Chapter 2

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"Hi, my name is Urushihara Hanzo, I'm the new student here..." Urushihara said in a small voice. The front desk manager looked up at him, her hard gaze softened once she saw how timid he looked.. 'His parent said he may have anger issues, but I don't think he'll be a problem...' She smiled at him.

"Hello Mr. Urushihara! It's nice to meet you! My name is Aname Ruko, but you can call me Ruko-Sensei, I am the main office assistant." She noticed how Urushihara visibly tensed and even flinched a little while she talked. She kept smiling

" Nice to meet you too, I guess..." He trailed off still looking down. The boy standing at the counter sneered an awful, rotten grin the made urushihara shiver. 

"This nice young man is Bryce. He's one of our sophomores, I chose him to walk you around the school, and take you to all of your classes. You'll be in the easier classes, since were still assessing your skill level." Said Ruko-Sensei, still smiling that sickeningly happy smile. 

Urushihara simply flashed her his nicest look and nodded, then gathered all of the necessary objects for the day. Things such as his schedule, lock, locker combination, locker number, and his gym uniform. 

After, he and the boy he learned to be 'Bryce' left the room. First they walked to his locker and opened it up. There was already someone else's belongings inside, so Urushihara had to shove his stuff on the top shelf, which he could barely reach.

"So you have a locker partner... That means you'll have to share the space with some one else... You understand?" Bryce asked as he grinned at Urushihara's obvious discomfort in the top shelf. Urushihara turned to look at the taller boy and frowned.

"I'm just new to this school, not stupid. I can take care of myself and I can probably understand more now than you probably will in your whole life." Urushihara finished his sentence with a smirk of his own. Wrong move, because now, Bryce was angry. He leaned over Urushihara, who's gaze was unaltered. 

"You should realize what kind of mistake you just made. You're an idiot for trying to one up me. I'm actually one of the smartest people here, so you can't make fun of my intelligence." Then his fist swung to connect with Urushihara's face faster than you could count to one. It never made contact though, someone had blocked it from happening. Urushihara just registering what had happened, blinked and turned to the guy standing there.

"Oi, I don't like it when you pick on the new kids, Bryce. Leave him alone." The guy had red short hair, a tall build and green eyes. This became apparent to Urushihara when the man turned around to ask if he was okay. 

"Uh.... yeah.... I-I'm fine." He squeeked, suddenly sounding much smaller than when he told off Bryce. The man smiled and nodded. He turned back around to face Bryce who was now trying to yank his hand away from the new boy. 

"Apologize, Bryce." The red head said, his voice was cold and it held a lot of malice in his tone. Bryce sneered and jerked his hand away from the new guy. Urushihara hated calling him 'the new boy' or 'red head' but since he didn't know the guys name he didn't really have much of a choice. Bryce walked off and the boy turned around, looking Urushihara dead in the eye.

"You don't want to make him angry, he's not the nicest person and he has friends that are pretty strong..." He smiled at Urushihara. As the boy got a closer look at who he was addressing, he noticed that the demon general had a more feminine build, long beautiful purple hair, and eyes that seemed to hold a small amount of fear mixed in with boredom.

"So, what's your name?" The boy asked Urushihara. The fallen angel seemed to snap out of a daze, and looked up at the boy.

"I-It's Urushihara. Urushihara H-Hanzo," Lucifer didn't actually mean to come off as scared or small, but he did. The boy smiled and spoke in a softer tone.

"Nice to meet you Urushihara. My name's Drew. Last names aren't really important." Drew finished his sentence, beaming even more than he already was. Urushihara flinched when the boy held out his hand for Urushihara to shake.

"What's that matter, Urushihara, I don't bite." Said the more pleasing tone of Drew's voice. Reluctantly, Urushihara held out his hand and shook Drew's. He noticed that Drew's hand seemed to be rather cold, a hard contrast to his own. Drew started talking and was blabbing about something, but the purple-nett wasn't paying any attention. He kept thinking about how his first day had gone so far.

He had somehow managed to piss off a guy who had friends in clearly high places, a punch spead that could probably rivle Maou's, and a good reputation with the teachers. Yet, he had actually gained a 'friend-kinda-person-figure' as he likes to call it. well, this was going to be interesting. He was pulled out of his thoughts as Drew called out his name.

"So, what do you think?" Drew asked in his unusually higher voice. Urushihara looked up at the taller man, a questioning look plastered across his face. Drew made eye-contact  and seemingly got the message that he hadn't heard a word he had just said.

"You weren't listening, were you?" He asked in a slightly dissapointed voice. Urushihara felt a pang of guilt but pushed it aside to quickly explian himself.

"I-I didn't mean too. I just kind of space out sometimes, and I end up disappearing into my own head. It's completely involuntary and I'm really sorry I did that. What were you talking about?" His voice came out rushed and panicky, nonetheless he wanted to know what the 'Drew' boy was talking about.

"It's okay. I forgive ya. I know a lot of people that space out a lot, so I'm used to it. Hell, I even do it myself, quite a bit. Anyways, I wanted to ask you if you planned on joining the engineering or computer classes. Do you even like technology, you don't really seem like the type to really know how to work computers that well. Kinda like that Sasaki girl, in my English class." Urushihara felt himself cringe at the mention of Chiho but hid it well. 

"Yeah, I'm good with computers. I may not be able to pass at this school, but I can manage them. Oh, and 'that Sasaki girl' has a name. It's Chiho..." He said his voice kept getting smaller. 

"Pardon, I'll now refer to her as 'Chiho'. Also, I'm doing the computer course and, I would love it if you would join. Even if it's just for this semester. So what do you say? Are you gonna join?" Drew asked in a chipper voice. Urushihara thought for a moment then, looked down.  He looked up a moment later, a small glint in his eyes.

"U-um sure. Why not?" His voice was small and happy. Something it hadn't been in a really, long time. Drew smiled ear to ear and nodded his head.

"That's amazing! Since you're my friend, you can hang around me and all of my other friends which have joined the computer elective. Which is only like," He started counting on his fingers, "It's only like two other people... But their really nice, I promise!" And with that Drew dragged Urushihara into the administration office. 

They got the form to join and signed everything that they needed. Urushihara stuffed it into his back pack so that Maou could sign it when he got home. 

"Okay, so what's you schedule?" Drew asked, once they were outside the office.

"Um.... I have English right now, next is science, then math, lunch, social studies, then I have a thing call elective, next is study hall, then history...." Drew nodded and smiled a little.

"Well you have, English with me, and math, lunch, elective you'll have with me once you sign up for the computers course, so yeah. You have some classes with me but for your other classes you'll have to fend for yourself. Also, for lunch we meet up on the roof."

With that they began walking to their English class. Conversation was made,  and Urushihara felt actually wanted for the first time in so long. He felt relief and happiness wash over his features and, he almost smiled. Almost. But he didn't. And he didn't know why.

Regardless he pushed that feeling away and  slowly carefully making sure not to let Drew get to close, and let his guard down. But he felt good. For the first time in the ten months he's been in the earth land, he felt happiness consume his bones.

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