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Song Il Laa's POV
It finally end.

The end for attending to this stupid school.

The end for getting bullied.

The end for people to called me crazy.

I no longer can stand it.

People had been going call me "crazy" eversince someone caught me talking to my imaginary friend in the restroom.

Even my parents thought that im crazy and they have tried to send help for me.

Im no kidding. I did really have an imaginary friend everysince i was born.

Sometimes i really want to get rid of it

but ..

most of the time he was there with me and talked to me when things dont go well.

Yes. He was there, my imaginary friend Jun

He was tall and goodlooking man.

I have once hoping i would have a boyfriend exactly like Jun.

But yeah .. who wants me if they knew i had an imaginary friend.

- Time Skip (The next year when Il laa has entered her university) -

"Finally! Im done" i said, looking myself in the mirror

suddenly Jun appears

"Hey pretty! You're ready for today?" Jun asked

"Aish you scared me everytime you did that" I said glaring at Jun

"Ehe mian" Jun give me a bright smile

"Hmm, actually im afraid" i said in an upset tone

"of what?" Jun asked

"What if i mess up here? like before .." i said worriedly

"Hey Ils. Dont be worried, scared or nervous. Everything going to be fine. I'll looked for you from far. Dont worry. Just dont mind me" Jun comforting me

"Thanks Jun, really wish i could give you a hug tho" i giggled a lil bit

- Time Skips (at school) -

Whoaa there's a lot of people in the hall, it was packed!

Suddenly i see Jun near a group of boys

wait .. he's TALKING?

is he actually talking .. TO THE BOYS?

When i was on my way to approach him, someone called my name and i turned around



then i turn back and see another Jun


so i go to Jun

i mean the Jun who called me

and i go to the parking lot at my car

i get in and acting im having a phone call


"Hey, i dont expecting this but ...."

-To be continued-

Imaginary Friend || Jun UNB fanfic Where stories live. Discover now