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"I don't mind you under my skin, I'll let all your bad parts in."


I COULD GET USED TO THIS. Waking up in Justin's arms, him holding me tightly like he never wanted to let me go again.

Though it was a dangerous thought, I couldn't help wishing all mornings could be like this; just him and I, our bodies entangled like they were made to fit together, our peaceful breathing in sync, perfectly content together.

I knew I was going to have a harder time sleeping without him whenever he wasn't here, or when life took Justin away from me. I was getting too attached to him, and it would most likely only hurt me in the end.

My heart ached at the harsh realities and I pushed them away instantly, forcing the thoughts out of my mind completely.

Justin was mine for the moment, and if this moment was all I'd ever have, at least I could say I experienced this with him. Happiness. Closeness. Vulnerability. A type of affection I never knew before him, an intense craving I never could have imagined even in my wildest dreams.

But is this all I would have someday? The memories of him?

Fluttering my eyes open, I let them wander up to his beautiful face, seemingly glowing from the sunlight seeping through the cracks from the blinds covering my bedroom window. Justin most defiantly was a sight to see, especially when he was the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes.

What a glorious way to wake up.

I watched as he stirred in his sleep, his grip around my waist tightening. Slowly scooting my body upwards, I planted tiny little kisses trailing from his collar bone to his shoulder, loving the feeling of his skin against my lips.

I didn't know what came over me, but I felt myself feeling bolder with him, allowing myself to do this I had never done with anyone else.

Groaning slightly, Justin's body tensed underneath mine, opening his eyes sleepily as I sheepishly smiled up at him.

"I wouldn't mind waking up like this every day," was the first thing he said, his voice groggy and deliciously deep.

A faint laugh escaped my laugh as his hazel eyes trailed down to my own, igniting a fire inside of me, a warmness trailing throughout my entire body.

"Good morning, J," I spoke breathlessly, while his hands found their way to my face, cupping my cheeks.

"I'd like a proper good morning, Angel," he growled gruffly, bringing my my face to his own before I frantically pushed him away, catching Justin off-guard by escaping his hold.

Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, I watched as his face contorted to a scowl, not happy in the slightest I denied him my affection.

"I'll be back in a second!" I peeped anxiously, swiftly jumping off the bed and fleeing to my bathroom, locking the door behind me. There was no way I was going to kiss Justin Bieber, also known as 2018's sexiest man of the year (although it could have been century), without first brushing my teeth.

Walking towards my bathroom mirror, I avoided my reflection — now was not the time to pick myself apart. Grabbing the toothpaste in my hand, I squirted it on my toothbrush, wetting it under the faucet.

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