Chapter 3 - The Mutual Friend

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Chapter 3 - The Mutual Friend

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!"

Mikael stared lazily at the girl he had known since he was a child with barely concealed amusement who was scowling ferociously at him.

"You ditched me yesterday for some fluffy chit you saw at a club a few nights ago? Rude!" Kat huffed and childishly threw a french fry in his direction.

Fortunately for him, it landed on the table before sliding to the ground.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm apologising now, aren't I? I'm buying you lunch."

"Bitch," Kat sneered and leaned back in her seat. "You were already supposed to buy me lunch yesterday."

He snorted but refrained from saying anything even though he didn't recall agreeing to that. But to dispel that notion, Kat would have his head.

"So?" Kat chewed her fries obnoxiously, clearly knowing how much he hated it. "What's her name? Who is she?"

He sneered. "I think it's none of your business."

"Fuck you. You ditched me for her yesterday. You're a really shitty friend." Kat declared, brown eyes giving him a disdainful glare.

"I told you I'm sorry," he replied soothingly and this time, a french fry landed on his lap. "You're behaving like a child," he growled.

Kat ignored him and rested her chin on her palm. "You can make it up to me by telling me who she is and where did you meet her."

Mikael stared at her, knowing that there was no way he could leave without giving Kat what she wanted. She was ridiculously stubborn. However, he didn't want to say much. Whatever that was between him and Lexi was new and he didn't want anyone butting in and ruining it.

Knowing Kat, she would do all that she could to track her down and conduct an interrogation. No, it was best to stay silent and give minimal details.

He wouldn't even mention the club that they had been attending that night.

The funny thing was, he had totally met Lexi by chance. He wasn't even supposed to be at that particular club last night but there was some business that had suddenly came up and he had been quite irritated at being there.

Until he saw her.

The way she moved about in the crowd screamed elegance and she had a regal quality to her that he couldn't quite name entirely.

Someone like her didn't particularly belong in a place like this.

Impulsively, he'd approached her.

What he didn't expect was the big pair of eyes to be directed at him. What he also didn't expect was the skepticism that appeared in those eyes of hers when he slipped her his number on a napkin.

She had the elegance of a ruling queen but the reservations of a nun. Subtly, he could pick up the slight discomfort from her in being in environments such as the club they were in.

The constant fidgeting was a tell-tale sign. That coupled with the conservative outfit she had on screamed total innocence to him. Where the other patrons of the club were dressed provocatively, baring almost everything they had to offer, she was almost covered from top to toe.

However, he had to admit that that was one of the things that caught his attention.

The other thing that caught his eyes was the discomfort that she wore like second skin of being in the club.

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