Chap 27

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Tori's P.O.V

"I guess my arm did a number of damage on ya.. huh?" I joked nervously as I slowly pointed towards Tam's bruise.

Good thing Tam didn't get a serious injury.

But she did had a few of her face muscles.. damaged. But the doctor only recommended long rest and stuff like that.

No surgeries or anything.. so it made me feel relieved.

She 'hmph'ed away from me. I could tell that she was still a bit salty for what I've done.

I could feel my crippling depression crawling on my back as she walked away.

I felt someone tug on my real hand, I looked down and saw Torm wearing a worried expression.

"Apologise to Mom, Dad." He whispers as he points at Tam who was walking a bit ahead from us. The way Torm actually called me 'Dad' made me feel a bit Mad but at the same time Happy?.. I don't know.

It somehow made me felt something.

I carried him with my robotic arm and whispered to his ear, "I did something very wrong.."

He nodded, "I know Dad. I can see that. Just apologise." Torm says as he tugs on my shirt and points at Tam. I sighed and nodded.

I walked up beside Tamara very nervously. I didn't want her running away from me again.

"Tam look I--"

"I forgive you. Now stop trying." She muttered, I paused in my tracks as both of me and Torm shot glances at each other,

"She's on her period.. isn't she?" I whisper to Torm, now I know telling kid's things about this is.. a bit weird. But.. he's in our family now.

It gives me the right to teach him whatever I want. Even inappropriate stuff.

Torm nods as he cups his cheeks, "Yes, she is. It might be better if you take her to the grocery store and buy her chocolates. And--"

"Pads." I finished before we both fist pumped in 'victory' or some sort.

Not noticing Tam was watching the both of us all along. Both of us stiffened,

"T-Tamara! We were just--" I was cut off when she giggled while covering her mouth.

I loved how her eyes of black just lits up like the night sky when she laughs..

"Is it too late to say sorry?" I joked as I kissed her bruise gently and pull her closer. She playfully pushed me away, "Okay fine. You got me."

"Yay! We're buying chocolates!!" Torm happily chirped as I held Tamara's hand and walk towards our car.

If I were to say.. we actually looked like a real family. I love it.

Few hour's later~~

Tamara parked the car on our garage and went over to my side of the car to open the door for me.

I was still carrying Torm who was asleep. So it was hard for me to move properly..

Tamara quietly closed the car door behind me. Then she walked beside me while carrying the groceries,

"Tam.. who exactly did you call to watch over the house? I mean.. isn't Tom and Tord there?" I whisper to Tam, not wanting to wake Torm up.

"Oh. Edd. He's a pretty cool dude. And reliable." She replied as she reaches over to the doorknob. Twisting it then realizing it was locked,

"Edd? Wait.. are you saying that Tom and Tord aren't reliable?"

"Well for one.. I've had personal experiences with Tom. I know he's not the one you'd actually want to watch over your house." She replied confidently as she reaches out the keys in her pockets.

I grab her hand to make her look at me,

"And why is that?" I asked quietly,

"Well I mean.. if you want your house to be burn down in flames then it's your choice."


"Plus, Tord? He's gonna be like you." She slowly takes my hand off of hers before unlocking the door. Then she smirks at me. I glare at her,


"Yup. For example.." she opens the front door quite loud to make an perfect example,

"You leave the door unlocked. Giving possibilities of serial killers, well except you, intruding inside." Tamara walks in confidently.

I chuckled as I walk in after her, I mean she isn't wrong.. all of what she said was true.

"And now with Edd. I'm sure everything is all great..." Tamara paused when she saw that our whole house...

Was sparkling clean.

Our gazes shifted when we noticed that the three males were sitting separately from each other.

Like.. all three were sitting very apart from each other, Tom was in the middle, Edd was on his right and Tord was sitting on his left. Below them were cleaning supplies.

Edd and Tord were glaring at each other while seemingly panting. Tom looked very uncomfortable in between both of them.

We stared at them for a couple of minutes until we actually had the guts to finally ask,

"Uhh... Tom? Care to explain?" I asked, Tom jolted up in surprise as he finally noticed the three of us standing by the door.

"I have no idea what actually happened... Tord challenged Edd in a cleaning contest. Then they cleaned the house..  I don't know why.."


This one's short.. Sorry ~qvq~ I'm a noodle)

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