Episode 1

505 12 0

" ugh actually finish my project" cracking my sore body . I walking to the kitchen start making some coffee and pick it up ,  walking to the living room sitting on the couch . Pick the remote and turn on the tv , switching the channel , stop at the news ." This night the prime minister building been terrorize by bom all the police car have been bomb and 3 officer died in the scene and 10 injured , it look like the doing of the organization 13d what we call 13 devils " the lady news  said ." Hmmm some cool name " i said while sipping a coffee suddenly my phone ringing . I pick up and see the name of the caller "mom??" I pick it up and hear a sudden loud noise " my baby are you okay i hear on the news there some terrorize activities " my mom said worryly ."hmmm mom im okay im at my apartment " i said ." I should know that your choice schooling there already bad that country is too dangerous for my beautiful baby " my mom said , here we go again " mom im not your baby ,again im 21 mom " i said sighing ." Still thats a cruel world can not accept my beautiful baby , i know your dad choice is so dumb for giving you permission for you to go another country " my mom said ." Hey is not dumb i just supporting our child dream " i hear my dad said " shut up its your fault that our child in some danger country " my mom scold my dad ." Mom stop it already is not dad fault is my dream to schooling in here " i said ." But still i miss my baby i worried it you a lot , you rarely call us and we call you said you busy so we don not know how you been doing in there " my mom said while sobbing ." Mom do not cry " i said . " but but " my mom said . " okay stop right here give it to me " my father said ." Hey i still want to talk to my baby " my mom said . My father pick up the phone " hei kids " my father said with my mom whinning on the side sound ." Hey dad " i said ." How you doing in there ?" My father ask ." Its been doing well dad just as always mr kevin keep giving some mission impossible project just because i top at my class does not mean he can give me project as the level of some master class he made me always stay up late  " i said grumpily. My dad just laugh " but you like it there arent you " my dad said ." Yes dad " i said ." Did you make some friends there " my dad ask ." Hmmm not much is not actually call friends just someone i know is not that closer just talking if needed to " i said ." Seungkwan , you need to make friends you can not just live there with no friends" my dad said ." Is not that i do not want make friends is just i can not trust them " i said ." I know is about dennis doesnt it "my dad said." Lets not talk about him again im tired is already night " i said ." Yes it looks like that , be safe and please call us if there anything happen to you and need help , you know your mom is worried about you a lot " my dad said . " yes dad i call went i have some spare time " i said." Bye kids " my dad said "give it to me , bye my baby please be safe okay , and eat a healthy food okay " my mom said ." Yes mom bye " i said hung up " hufhh " i said sighing . I finished all my coffee and start turn off the tv and get to sleep .
Morning 5.00 am
Alarm sounds is blarring loudly inside my apartment " ugh " i said grumply ." What time is it?" I said while feels annoyed and mad see the clock " god i just close my eyes and already 5 in the morning and its still fucking thursday gosh damn it " i said while grumbling go to the bathroom . I stare my reflection on the mirror " gosh i look like a beggar that never a sleep " i said my eye bags look so dark and my hair is not well organized . I start taking off all my clothes and going inside the shower . Adjusting the warm of the water while washing my hair throughly. " hope today be a happy full day " i said in my head . I done washing all my body and turn off the shower take a towel start drying my self completly . Take a hair dryer and drying my hair while comb it . I come out from the bathroom with towel hanging on my waist while busyly choosing my oufit for today , i pick up some pink sweater with some skinny jeans and put it on . After done dressing i pack up my laptop on my bag and open the fridge looking something i can eat for breakfast i see yogurt so i pick it up because to lazy to cooking anything in the morning . I eat yogurt while sitting on the couch turn on the television and stop at the spongebob . I watch television and done my yogurt , i turn off the television pick up my back and keys . I pick up my sneakers and put it on . Start getting up and out my apartment ,lock it . Walking through the hall way and standing infront the elevator wait it . After it open i go inside and push out button ground . I waited while feels still a little sleepy . " ding " the elevator stop and start getting out from the elevator through the lobby . I look at my watch and see its still 6 am ." Maybe i can stop at sturbuck a moment " i said . I walk out the apartment because the sturbuck is not that far i already arrive . I open the door and been hit by the smell of the coffee roasting ." Good morning " said one of the employe ." Good morning " i said ." What would you want to order " he said." Hmm" i look at the menu ." Emm i go with caramel machiato with venti size " i said ." The ice and sugar normal ?" He ask ." Little ice " i said ." Okay " he said while taping the computer ." Do you want some bread or anything else " he said ." Hmmm i want some tuna sandwich " i said ." Okay anything else " he said ." No and please its take away " i said ." Okay so one caramel machiato with little ice and one tuna sandwich , its  17.7$" he said . I take out my wallet and give my money to him. " its cash , you can wait " he said ." Thank you " i said pick up the bill and waiting a little . people start coming by , suddenly my name get called "seungkwan" he said . I get up from my seat and go to the counter . Some handsome , hot , with broad shoulder , his jawline is so sharp , his skin pale white , with big dark brown eyes , hair black, he looks tall i think 6.3 ,the employe standing there while waiting for me to take the coffee " uhm its me " i said ." Uh this your order" he said . I open the paper bag to check it " okay it look right " i take away my eyes to the bag and look at the employe . He been staring at me so hard directly into my eyes "uhm its anything alright " i said while looking at him ." Uh sorry yes its alright , it is matching with your order " he ask ." Yes , thank you very much " i said . Pick up the bag and still feel that hard staring into me " you look beautiful " he said suddenly ." Eh " i shocked and my face become red " and definitly cute " he said while looking at me with his lips smirking ." Oh okay thank you " i said . I quickly take my paper bag and start walking to the door ." Hey wait minute " he said again. I stop my walk abruptly and turn around " wh what" i said ." Your wallet you forgot it " he said . " oh im sorry , thanks" i said quickly take the wallet and walk out the cafe . I take a deep breath and let it out eventhough im outside i can still feel his eyes on me i turn around and see through the glass door he looking at me while smirking , that expression make me all hot and bothering in the inside " god damn what with all hot people can make straight people go gay " i said .i quickly turn my eyes start walking away . I walking to the bus stop and wait there . The bus is coming i quickly going inside and tap my card , i go sit in the back of the bus leaning again the window . Seeing through the window the scenery of the town. In the morning this town look so quiet and beautiful but when the clocks hits 6 then the siren start roaming everywhere on the city . I wish this quietness can stay forever . The bus stop and i got out from the bus , start walking up inside the school . I stop at the outside on the building and start looking up the building " lets get this torture done " i said . I take a deep breath and let it out and start walking inside the building . For the next 3 hour i been listening to mr kevin lecturing and got really sleepy . My eyes start feel really heavy i feel mr kevin is just mumbling diffrent language . I start to close my eyes when suddenly there a slam on my desk . I jumped out from shock and turn left try to fucking cut the head who try to slam my desk . " what the hell dude " i said . " well sorry i been calling you for 5 time and you not even pay attention to me " he said ." What do you want " i said grumpyly still feels so sleepy ." Well we are one team for the next project " he said ." What ! What project again !" I said ." Just some useless thing as always mr kevin he like to give someone project when he is boring and doesnt have anything to do " he said . " hufh " i said ." Can i sit beside you " he ask ." Yes " i said . He sitting beside me and start looking at me like there something he curious about . I feel so uncomfortable and look at him " what!" I said annoyed ." Hey can actually ask something " he said ." Yes because i ask what do you want " i said ." Uhm do you know i hear that you can get the data of the goverment " he said . " what where the hell you heard it "i said ." Uhm no one but you good at hacking i hear the rumor "he said ." I try it but im not good with computer can you open it for me " he ask ." What no dude i never do something like that " i said . " please help me " he said ." What do you want if you get the data " i ask him ." Is a personal matter , anyway can you please help me " he said ." No , im never going to do something like that " i said and start looking at mr kevin lecturing about some shit ." Ughh okay i want that information beacuse my father is being accused for corruption but is not his fault , he try to find the evidence but he cant because the one that actually do corruption the one who have the information and it is in the computer " he said." So why i should care " i said . " hmmm because you are my friend " he said with big doe eyes." Ew dont do that to me is not going to work " i said .he keep doing that ugly face ." Please " he said ." Stop it " " please " " no no no is not going to work " i said . Turn my face to mr kevin again ." Hfhh okay you wont help me , my father will have go to the jail and my family is going to ruin , my house going to gone , my friends is going to leave me , im going to became a beggar sleeping on the road " he said with bad try of acting ." Ughhh okay i do it just stop it im not going to help anything again , if i get caught your name is going to be the first one i say " i said ." Yes youre the best " he said while hugging " ugh okay too tight" i said grunting ." Yeah " he let go the hug ." Hufhh " it look like i have to lost my night time again .
School bell ringing
"Hufh finally ist time to go home" i said . I pack up my book and laptop put it in inside my bag ." Hey do not forget " he said ." Ugh " i said . I literary forget that things and thinking to start going home and sleep when  he made me remember that thing again ." Hey do not forget my family life is in your hands , if you forget it my..my life " he said tried to sobbing ." Oh no dont do that shit again" i said warning while point my hands on him " Bu..but im just thinking how my family will be broken " he said and start sobbing madly  ." Oh my god yes i will not forget it so fucking shut up " i said grumpy. " oh okay " he said and he fucking flashing me with the big smile with his tooth showing ." Call me when you done " he said and start walking out the class . " bitch " i said . " i hear that but since you help me i forget it " he said screaming from outside the class . " how the hell he heard that , is he a wolf ?, what im thinking this is not fucking twilight" i said and start walking out the class . I walking through the hallway see the hallway already empty" well hell all this people it is so eager to go home " i said . I walking outside the building and start going to the bus station . As i walking i look up the sky and start raining . I hurriedly run through to go the bus stop hurriedly so my clothes not wet , because you do not want do another laundry on the bad day . I run fastly and arrive at the bus stop as the rain start pouring hard . " hufh actually  i make it " i said .i looked at my phone and watch it is 6 pm ." Damn really mr kevin do us hard today " i said . As i waited the bus suddenly there a sound of  police siren roaming loudly through the road . As i searching the sourch of the sound there car drive fastly past the bus stop while the police car is hot on their tail and there was a fucking huge helicopter on the top of the chase car . " wow" i said . And there a fucking person on top the car that shooting the police car with gun after that the car disappears to the left and the police car and helicopter is still in their tail . " wow that was hell off entertainment " i said . There some girls around 20 start gossiping " that must that 13 devils "the girls said ." Yes it must them , you know i heard the rumor that all of the member are brother and they all hot " the other girl said ." Yes i know i heard the rumor , you know my friend jenny said that she she have seen one of the member and said he so hot " the girls said . " well if  i met one of them i want them to take me and do bad things to me "the other girl said . " cih this girl just like hot guy if they start really doing bad things to them then they start crying want to let them go " i said in my mind ."hufh what with people nowdays" i said . Then the bus is coming and stop infront of me and i entering the bus ,tapping my card walking through the seat and sitting on my usually place in the back and near window . I sit and put my bag beside my sit and start staring outside the window . Suddenly i remebered something " shit" i said ." I did pass the rain just now but when i go out from this bus i can avoid it " i said . Gosh is to early to be happy .i just slump on my seat and just thinking that i should wash my clothes when i go home must take a bath and the finally must di that shit things " wait a minute what his name it is jhon or jon or jonny argh what ever " i said . The bus stop and i got out from the bus i see the sky and start walking out and take a breath " okay you can do this just run straight " i said ." Okay lets do this " i said . I start walking through the rain and close my eyes but i dont feel anything wet so i stop and open my eyes . " what , did the rain stop abruptly but why i can still hear the rain . Did i have a super power " i said ." Yes you did " suddenly voice coming from behind me . I shocked and turn around and see it was the sturbuck guy but with glasses ." Yes it is " he said ." What did i say that outloud " i said ." Yes you are and it is my name sturbuck guy " he said ." Uhm yes because i do not know your name " i said ."well my name is wonwoo" he said ." Uhm hi , anyway i must run i need to do so bye " i said tried to run suddenly he grab my arm ." Wait did you live on the apartment near the sturbuck " he said ." Yes " i said ." So just go together with me , i have some friends i need to meet in there " he said ." Oh okay " i said ." Well lets go " he said . " uhm" i said . There a long silence , i do not know what to say .i look up him and see he look at me then smiling  i turn my face to the front i feel my face is hot still feel his staring at me ." You know you should looking at the front " i said ."uhm okay" he said then looking at the front while still smirking." What with him" i said in mind . After a long walk we actually arrive to my apartment . " so bye " i said to him ." Yes bye , see you later " he said ." Uhm yeah " i said . I turn my back and start walking to the elevator . When the elevator door open i go inside and push my floor waiting till arrive while my mind go to somewhere else " why he always stare me with that eyes and smirking is there something funny in my face  " i said . I look at my face on elevator mirror ." Uhm i think my face looks handsome " i said while smiling look at my face . There a sound " ding " my elevator stop at my floor . I come out from elevator and walking to my apartment .i took the key on my pocket and put it on the key hole turn it and open my door .i close my door take off my shoes and put my bag on the desk and throw my body to my bed ."ugh lazy why the hell that i agree to his offer " i said . I lazyly change my clothes throw away my pants an put on some sweatpants .i go to the kitchen open my fridge looking for something to eat i take my left over pizza and put it on microwave and while waiting i pour milk on the glass and i sit on my chair and turn on my computer put my cup of milk on the desk " im crazy what im doing what if i get caught in so stupid " i said . I slam my forehead on my wood desk " ugh, stupid me for can not say no " i said . So i do it i did fucking hacking the goverment account to get some infromation that it is not usefull to me . I been on my compiter for 2 hours ." Wow it is done it is nervewrecking actually this city sucks their security on online is sucks to how can get through all off that easily they need to really improve everything" i said . Suddenly there is a knock on my door ."What who is it ?" I said nervously afraid it is a police because i just did a freaking crime and start walking to my door start looking through peephole ,"it is the sturbuck guy " i said reliefly but still questioning what did he want ."Yes it is" he said . I open the door and look at him . " what do you want " i ask . " uhm can i come in first " he ask ." Ugh okay " i said .he then come inside my apartment take off his shoes and start wandering around on my apartment ." Uhm what do you want in here " i ask. " i just need a place to hide for second " he said ." What hide ???from who" i ask." You will know it " he said while looking at straight to the eyes and smirking again "uhm okay " i said ." But wait a minute how did you know that i was live in this floor " i ask him . But before he got his answer out there another knocking on my door .i see through peephole it is a fucking police . " police " they said ." Ugh yeah " i said ." Can you please open your door for a little i need to ask some question" they said." Uhm yeah " i said . I open the door ." Good evening mister did you see anyone tried to barge in here " the police said ." What no " i said ." Well did you ever see this person?" The police ask me while showing me the picture of someone . I take the picture off the officer hand and exmine the phote , i realize the photo was the sturbuck guy .i shock give back the photo to the officer and suddenly closing my door on the officer face .there a banging" hey mister did you ever see the guy , hey mister can you answer us !!! " the police saying .i turn around my face at him and my eyes buldging at him ." Hey what did you do "i said to him . " i did nothing " he said ." Well why the hell they was searching for you !!" I said ." Uhm i do not know " he just answerly like it is not a big deal that he is wanted by the police . The police keep banging on my door . " mister if you keep doing this we are going to barge inside your apartment " they said " what you can not !"i said . Suddenly my door is being barge and the police officer start going inside . I turn around at wonwoo and see he is smiling " who the hell smiling on this kind condition " i said in my mind , i glaring at him .the police saw wonwoo " it is him catch him " they said and start pointing gun at wonwoo and me ." Uhm it is been good meet anyway bye , lets start meeting up again next time " he said and jumping out the window ." What the hell !" I said . Then the police looking through the window after wonwoo is jumping and start talking to the walkie talkie " hey he jump out through the on the side of apartment start catch him " one of the police said . Suddenly that police officer walk up to me asking me " what your relation with him " he ask ." What i do not have any relation with him i just met him today " i said " check this place " the police officer said ." What sorry sir you cant just check anything you want without the person who own this place give you permission " i said ." Well we can because we are a police " he said annoyingly .suddenly one of the police yell something " sir look at this , this person have been hacking the goverment for some information" ." Oh my gosh i forgot deleting that " i said god my life is ruined ." Well it looks like you lie ,you know him" the police said ." What it is not for him " i said ." Well you can explain it on the police station " the police said ." What !" I said . The two other police grab my arm and draging me out of the apartment . Gosh today the worst  day of my life why i agree doing that thing .

The devil temptation( seungkwan x seungcheol ) Where stories live. Discover now