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Tony Stark went to bed thinking that his life was as normal as it could get (but with him being a superhero and all, that wasn't very normal though). But then he woke up, and what does he wake up to? Just a hyper archer telling him to get his butt to the common area for a movie night. Along with a worried super soldier to shut up, because ...( well read an find out, gotta have some suspense after all (;. )And when he does just that... well it can just be said that it got a lot crazier. How that could happen though, he would never understand. 

This is an Avenger' s AU. The first one that the Avengers are originally in is:

-Peter is just a regular intern (although he is the avengers intern, and they are all super close and the gang gets super protective over peter and it's so cute and oh my god I'm trash)

-there is no Spider-Man (therefore peter does not get the spider bite (uncle Ben is still dead, I'm sorry)

-peter is a genius,

-this is taking place after the first avengers

-All of the avengers live at Avenger's tower

-there is minor stony if you tilt your head and squint a bit

I will let you know on any changes or updates on any important info. on the story line.

Let's see, who noticed the 'the first one the avengers are originally in' yes there will be more than one AU, and I know exactly what some of them will be, but if you have an AU that you would like to make an appearance, than you are more than welcome to ask in the comments. Let's see who can guess the plot of the story.

Happy reading!

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