Iron adventures in the second dimenson 18

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Jeremy is in a peculiar dream state, while the super iron avengers, or what's left of them, battle the beetle.

    The beetle fired his blasted again, but the remaining megazords dodged with ease this time. "Guys, we need to finish this!" "Agreed, let's stop playing games, and use our most powerful attack!" "Universal ultimate multi blast!" They fired on the beetle, completely annihilating him. "Yes, we did it." "Now let's go check in on Jeremy."

    In dreamland, Jeremy was in a dark area where there was a celestial being was speaking to him. "Jeremy, the time has come for you to press on with your destiny." "What do you mean, who are you?" "I am alpha trion, master archivist of the hall of records, seer of the future, and bestower, of the matrix of leadership." "The matrix of what?" "The matrix of leadership, a ancient relic with unimaginable power, you just have to locate it, to unlock its true power." "And how do I do that?" "Once you here the call of the matrix, you'll know." Alpha trion then vanished and Jeremy regained consciousness in a jolt. Due to this jolt, he sat up instantly. "Whoa that was intense." The rest of the team arrived. "Jeremy, how're you feeling?" "Fine, but I had a vision where this guy named alpha trion told me that it was time to bestow something called the matrix of leadership on me." Cohut and Melinda suddenly gasped. "Did you just say..." "......the matrix of leadership?" "Yeah, why?" Cohut ran for the nearest computer and started typing. "The matrix of leadership is a powerful relic that, when combined with the power of excelsior, can erase Unicron from ultimate existence." "Whoa, seriously?" "Yeah, though it's also said to only reach out to a being from the planet cybertron." The first 13 super iron avengers immediately recalled facing down the decepticons, who were from cybertron. "Wait, if the matrix is said to only reach out to a cybertronian, then, wouldn't that create the possibility that, I am a cybertronian?" "Yes, or a descendent of a direct cybertronian." "And if that's true, then that possibility applies to Casey and Craig too!" Jeremy, Casey and Craig were frozen with shock. "That just can't be true, we heard our hearts pumping blood from day one, cybertronians have sparks that pump energon." "Then maybe we should let a CAT scan decide."

    On the super star destroyer. "Argh, this is the 50th time we've lost to those fools. Is there no one that can bring me their heads?!" Suddenly, a purple spirit rose up from the floor. "All hail Unicron!" Everyone got down on one knee and bowed. "Lord unicron, what an unexpected surprise..." "Silence, there is an urgent matter, that must be dealt with at the utmost importance." "Whatever it is m'lord, I assure you, I will carry out your wishes." "I need you to head to cybertron." "For what master?" "To annihilate the one thing that could destroy me, the matrix of leadership." "It has awakened?" "And it's calling out to the one they call super iron America." "Sir, I think a more effective strategy would be to..." "I do not care for your thoughts, you carry out my order, or risk termination!" "Yes master, it will be done."

Wow, the family tree of Jeremy Casey and Craig is really messed up for them, they find out something else about their heritage. And will the matrix of leadership reach out to Jeremy again before unicrons forces get to it? Find out, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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