Unexpected Visitors

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- Damien Black - 

"Good morning this is Channel Seven News and I'm Haley Summers. Today I am in the household of Louis Grey a man whose daughter has been missing for more than a month." The blond with a lot of make up on the TV said.

Yes, there is a news reporter inside of Louis's house at this very moment. Detective Martinez declared that maybe if we get the word out that we'll possibly find a lead on where she is and who took her. I'm up for the idea without a doubt, but I'm pissed that it took more than a fucking month for them to come up with it.

Anyways I decided to watch and see exactly what Louis would say, I haven't spoken to him since we first realized she was missing. After that he went pretty bonkers and is out of his house everyday in his car driving around town in hopes of seeing her.

"Seventeen year old Roxanne Grey has last been seen storming out of her house after midnight." Haley announces and a photo of her appears on the screen. "She has light brown hair, amber eyes, and is 5'6."

Damn when's the last time I've seen her? Why does her picture break my heart so fucking much that I'm tempted to throw my TV out the window for seeing it?

Beer number one here we go.

"Louis would you like to say something?" She hands him the microphone.

You would think you've seen a man at his lowest, but there's nothing that compares to the lifeless eyes he is carrying at this very moment. It's only been a month and hope has already started to fade away.

He grabs the mic, then clears his throat. "H-Hello this is Louis Grey, Roxanne Grey's father. I..." Louis pauses. "I just wanted to say that Roxanne if you're watching this, I'm not giving up until I find you. And to the person who kidnapped her, please...please..." He pinched the bridge of his nose, holding back tears. "Please give my daughter back...please..." 

To see the very man who survived a heart-attack with a smile, cry, may be the saddest thing I've seen. Louis meant every single word, every single one. The feeling after watching this left me numb inside, and that's when beer number two came out.

"Thank you Mr. Grey for those words you have shared." She rubs his shoulder. "If there is anyone who may know the whereabouts of Roxanne Grey, or has even seen her before her disappearance. Please contact this number.A phone number popped up on the screen, and seconds later he was gone.

Beer number three.

Then four.

I don't even remember if I reached five that day. 


-Knock Knock Knock- 

Suddenly I was awoken to the sound of someone banging on my door, and I immediately felt a sharp pain overflow inside of my head. The feeling wasn't exactly the greatest, but I managed to get up off the couch and head to the door.

As I opened it, I saw that behind it was Detective Martinez and James.

Martinez's eyes widened. "Woah, you look like shit."

"Got that right, and reek of alcohol too." James said, his brows furrowing.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "What do you want?"

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