chapter 42

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*Brittany POV*

When i got out of the shower i thought to my self,why am i making such a big deal about this,im use to being forgotten...I know what i need to do..i got out of the shower,got dressed.I came out of my room,and noticed both jack's had smiles on there faces.Hey guys im goimg to go take a walk on the beach.Can we come?? guys i need sometime to my self,i kissed them both on the cheek and headed to the beach.

*Shawn POV*

The drive home was quiet,until i said something,HOW DARE YOU GUYS DO THAT TO BRITTANY,and cameron you should really be ashamed of your self since she is your sister.What are you talking about we didnt do anything to brittany!!.YES YOU DID ALL OF YOU DID,WHEN SHE NEEDED YOU THE MOST YOU DIDNT LISTEN and she was only 5 minutes away!!! What happend cameron asked,ONE OF YALL FANS WERE TALKING MEAN TO HER,BUT BEFORE SHE COULD REPLY SHE THEW HER DRINK ALL OVER BRITTANY.IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY.And yet not one of you looked up from your phones.We didnt know shawn, carter said with his voice cracking alittle.SHE WAS 5 MINUTES AWAY HOW COULD YOU HAVE NOT!!!.The rest of the drive home was silent..

When we got home all the boys rushed in the door.

*Jack and Jack POV*

When we heard running foot steps up the stairs,jackG and i looked at eachother,when all of the sudden the door slams open and all the boys are standing there..WHERE IS BRITTANY,they all asked but me and jack didnt say a word.Jacks tell me were my sister is,cameron said yelling with his voice cracking.WHY WOULD WE TELL YOU!! SO YOU GUYS CAN HURT HER AGAIN!!!..Jack were is she?? matthew said with anger,we are not going to tell you,and we are not going to tell you even if we wanted to...Why?? they all asked.Because she said that she wanted alone time to herself...Fine jack two can play this game!! Hey guys cameron said split up and look for her!!! we need to find her.. They all spread out around the house,neiborhood,parks.I whispered in jackJ hear "hey they are going to the beach,what do we do" dont panick brittany has a hidding place on the beach,i said with a grin on my face..

*Brittany POV*

When i was walking along the beach i was thinking again about everything that happend today.Maybe the girl at the mall was right.. then i started crying,i sat down on the beach because i couldnt see anymore from the tears..Hey are you ok brittany,nash asked with a consined look on his face,ya im fine just another rough day again,well i just wanted to tell you that the guys are looking for you,uhhh ok please dont tell them im down here,i wont.As nash walked away i was still crying until i felt me being pulled in to a hug,it was nash.Its ok brittany im here as he was brushing my with his hand.I thought u were going to the house with the guys?? i asked him, i was but then i thought "why would i do that while i could hold a beautiful girl like you in arms" thank you nash,as a smile was appearing on my face.he put his arm around me shoulder pushing me closer to him i liked it.. Until i heard my name being called,nash thank you for conferting me i needed it,as my name got close and close. I grabbed nash's hand and we ran the opposite direaction.Were are we going brittany?? nash asked,to my secret hide out on the beach.When we got to my secret hide out nash and i were still holding hands oh sorry nash,as i let go of his hand.No brittany i liked it he said smiling and he grabbed my hand..we cuddled for about an hour or two when i looked at my phone i had

7 calls from mat

10 calls from cameron

18 texts from carter

13 calls and text from taylor

I looked at the clock and it read 12:45am hey nash we better start heading back its almost one in the morning. Ok bae,i reached for his hand to help up and we talked all the way back to the house still holding hands.. I stopped at the back door i took a breath and walke in...

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