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|| ~DINAKIN~ ||

~Pixie like creatures.

~Glow with the colours that hints to the abilities they have.

|| ~FRILIK~ ||

~Huge butterflies.

~Have the ability to camouflage {an animal's natural appearance which allows it to blend in with its surroundings}

~Wings can change colour as and when it wishes.

|| ~DANKRI~ ||

~Puffy, flying creatures with a poisoned stinging tail.

~Similar to bees.

~Can handle and access any poison.

|| ~FIRNOZA~ ||

~Bird shifters.

~Practice magic.

~Can wield the element- wind, on will.

|| ~KHARUKI~ ||

~Rabbit shifters.

~Element is soil.

~Can dig tunnels for a long distance using magic.

|| ~SIMHORAS~ ||

~Lion shifters.

~Stupendous strength.

~Control over blood and wounds.

|| ~WOLOVAN~ ||

~Wolf shifters.

~Great agility.

~Best trackers.

~Pack leaders.

~Control over blood and wound, like Simhoras.

|| ~Catiol~ ||

~Cat shifters.

~Sharp, blade like claws.

~Very wise. Great planning skills.

|| ~NAGAURA~ ||

~Snake shifters.

~Can slither and slip through the smallest crack or crevice.

~Can access and handle pioson like, Dankris.

|| ~DEVILORE~ ||

~Dragon shifters.

~Most dangerous creatures of Dieennyx.

~Element is fire.

~Prefer living in secluded areas.



Hello, my lovely, strange creatures.

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You csn also message me if you want to ask anything. I would try to reply as soon as I can.

Still waiting for your comments!


Love you all,

-Pree ♥

Mystique woodsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora