Iron adventures in the second dimenson 8

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The dark iron avengers are at it again, and the super iron avengers have a plan to stop them for good.

    Thanks to their stick-to-it-ness personality in corporates into the boots of their suits. Dan and Allie were able to scale the tallest tower of the castle while not being seen by anyone. "Wow, the view from up here is fantastic." "Yeah, even during a war, waropia looks beautiful with all the lights and everything." "And you can see the whole city from here." "And all the villages immediately surrounding it." They came up to an overhang that was perched below a window. "Alright, this is it." They climbed into ally's room. In front of them were the rift, and disablizer crystals. "Alright, I'll disable the crystals Allie, you go get that book and pen." "Alright." They went to work.

    In the valley, things were going a heck of a lot better then last time the two teams fought, even though the super iron avengers were missing some members. "So you CAN fight after all, though in the end, your all just worthless pieces of trash!" Jeremy and Casey were fighting dark iron America. "Save the trash talk." "Yeah, for garbage day!" They fired their elemental pistols at him when he least expected it. "Argh, now, I'm angry!" Dark iron America quickened his attacks. As did the rest of the dark team.

    Back in the tall tower. Dan and Allie met up at their entry/exit point. "I got the book and pen, thank god dad didn't find it first." "And I smashed the two crystals into pieces." "Then let's go help the others." They jumped out the window and ran back down the side of the tower.

    Back in the valley. "Legendary source, iron force!" The dark iron avengers went super iron mode. Before the super iron avengers could react, the dark avengers summoned their dark cannon. "Dark cannon, fire!" Another direct hit. The super iron avengers went down to the ground. "Ha ha ha, once again, you prove to be easily defeated." Several laser blasts came down from the side, hitting the dark iron avengers. All eyes turned to the source, and they saw Allie and dan. "It's Allie and dan!" "Perfect, all the super iron avengers defeated at once, fantastico." "Just try it you cone faces, dan, you'd better give me some room." Dan ran down to the others. "Now let's see what this spell can do. SOMOIRE UNISO CATASTROS!" As she spoke, she began drawing a symbol using the magic pen. She then smacked it from the side and completed the incantation. And that's when things got interesting. The symbol produced a live metallic horse that seemed like the kind of creature you do not want to mess with. The horse split apart into arm, leg and chest attachments that attached to Ally's body, the finished product was ally in her stallion battlizer mode. "Stallion knight, battlizer ready!" The other super iron avengers eyed the new battle gear. "Whoa." "Amazing." "Awesome." Ally launched into the air and began flying towards the dark iron avengers. "Speaking of awesome, check it out!" Using her new arm blades that extended from her arms, she struck each dark avenger with deadly precision.

Ally has become the stallion knight with a brand new battlizer. Stay tuned, as the balance of power shifts dramatically in favor of the light side.

To be continued.

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