Episode 5

411 14 0

I feel someone shaking my body a little make me feels bothered " umm stop it "i said i  turn around the other way   . Im snuggling to my right and feels some hard and warm Chest I roam my hands on the hard chest snuggle more i feel an arm wraping around my waist pull me closer to his body then i feel soft breathing on my neck "baby are you not gonna wake up " hosh said in my ear whispering ." Umm a minute please " i said  snuggling more . I feel his hands caressing my waist " wake up baby its already 5 in the morning " he said again and kissing me all over my neck ." Unghh please 5 minute again its still too early "i said still closing my eyes . " baby we need to start our physical training " he said still lingering his face in my neck . I wrap my arm on his neck brought him down to me and hug him snuggle more to his body ." Ummmm dont want to " i whined ." Baby wake up i only say one more time dont make me punish you again " he said . Then i open my eyes slowly i see his face infront of me so close to my face"Ungh you so mean " i whined at him and pouting my lips ." Good morning beautiful " he said kissing my lips lightly ." Lets get up start our training " he said ." But its still so early even the sun still not out completely" i said to him while pouting . " baby boy eventhough i want to fuck you right now again in this bed  but we need to start the train because there a little time before the mission start " he said." What mission ?" I ask him ." You will know later but now you need the training okay " he said kiss my lips ." Okay " i said while sighing . I unwrap my arm from his neck  and he is getting up from the bed  . I stretch my body on the bed a little then start pulling my body out from this soft matress start getting out from the bed standing on my feet and I suddenly feels a little hurt in my ass" why my ass so hurt " i said softly while i grab my ass rubbing it . After grunting a little then i realise its from the night my face start blushing thinking about that night ecounter . " baby use this " hosh said make me come back to my sense ." Yeah ?" I said turning to him .he throw some sweatpants and  t shirt on the bed ."for what ?" I said ." Are you gonna working out with a sweater only " he said then i start blushing realising i just wear a sweater and nothing under it . I undress my sweater and I pick up the sweatpants and t shirt putting it on ." So what are we gonna do ?" I ask ." We are going to a run at the wood " he said. " what!! In the 5 am " i said ." Yup so man up baby " he said ." Urghhh gosh physical activities in the morning " i said grunting ."lets go " he said grabing my hands drag me to the door as he grab the handle I look back to the bed " im gonna miss you so much wait for me " i said to the bed .then i turn my head to the front again see he staring at me weirdly ." What ?"i said look at him ." You are one of the kind " he said while shook his head lightly ." Whatever you say " i said . We step out from the room and i close the door lightly we start going down to the hall way and to the downstair . As we walked down the stair i see light on the kitchen so i ask hoshi ." Uhm why the kitchen light on ? " i ask him ." It must be coups " he said ." He wake up early too " i said ." Yes every 3 in the morning he always go out somewhere to the wood " he said ." What he is doing there ?" I said ." We dont know too he never tell us he said its nothing important maybe he just on run "he said ." Ow okay " i said . When we arrive on downstair coups coming out from the kitchen " hey kids are you on training " he said ." Yes we are going on run " hosh said ." Okay then becareful " he said ." Okay " hosh said . Then he start walking up to me slowly i look at him when wlak up to me " why he look at me did i do something wrong " i think then he stand infront of me look at me with kind smile i just look at him confusely brought his hands to my heads and pat me slightly " fighting " he said ." Um yeah " i said to him awkwardly . Then he pull his hands from my heads start going upstair ."lets go " hosh said grab my hands pulling me out from the house . " okay " i said then follow him as we get out from the house i look up the sky is still pitch black with only the seam of sun light on the east but still no bright light ." Are you serious we are going to run track on the woods in the dark " i said to him ." Yup just a minute a sun will rise so dont think too much if we run to late it will be hot and we dont want that " he said ."okay " i said . " okay so i run on first you follow me from behind okay " he said ." Okay , but dont too fast i cant follow up with you " i said ." Yeah tell me if i was too fast im going too slowdown " he said ." Okay we are going to run how long " i ask him ." Its gonna be 2 miles long track on the woods " he said . Suddenly i burst out laughing at him " ahhahahhaha " .then i see his serious face then my laughter died down " what your joking right " i said to him " nope" he said to me ." What!!!!!?!!?!??!?!!8!$&!!!" I shout at him ." Stop screaming lowdown your voice you will be get scolding by jeongham if you bothering his sleep " hoshi said scolding ." Urghh fuck it " i said to him." Shut up lets get that ass moved so when we done its not afternoon " he said . Then he start joging out " urgh fuck o rather go to police station stay there then running for 3 miles " i groaning and start follow him from the back . We start running to the woods .when we entered the woods all of its pitch back just a shadow of tall tree .the woods is silence just there only a sounds of shoes hitting the grounds and a sounds of wind blowing the tree . The sounds of bird wings flaping around with the sounds of the leaves crushing on the ground make the only things that makes the atmosfer its so relaxing the air its so fresh to breath on its different from the city its feels more relaxing . I keep running following hoshi while enjoy the    scenery and the atmosphere .suddenly he said " its relaxing wasnt it " ." Yeah its feels refreshed here " i said ." Yeah it feels great when you have house on the woods make you can go away from the busy town and feels so comfortable in here " he said ." Yeah " i said . Then we start running again in silence enjoying the sounds of the woods . We been running in the woods for almost an hour i start to feels all tired my feets are numb .the sun start rise and the sight of the woods can be seen more clearly now you see the green of the leaves on the tree you see the bird flying around on the top of you head you see the sky getting more blue . I start to feel my legs hurt " hah hah hah hosh is hah still longhhh " i said to him while still running ." A little more we are going to arrive on the house " he said . Then we start running again after 30 minute i can see the sight of the house i start to feels happy " argh finally " i said while grunting because i feel my legs is going numb . After a long run we arrive in front the house then i slumping my body to the ground and lay on my back dont care if it the ground its dirty to tired to thinking a bout that " urghhh godhh ih neverhh runhh thathh longhhh inhh myhh lifehhh" i grunt while running out of breath ." Well you will going to do it everyday " he said ." What !!??!?? Urghg gosh i miss my bed on the apartment " i said ." Well forget it because you are not going to see him again " hosh said ." Urgh shut up " i said . " get up wash up " he said ." Urgh later i dont want to get up " i said grunting ." Then i left you here " he said ." Whatever " i said .Then i close my eyes feels to tired to get up then i heard a sound of crunching shoes hitting out the grounds  it coming to my side " i said later i dont want to get up " i said but there no answer its silence Then I feel a shadow cover my body i open my eyes slowly and see mingyu look at me ." What are you doing " he said ." Urgh laying on the ground " i said look at him likes its obvious ." Well why are you laying on the ground duh " he said likes im stupid ." Urgh tired after running for 2 miles dont say anything to me again and shut up start getting out from my way " i said ." Wow rude anyway you blocking my way so you should the one who getting out from here start washing up you look hideous " he said . I start feeling anger growing up to my body i already feels tired as hells and this ass hole tried to annoy " gosh shut up long legs there many way you can walks why you must walk here so get out from my face stop looking if you think my face hideous so just get out " i said angryly at him ." Well i dont want to its my home who the hell are you telling me what to do " he said . Make me more angry gosh he is so selfish ." Gosh you are so annoying as fuck " i said angryly start getting up from the ground and look at him staring him hard while he look at me like he winning  " useless long legs and look like you got yourself a little im sure a girls will never be satisfied with that thing " i said pointing at his boxer and leave him standing in the front door with his face full of shock " eat that " i said then i turn around look at him again " oh i forgot and one more thing fuck you " i said then walk away .when i walk to inside the house i hear screaming behind " shut up you dont know anything girl always  loves my dick so much im going to show you bitch" he said . " oh really " i said with mocking voice in loud without turning back ." Fuck you " he said. Then i turn around last time " well im sure that dick can handle this ass baby " i said mocking him while slap my ass and see his face get more stren and he start cursing off again  and start turning around again smirking on my way . i open the door and walk up inside and see woozi standing on the mirror than looking at me . I look at him confusely " what ?!" I said ." Wow you are really going off there breaking his pride " he said ." Well he being an ass hole to me his fault " i said while shrugging . " well as you know his dick not little you know he is the biggest 2 after coups and he the most famous on this family  because he is a model " he said ." Well i dont care he pissed me off so much " i said . " well hope that he not going after you " woozi said ." Nah he will not and if he is going to im going ticked him off till he cant stand me he is so easy get angry i just tease him off little and look at outside he already throwing tantrum " i said while pointing my thumb on the outside ." Well he still not get to angry " woozi said ." Well i dont care " i said while shrugging . Start walking up to the kitchen i see jun is eating in silence while playing with his handphone . When walk up inside the kitchen he look up to me and gives me a little smile " hi " he said ." Um hey " i said .then he start going back to his handsphone again  . I walk up to the counter kitchen searching for the glass i open the drawer but still not found it so i ask him ." Umm jun where is the glass " . " its on the top cabinet " he said while his eyes still focus on the handphone . I open the top cabinet and see the cup i start tiptoe my feet for reaching out the cup and i pick it up closing the cabinet back to my feet . I walk up to the water dispenser and start pushing the button the water come out and fill the cup . I remove my finger from the button and bring the cup to my mouth drinking the water after its done i put the glass on the dishwasher .i turn my back and see jun is watching me but he suddenly turn again looking at his handphone again .i think what he is doing so busy playing with his handphone while i walking to his back and i peek my heads through his shoulder and see he busy playing game "what are you playing " i said then suddenly his body jolt and he turn his face to me and his face look so shock i think hr didnt expect me to make conversation with him " im sorry for scaring you " i said to him smiling softly at him ."Umhhm yeah its okay " he said then turn back his head to play his game again ." What are you playing " i ask . " umh some game " he said .i look at him strangely " oh okay" i said. i think he is a shy type cant make a conversation with people he doesnt knew well . " okay then " i said then i leaving him alone on the kitchen playing with his phone . I walk up to the stair then i hear someone calling me " hey " i turn my back and see the 8 standing on the living room while crossing his hands on his chest ." Yes ?" I said . " after you take a shower come to the backyard im going to teach you how to use gun " he said ." What ?! Gun !!" I said look at him." Yes duh i just said it " he said." Why i need to learn that " i said to him ." Well to self protection you never know whats going to be happen when you are a criminal " he said ." Ugh can i not learn it i hate violent so much " i said ." Nope man up you should be brave because you already involved in our group so its your responsible " he said ." Its not that i want to you all the one who kidnapped me from police station " i said .he just shrug " whatever just wash up and meet me on the backyard " he said then he leave me and start walking to the outside ." Urgh goddd i hate this " i said then suddenly voice come behind me " what happen " i jolt turn to my back the person was so close so  i was met by chest so i look up i see its coups ." Ugh nothing is just the 8 want to teach me to use gun " i said to him ." Ow then what are you doing standing here " he said ." I want to go upstair to take a bath " i said ." Okay then " he said and make way for me to go upstair ." Uhm excuse me " i said then start going upstair ." Why he so awkward "i said softly .i then not think too much and start going to hoshi room . I arrive infront of the door and i knock the door " hey hosh open it " i said then i hear voice from inside " just come in im not locking it " he said .so i grab the handle and push it inside open the door then i come in turn around face the door and close it again . As i before turn around to my back again i see shadow and i feel hands snaking around my waist "hufhhh dont do anything stupid again i need to get the next training " i said ." Well who you going on training with " he said ." Its the8 im have to wash up quickly okay " i said ." Hufhhh okay " he said then let go his grip from my waist .then i turn around to face him i see him only on his sweatpants with no shirt i look at his chest and his sixpack " like what you look baby" he said smirking at me ." Yeah yeah ,i already see it yesterday " i said the. " ow yeah the clothes for you its on that bag " he said pointing a pile of shopping bag on the bed ." Why its so many " i said . " well you going to live here for a long time and the size its medium " he said ." Uhm okay , so its my room done " i said to him expecting that i have my own privacy ." Yup its going to done tomorrow , yesterday coups ask the person to fast the renovation and its say tomorrow can be done quickly ,you should thanks to coups he bought all of this you know your clothes " he said ." Yeah " i said i feels awkward around him . I rummaging through the shoping bag searching for clothes i will wear after washing up .i found some t shirt with black and white stripes in it pull it out from the bag .i search on the another bag found some white sweatpants and take it with me to the bathroom . I open the bathroom door walk to the inside and close the bathroom door again not forget to lock it . I put the clothes on the clothes hooks with the towel . I undress my clothes throw it on the basket . I open the shower curtain going inside . I grab the faucet handle turn it . The water start pouring out hitting my head .i adjust the water temperature to warm beacause its to cold and for information i hate cold it just i think it hurts my skin . As the water already warm i start washing up my all my body . After 10 minute washing i done i turn off the shower and the water start pouring off . I coming out from the shower take the towel from the hooks and start dry my wet body . I rubbing off the water out my hair . After i dry up i take the clothes and start putting it on . After done putting on my clothes i go to the counter take the hair dryer and drying off my hair after done i turn it off . I open the bathroom door and see hosh busy watching movie . " take you long enough " he said ." What do you mean long ?, its just 12 minute " i said to him . "I just need 5 minute you know " he said ." What ! 5 minute eww are you really washing up or just wet your body with water only " i said to jim while feel cringe." What kind of person i am of course i use soap its just i have my own technic " he said ." Whatever " i said . " done you have too go met the 8 on the backyard "he said ." Yes i was going to get out " i said . " okay then get out fast " he said ." What ? Are you going to watch porn " i said to him . " nah i not that desperate for sex i can hold my self well " he said ." Whatever , i go " i said ." Yup " he said his face still facing the tv . I shaking my heads softly and i go to the door grab the handle turn it i pull it open the door i walk out from the room i close the door again. I start walk to the hallway as on the middle hall way suddenly the door open beside me and come out mingyu barechest i look at him weirdly . " what like what you look " he said ." Urgh " i said shaking my head softly what with this person already hate see his face again eventhough his body great ." Whatever what are you doing here barechest " i said to him ." Well im going to fucking someone in the inside because some stupid twink said that this hot thing can get some ass " he said . " stupid twink ! Im not stupid and im not twink im normal guy " i said to him with anger tone ." Really you not look like one normal guy " he said . Gosh this person slowly getting under my skin .suddenly there woman voice come out inside the room " babe when you going to comeback inside " ." Wait minute baby " he said ." See look like my baby waiting for me i have no time talking to dumbshit " he said . " what !??? Did you just say " i said . " are deaf , anyway i dont have time to this stupid conversation and i dont want you to share your stupid virus " he said cockly and going inside the room slam the door in front my face . "What you shit haed im going to kill you " i said shouting at his door and i turn away from the door walk up on the hall way again i start stomping my feet hard on while walking . I go downstair and see wonwon just comeout from the kitchen " whats up there " he said ." Shut im not in the mood to talk " i said with anger tone ." Whoa whoa what happen ?" He said ." Not you bussiness just tell me where to the backyard " i said while grinding my teetg it look like this gun shoting im going to do well look at my mood right now want to kull someone i never like violent before but know i feel on the married relation with violent ." Just go to that door " he said poiting the door on the left of the kitchen ." Thanks " i said and start walking to that door open it walk up and slam that door hard . " whoa slow down child " the 8 said ." Shut lets get started " i said ." What happen to you where the guy who said hate violent " he said." Shut up right now i just like violent so muchhhhhjgh , so show me how to use gun so i can use it to certainly someone " i said while grinding my teeth ." Ookay " he said. Then he start explaining to me the part of the gun " so first im going to explain you the gun part first theres muzzle, breach, hammer and trigger . " he said ." Do i need to know all of this all you need just shooting " i said . " yes every beginner need to learn from basic its not just learn to shoot but you need to learn every part of the gun so you can know how to use it well " he said ." Well okay " i said ." So first this is muzzle In the Front. Or, more specifically, the muzzle is the opening on the front of a firearm. This is where the projectile comes out of. " he said while showing me the part . " next its breech simply the breech is the back. The Breech is the area of the firearm that contains the rear end of the barrel, where the cartridge is inserted. Next its hammer ,the Hammer on a revolver is the part that strikes the firing pin or the cartridge primer directly, detonating the primer which discharges the gun. The last one its trigger The trigger is the part of a firearm that files the round. On certain guns, like single action revolvers, the hammer has to be "cocked" – or pulled back into position – before the trigger can be pulled. In those cases, the pull of the trigger releases the hammer to fire the round. With most other guns, the trigger pull is considered double action in that pulling the trigger both cocks the hammer and releases it thereby firing the gun. " he said ." Wow thats so many " i said ." Oh wait i forgot the last one its The trigger guard is the portion of a firearm that wraps around the trigger to provide both protection and safety. Okay done thats its " he said ." Okay so whats next " i said " we are going to learn how to grab it right and aim right, " he said ." Oh okay " i said and we started to learn again he show me how to do it after 2 hour learning gun " okay thats the last one so tomorrow we will going to learn on the woods to shooting " he said . " oh okay " so its morning or evening " i said ." Its evening " he said ." Thanks god i can actually resting " i said ." Its just 5 hours learning you already tired " je said ." Of course 5 hours its from running and this already make me tired so i need rest " i said ." You know its not the last lesson right " he said ." Whats!! But i never hear the other lesson " i said to him ." Well i never tell " someone said on my back .i turn around and see woozi stand on the door way ." Ugh what its again " i said to him ." Stop whining my lesson its not going take physical activities you just going to use ur sanity "he said ." Ugh i already tired can we do it tomorrow " i said to him ." Nah i tomorrow i have to work and its still 1 pm what make you so tired its just a simple lesson " he said ." Well sorry i never exercise " i said ." Well get used to it " he said like its the easiest thing to do ." Ugh whatever you say so what are we gonna learn anyway " i said to him . " uhmmmmmm oh its self defense " he said ." What!?!?! Oh my god are you kidding me thats a freaking physical activities " i said to him shouting ." Shut up , oh really i rarely use all my strenght but i dont really feel that tired when hitting people " he said ." Well you are phsyco " i said to him ." Maybe , anyway lets get it on " he said . " where we gonna practice " i said to him ." On the gym duh " he said ." Well duh i dont know this house have a gym room " i said back to him ." Well now you know "he said ." Ugh you are annoying but you more less than that scumback " i said ." What ?? Who " he said ." Uh just piece of trash doesnt need to be remember , get it on lets go finish all this thing " i said . " okay then follow me " he said . Then we walk up to the inside leaving the8 alone on the backyard . " so where it is ?" I ask to him ." Its on the basement " he said ." Wow this house have a basement " i said ." Yes " he said . We walk up to the small door and he open it reveal the sight of stair going down ." Lets go " he said .then we go down but as we go down the room is so dark and so dusty like never been use for so long ." Are you sure this is the gym room" i said ." Well duh yeah i said it before doesnt it " he said ." Its just why its so dusty like more a garage than a gym " i said ." Well this place its been a long time have never been use " he said ." What why you guys dont excercise " i said." No its just we dont wanna use this room " he said ." Why ??" I said " you dont need to know " he said ." Umh okay " i said then woozi turn on the light and the sight of the room more brighter but still in here its so humid . The floor its been covered by some thin mattress . There is many sport equipment but all of it covered by dust ."you know before thinking use this place you should clean it first " i said .
"I dont know it will be this dirty " he said .
"how long you have not used this place" i said .
" uhm i think 6 years " he said .
" well you can expect the place will be dirty " i said .
" so what are we doing clean the place or just practicing with dust laying around the place " i said .
" lets just clean it i dont want get a asthma breath in dust" he said .
" well we should get started clean this " i said.
" we ? Uhm i think its just you " he said .
" what!??!!well you are the one who the one to use this room " i said .
" uhm i use it just to train you so the one actually use its you " he said .
" wow so im the one who cleaning all of this " i said feel absurd with all his shit
" yup " he said .
" well if im the one who cleaning all of this then what are you doing ?" I said .
" well im going to wait on the living room call me then the training start" he said easyly
" wow i thought you not annoying but you are second after that scumbug " i said .
" whatever you can ask the cleaning equipment to the maid they will give you and dont ask for their help this is part of your training " he said
" what kind of traning !??!! To be a maid when all your maid think of quiting from here because all of you so annoying !!!?!!" I said with anger tone .
" well it look like you going to fail the train its patience " he said
" ugh such a bull shit " i said .
" whatever you said but when you libe here you dont have any authorities in this house when we said you something you should follow it because we dont want pick up some useless person here just to live freely without anything to do you think live in the world easy grow up child " he said .
Hearing what he said make sudden pang in my heart ." Then from the first dont brought me here " i said
" shut up it look like i want you here if not for coups the one who have authorities here you already been dead or i already out from this house " he said .
" then let me go from here " i said .
" well if you try to run away i dont care you can be die in the woods anyway so try it if you want and want to out ask coups for permission . in this house there is no one cant make coups change his option . so dont be whining child in here shut up just do what we said " he said the he walk away  go to upstair .
" im not whining child " i said with anger in my tone already feel like crying missing my home .
" shut up just do your job quickly " he said then i hear the door slam loudly make me jolt .
" gosh i hate it here they just use me for sex slave and make do all this bullshit things if i dont met wonwoo if i dont accept that person offer i will not be here i am so stupid " i said while feel like crying already my tear already falling out from my face i want to scream i feels so suffocated in this house i want to go out from here ." I need to find away to get out from here " i said while i erase the tear off my face i start walking up to the upstair  i open the door walk up to it and close it again i go to the kitchen to search some maid then what i found its a freaking scumbag making out with a girl in the kitchen counter with him only wearing boxer and the girls just only wear white t shirt . I rolling my eyes tired to be have conversation with him again so i just turn around then as i turn around i bump on someone as i look up its coups he look at me with his scary dark eyes i dont know what that eyes hiding feels all the tension coming to my body just the look from him what hoshi said right he looks scary evethough he just staring "Uhmm unnn im sorry " i said feels awkward around him then i want to walk pass him but suddenly he grab my waist and stop me ." Wait " he said ." Uhm yeah ??" I said . Then he suddenly not look at me again but look on the scene behind me mingyu amd some girls make out ." Ehmmm " coups said. Then the couple pulling out from the making out session ." What !?" Mingyu said feels annoyed there someone bothering his bussines .
" dont you remember the rule there is no girls on the house moreover you making out on the place that it should not be " coups said with stern face he looks scary whenever im around him it feels like he got some power that make me dont want to ticked him off i feel he really kill me if i made him mad . " whats its not fair wonwoo bought this little boy and you agree make him stayed while there nothing he can do he just whining even he cant do anything in here " mingyu said . I feels my anger come out again this person know how to make other person hate him to the death i turn around and face this fucking scumbag " what did you say piss of shit what you do just moving your dick you more useless then me " i said ." Wow the stupid twink is talking " he said .
" what ??!? Twink dont you dare call me twink again " i said growl at him .
" ow look like the twink got a guts to talk back " he said .
I feel i already break my limit i let go coups grip in my waist i walk off to mingyu i fucking slap him in the face
" dont you call me twink " i said with growl .his face shocked and he look at me with an anger i could look he want to hit me too but im not afraid he the one who start it . " you dare to fucking slap me twink " he said while growling suddenly his hands on my collar griping it hard brought me close to his face . " you will be fucking die if coups its not here " he said with stern face and growl .
" chh you just dont have a ball to do it you just a have big body but your brain is small " i said .
" you !!!twink " he said shouting then he want brought his hands to my face punching me i close my eyes .
" stop ! " coups said .then i dont feel anything hit my face i open my eyes slowly only see his eyes full of anger .then he let go his grip on my collar and push me back . My back hitting coups chest and he holding me to not falling .
"Mingyu comeback to your room bring back that woman home " coups said .
Mingyu clicking his tongue and drag that woman out from the kitchen while glaring at me hard i glare back at him .
As mingyu get out from the kitchen .
" listen here kids you should behave yourself you only in here for two days already make the house atmosphere not good " coups said .
" but he is the one who start it first i never said anything to hi.."
" shut up you dont have authorities to talk back to me i only helping you onve if you try make a scene again im going to freaking kill you . Did you understand" he said .
" yes " i said .
" so just do your job quickly " he said .
" yeah " i said .then coups leaving the kitchen . I just sighed gosh for how long i have to stay in here i feels so tired already . I just stand on the kitchen staring at nothing .
" what are you doing here standing " someone said i come back to my sense i look at the person who talking to me its vernon .
" i need to find maid" i said
" what for ??" He said .
" ask her some cleaning equipment gor me cleaning the basement " i said .
" ow wait a minute . Carlaa ! " he said .suddenly a maid with a ponytail blonde hair coming running to the kitchen .
" yes sir " the maid said.
" this boy right here need some cleaning equipment help him " he said .
"Yes sir " the maid said and she look at me " please follow me " she said i nodded and follow her . Before i walk away i said thank to vernon ."thanks " i said ." No prob " he said . I walk out to the kitchen and see woozi still there relaxing playing game . I follow the maid go outside from the house " where are we going " i ask her . " to the warehouse " she said . " warehouse ?? Did you keep all thr things in there ??" I said ." Yes usually we keep things inside the room that you will be living but since you will be live in there all the stuff moving in here " she said ." Sorry " i said ." Why you sorry " she said ." Well you must walk long way just to get cleaning equipment " i said ." Its okay its part of our job " she said . As we talking we arrive on the warehouse . She open it then we start walk in . " so what do you need ?" She ask ." Um some broom, rag , maybe there a vacuum cleaner" i said . " okay i think we have vacum cleaner " she said . She start rummaging inside the warehouse searching after couple minute ." There is we found it this " she said shove the vacum cleaner at me ." Then a broom and rag , did you not need some clean spray" she said while busy searching ." Uhm i think needed " i said ." Okay then urgh this should do " she said give me all the stuff that i need . " okay thanks um i leave first " i said ." Okay did you need my help to bring that vacum cleaner " she said ." Nono you a girl is not that big anyway thank you " i said ." Your welcome " she said . I leaveing her locking the warehouse i come back inside the house . I walk up to the basement again . I drag the vacum cleaner to the downstair .
I put all the cleaning equipment on the ground " okay lets get started " i said . I start pluging the vacum cleaner to the stop contact and start working . After an hour cleaning the room actually done ." Hah finally itd finished " i said i slump my body on the floor laying while close my eyes " ahh tired " i said suddenly i feel my stomach grumbling . "Ugh im hungry but too tired to eating " i said . Without me knowing my eyes start feel sleepy ." Ugh all this working out make me want to sleep hoammm" i said while yawn . My eyes start flickring and slowly i feel my eyes close then i drown on the dreamland .

The devil temptation( seungkwan x seungcheol ) Where stories live. Discover now