Iron adventures in the second dimenson 1

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    "Graduation, the most important event of one's live, the time where they step out into world and make something of theirselves, for the last four years, I have watched each and every one you grow into the remarkable young men an women that you are now, first as your head custodian, then as your principle. If everyone would please move your tassels from right to left, on behalf of galactic university, it has been an honor to educate you, we solute you, and wish you luck in whatever you decide to do!" Greedo, principle of galactic university, stepped away from the podium. Graduation hats began flying up into the air as the seniors, among them the first eleven super iron avengers, officially graduated from galactic university. Cheering could be heard from the senate building on coruscant, which was a quarter of the way from campus. The graduate super iron avengers met up with their friends and fellow teammates an hour after the ceremony. "Ha ha ha, graduates of galactic university, congratulations guys." "Thanks, it's been a fun four years there." "Yep, but now it's on to being full time super iron avengers." "Yep." All of a sudden, Jarvis called Jeremy on his com. "Jarvis, what's up?" "Sir, we've pick up a distress signal from another dimension." "Can you identify which dimension?" "No, but I can trace it back after you hear the message." "Alright, call padme dan and tourgdawg, they'll probably want to hear it too."

    At SIA ops. The message was played for all super iron avengers and and all 7 Jedi rangers, who decided to stick around to help the team out if they needed it. "Replaying message now sir." A woman's voice came through. "Hello? Is anyone out there? This is Melinda mayflower, ever since princess ally butterfly left, her father, king butterfly, has set out to conquer the entire world of waropia as a dictator, only a small pocket of freedom fighters remain, including my self, if you can hear this, please send help, please, hurry." The message cut off. "Sir, should I start backtracking the signal?" Ally spoke up. "No need Jarvis, I know exactly where it came from." "Your home dimension." "Yes, Melinda was my closest friend in that dimension, and if she needs help, I need to get back there." "Ally, it could be a trap." "I can't just sit here, besides, I know waropia inside and out." Ally got her dimensional scissors and cut a hole to waropia. "If anyone wants to come with me, nows the time." "Ally if you think for one second that we'll let you go alone, your crazy. Rangers, I trust this dimension will be safe?" "You can count on us Jeremy, good luck." "Sir, before you go, I think you should know that two way communication will likely be cut off, signals can be sent back to here." "Ok, let's go." The super iron avengers entered the portal into waropia. They ended up in the center of a city with blasters on top of the of the buildings. "So, THIS is waropia, this actually was what I thought it would be like." "Ally, I don't mean to come at this the wrong way, but how could you've grown up in a place like this." "Waropia didn't always look like this, it was once a beautiful multi sunlit world, a place of peace and joy, but all that changed when my father sent me away, since then, he's turned waropia into a battle torn world." "Whoa." "Yes, and Melinda was here to witness the whole thing." From the shadows. "Did someone say my name?" A figure stepped out into the open to reveal a blonde woman. Realizing what she was seeing, her eyes widened. "Ally? Ally butterfly? I can't believe it, your back!" "Hey Melinda, its so good to see you." "Nice to see you haven't been corrupted like your father." "That is partially thanks to my being part of a team of heroes, and right now, were answering your distress signal." "What, I didn't send any kind of signal." "What, then who could've sent that message?" It took about five seconds for everyone time figure out what happened. "My father sent that signal." "And led us here." "Does king butterfly have any sort of rift collapsing crystal?" "Yes, one that he can turn in or off as he pleases." "Then this whole thing was a trap, he's likely activated it." "Let's just hope we can still access our powers here." "Yeah, otherwise we are toast." Melinda suddenly heard footsteps, at walking speed. In a whisper. "Scrap, we've been out in the open for too long, everyone follow me, we have to avoid the guards." She led the group into an alleyway, headed for a secret place.

    In a castle, king butterfly watched an array of monitors while one of his advisors came up to him. "Sir, the plan worked, the super iron avengers are here." "Excellent, make sure the rift crystal is set to collapse mode." "Yes sir." "Soon, my dastardly daughter will be at my side once again, ruling with an iron fist over waropia, let the war begin."

The super iron avengers are back in action, in another dimension, what does king butterfly have planned for his daughter? Where is Melinda leading the team? Find out, as the adventure begins again.

To be continued.

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