back with my head peeking on the side . Then the next guy is the silent guy " hei my name is jun or you can call me junhui " he said . The next guy introduce im himself he looks really look like leonardo di caprio " whats up its vernon or you can call me hansol " he said . And the last one " uhm my name is dino or you can call me chan im the younger from 12 brother " he said ." So thats all for the introduction " said wait what his name is , who is this i crunching my face to try remember  his name " ah coups" i said while pointing at him ."yes ??" He said ." I actually remember some name " i said . " ugh okay anyway did you want to ask something " he said . " yes actually , why are you taking me here what do you want to do to me " i ask to them . " you will see later on,  there is still many things that you need to learn " the short guy said then all of them smirking " really! " i said stepping out from wonwon back but still gripping his arm . They look at me curiously" did all of you really have some sickness with your lips or what ,why you all keep smirking or it is your father gen " i said . Then all of them start laughing loudly " what why they are laughing" i said . " god our life will so much fun from now on" tall man said . " gosh what with all this people " i said . After couple of time laughing the leo guy speaking " you will live in here from now on " ." What i cant i have school and my parents " i said ." Well we will let you call you parents but not now we still cant trust you enough to give you handphone so later " coups said . " well i can run away from here " i said . " try it if you can " the crazy man said ." Yes try it to take down 12 people that have skill fighting and jumping from that 5 feet tall fence and still must search a way out from the wood then you can go away " the tall man said ." God damn it are you try making a prison or what " i said . " somekind of that " the silence man said . " anyway this already so late your room still empty we havent give some furnitur or bed it will come tomorrow so you need to sleep with one of us " the smiley man said . " i will sleep with wonwon" i said gripping wonwon arm ." Really he is the one ypu must be careful of " the leo guy said . " uhm still i trust him more than all of you " i said . " well okay then good night " the crazy man said and all of them start walking upstair to their room . Me and wonwon still standing there . " ugh got there so many name hate remember it " i said ." You will remember it in short time as you live with us " wonwon said . " umm anyway wonwon do i need remember all their name " i said ." Yes you should so you can not just call us hey everybody has name you know and all of our age are different " wonwon said . " um okay " i said ." Lets go to my room " wonwon said .grabing my hands going to upstair  the stair it is so long and the handle is look like from gold " won ?" I said ." Hmm" he said ." It is all in this house that Color gold is a real gold " i ask . " all of it " he said ." Really " i said ." Yes " he said ." Wow " you guys are really rich but still you guys doing bad things " i said . After a long stair we walking through the hall way ." Where is your room " i ask him ." Mine is on the last one on the corner " he said . After walking a long hallway with many room on everyside finally we are infront of his room he start open the door and let me in first . I step my feet inside the room wonwon turn on the light . His room is so spacious the bed are king size bed the cover are grey i look all around his room his wall all of it was white and there was a big ass bookshelf with full of book collection then beside of it there was a desk with a computer there a some doll beside the  computer it is an eddy from pororo . Infront of the bed there are a couch with a living room table infront of it then a led tv that stuck to the wall ." are you done looking around im going to take a bath you can comfort yourself in my room " he said going inside the i suppose a bathroom . I start moving around then there was a door beside the bookshelf i open the door and that was a freaking room with full of clothes " this is a freaking wardrobe " i said . I close the door and feeling tired already with all this action need to sleep . I hop on to the bed and feel the texture of the bed ." Ugh it is so soft and comfy " i said while bury my head on the pillow . " creak " the bathroom door opened then reveal a topless wonwon . I look at him while he rubbing the towel drying his hair . I look at his body are lean there is a little six pack eventhough is not that realky stand out but still worth seeing the water is dripping between his abs im gulping and im looking at his skin is so pale too " are he a vampire " im thinking . Still looking at him not realizing he was looking at me " already don checking out" he said at me smirking . I turn my face to the pillow and feel my face so hot ." It is your fault coming out from the shower topless" i said muffling through the pillow . " you know if there are no you in here im going to freaking butt naked but you are here so i try to respect you and wear some pants " he said . " ugh whatever " i said . Then on my side bed is sinking he climbed to the bed . I start to feel really sleepy some arms star snaking to my waist .i look at my side turn my head see wonwon face close infront of me . " uhm what are you doing " i said . " sleep he said . " uhm but your hand " i said " just go to sleep " he said then gripping me harder. I turn my face and tried to sleep while wonwon spooning me

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