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Human Jun's POV
Its the second day of school

i still cant believe it that i finally found my servant with jiejie

i took a ride with Hansol hyung to school bcs i havent got my driving licences yet

"Goodmorning" i entered Hansol hyung red car

"Do you know where is Chan house is?" He asked

"Yeap, its 3blocks away from here. Why?" i replied

"Oh nothing, it just that he needs a ride to school. He's car broke down last night he told me" hyung explained

so hyung drive and arrived at Chan's house

"Call him" Hyung said

"Hold on" i went out of the car and knocked Chan's front door

"Oh? Hyung?" Chan said

"Bello" I waved

Then we both enter the car and hansol hyung start to drive

on our way to school

"I know you like her" Hansol hyung suddenly said

"Who?" Chan asked

"Jun know who it is" Hansol hyung smirk

"Me??" I furrowed my eyebrows

"Ayyy, dont hide it please. You know who im talking about

"Hah?" Still curious abt what hyung is talking about

"Aish this pabo. Don't even know your own feelings" he said

"Ahhh hyung!" i raised my voice

"hmm, im talking about il laa. Song. Il. Laa. Got meh?" he shake his head

my heart suddenly feels something weird.

did i like her?

or is it bcs of she's my jiejie?

i dont even know my own feeling


"Nahh, we're just friend" i smiled

-Time skip-

we arrived at school and go our own ways

i went to my locker to get my books

oh? Its Ils

im wondering where's my servant

i take my books from the locker and went to her


"Oh? Hi! Morning" she waved

she take her books and closed her locker

"lets" she said

and we both when to our class which is organic chemistry

oddly, every subject she took, i took it as well

but meh, maybe it just coincidence

we both sit together at two empty sit which is next to each other

Our chemistry teacher came


he said our class has to go to the counselor room

then we all went there

we saw other hansol hyung and the others

as we arrived the counselor asked us if we know whats going on

each and everyone of use shakes our heads

the counselor explained that today is going to be a session talking about our grief we been through

idk why but maybe this is a tradition for this school

many people hesitate for awhile and then start to warm up with each other and start to share their grief

some cried some not

many people have passed

finally, its ils turned

i was shocked by what she said

"I've been called crazy for talking to myself meanwhile i was talking to something before i came here"

why did she said something instead of somebody?

is she talking about .. my servant?

Song Il Laa's POV

"Hye Jun, its Ils. What do you mean by Imaginary friend? do you have one too?"







*backspace backspace backspace, erase all

im too afraid

pftt whatever i just act cool

instead of making human Jun thinks that im crazy

-Time skip-

I saw Jun was at his locker

i wanted to go to him after i finished taking my staff in the locker

but instead, he came to me first

omo omo omo

he looked so damn beautiful

with that light coloured hair

i swear if i could, i want to play with his hair

oh shit

am i fangirling?

then we talked and headed to our chemistry class

But the next thing we know, we have to go to the counselor

we saw other boys from another class

Then, the couselor expained what we are going to do and people start warming up with each other

i thought

just maybe

maybe i can tell people here about the grief i had eversince that bullies bullied me

it was my turn

"so what are you going to tell us ms. Illaa?" the counselor said

"I've been called crazy for talking to myself meanwhile i was talking to something before i came here"








but i only managed to say that in my mind

if only i had that courage to tell people the truth

-To be continued-

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