3》Tumbling on something soft.

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Emily's POV:

As I rounded around the tree, a beautiful scene captured my eyes. My gaze was held prisoner by the enchanting mirror that lay on the forest floor.

If not for the glittering gold and silver strands curling elegantly along its borders, one would surely think of it as a small puddle of purest water in the middle of a clearing, surrounded by thick huge trees, deep in the forest.

It was laying flat on the floor with its shining face admiring the twinkling sky. Multiple tiny leaves were dancing around it, forming a beautiful wreath. A glow seemed to encase it like fog, providing a barrier of sort.

A hum was resonating around in the air which was making every tiny particle in my body feel alive. It was making my heart thrum with its pace.

An enchanting symphony swirled in the air, so alluring that I felt like letting loose and dancing with the leaves that twirled with no care in this ever competing world. It was calling me. To be free.

And as my eyes drank the carefree display of nature my heart was in a tizzy. My feet started moving by themselves, carrying me towards the wondrous place. But as I approached, my intrusion wasn't minded. As if the magical ritual was blatantly ignoring me.

Or you might be a part of it. A soft voice whispered in my head. A loud gasp left my lips at the sudden, unexpected suggestion.

A gleaming golden plate seemed to extend at the bottom of the mirror. Something was engraved on it with bold letters and curiosity to know it started brewing in me.

I found myself cleaning it with my bare hands to make the inscriptions readable. The words started clearing and my curious heart jumped in delight.

IFRA calls...

The land ahead

Is in a frozen state.

The words were confusing, but also encouraging me to go on and find the other words. What land? And who is IFRA?

My children caged

With hope they wait.

My hands were all dirty by now but they didn't even decrease their pace. My heart was beating erratic and my thoughts were all jumbled trying to process the words.

A beacon of light

Is the purest soul

It was pure torchure as I wasn't able to read it as fast as I wanted to. The ethereal glow that the mirror emanated was my only source of light except for the moon.

But it is hard to be right

For it might take a toll.

And the moment the last word escaped my mouth everything slowed. The nature around seemed to be anticipating something. The humming amplified and the glow was increasing to become a blinding light.

The heart in my chest was hammering at an alarming rate. The breath that I released was in shocked puffs. The eyes in my face had grown to the size of pumpkin, in amazement and shock. Even the soul in me was scared.

As I awaited for that something to happen, for which even the nature anticipated, a sudden orange light flared from the glassy depths of the mirror in front of me. The metallic strips spiralling around the mirror were throwing a bluish hue. Both awe and terror captured my heart in its cruel grip.

Mystique woodsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora