Camp Half-blood

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Long Island - Half-blood hill


I stood at the top of the hill that leaves to the demigod camp, camp Half-blood.

Why am I here you asked?

Well after I told my father about the golden letters coming out of the fissures, he immediately told me to go to Camp Half-blood because apparently the, 'Titan lord of Time' is rising. What great news, right?

Kronos is rising-- why don't I call him grandfather? Well sometimes I do but it just seems weird since he's all evil and stuff...

I walked down the hill and through camp, seeing all the equipment, arena, cabins, nymphs and the huge lake. I saw demigods sword fighting, sparring with each other, practicing archery, which archery is terrifying to me since I can't even shoot anything, I saw demigods forging weapons, shields and armies in the forge, obviously Hephaestus kids, then in one area there were kids squealing while looking at magazines and putting makeup on. How very terrifying, Aphrodite kids.

I got to a house, that was bigger than the cabins. I guessed this was the big house, where my father said to go to. He said I would meet Chiron there, the trainer of heroes. Achilles, Perseus, my namesake, and other heroes.

Just then, Chiron the centaur came out of the big house, onto the porch.

"Perseus." he greeted.

"Chiron." I said back.

"Come inside. We have a lot to talk about."

He opened the door to the big house for me, motioning me to enter. I entered the big house and sat in a chair as Chiron closed the door, leaving all the loud demigods outside to train.

"So Perseus, I got Poseidon's message that you would show up here with news, what is the news?"

I took a deep breath, "Kronos is rising."

There was a silence between us until Chiron sighed.

"My father will do anything to rule the planet again, even kill. I just wish he wouldn't do this, cause the start of a war, killing innocent souls, leaving them to rest in the underworld, eternal damnation or paradise."

I nod my head.

"Perseus, Will you stay at camp and help train the campers? We must get them ready for the upcoming war." he asked.

"I will have to ask father, excuse me for a minute.." I said as I get up to get privacy to iris message my dad.

I took a drachma out of my pocket, yes, I get paided by merpeople of Atlantis for some reason. 

I summoned some water, made a rainbow and threw the coin in.

"Poseidon, Atlantis." I whispered under my breath.

A blurry image started to clear up from the iris message before I saw my father.

"Father?" I said, getting his attention.

"Perseus! What do you need?" he asked politely.

"Chiron asked if I could stay at Camp and help train the campers for the upcoming war, and I'm asking your permission if I could stay." I explained.

He thought for a second then nodded his head.

"You can stay and help campers train for the upcoming war." he said.

I nod my head.

"I should get going, Chiron is still waiting for a response."

I then slashed my hand through the iris message, the image of my father disappearing. I then head back to the big house, passing some Aphrodite girls who were staring at me, some even trying to flirt with me. 'Pathetic Children of Aphrodite. Don't they have anything else to do?' 

I enter the big house and faced Chiron, not before seeing a girl with blond hair push past me and rush into the big house. 'How rude.' I thought.

"Chiron! There's an invasion! Monsters at half-blood hill! Dracanae, hellhounds, a minotaur and more!" she said quickly.

She turned around to leave, but not before meeting my eyes.

"W-Who are you? Are you an enemy as well?" she said before going back to tough mode.

I looked at her eyes and saw stormy grey eyes. Grey eyes and blond hair. That could only mean she was a daughter of Athena.

"Well daughter of Athena, My name is Perseus Achilles Jackson, Warrior of the sea. You said there was an invasion? I'll help-- and I can assure you that I am no threat, unless one of you backstabs me, accident or not." I said in a threatening tone, uncapping Riptide, bringing it to sword form. That surprised the daughter of Athena but I have no time to waste.

"You know I have a name! It's Annabeth! Annabeth Chase!" yelled the daugher of Athena.

"Yeah, Yeah! Just hurry up and help defend camp!" I yelled back.

Just then I heard a conch horn blow three times and saw demigods getting ready for battle.

I then ran to where all the monsters were, ready for the first battle.

THERE. NOT A TWO WEEK WAIT. Okay I really have to go to sleep now so good-bye guys lol. HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS UPDATE... mkay Bye goodnight lol short chapter note. I will update... soon. Maybe in like a week or less!

Simonhds90 and Bodil40 have the best laugh ever. Okay bye yay Minecraft Youtubers!!

Okay bye!!

Your friend,


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