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"Why did you need troops, my son?" Ongji said

"y-y-your highness" i stuttered

"J-jie-jiejie was caught" I explained

"Caught by who?"


My father looked stunned

my father turn his back on me

"Meet me now at the library" He said to me

"The rest of you may dismiss"

"Yes father"

-Time skip-

At the library

"What do u mean by the witches caught your wife?"

"My wife .. is not a real human"

".......when did you know?"

"f-f-father .. you-you-you knew?"

my father turn his head away


Song Il Laa's POV

"WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME YOU MONSTERS???!" i shouted to that thing i suppose? its not a human

what are they?

i shouted many times but they didn't do anything

they just .. silence

until .....

a man figure came in

he seems like normal human tho


"Hello, queen"

"Emm, hi? i suppose"

oh how can dumb i can be


"wait, did u just say im queen? i know im THAT pretty but im not a queen lol"

"Yes you are, the Queen Of Wizards. Oh you might be forget everything after you were reborn. What i mean by reborn was sent to Earth"


"Yes, and now-"

"wait can you tell me what happen here because im kinda lost. i mean who doesn't?"

after hours of storytelling

i found an unexpected and shocking stories of me

especially the story that was about .. Jun

to sum up the story that freak told me

In my past life, i was found by Jun's mom. I grew up in this odd world by his mom till i was 3y/o and i was sent to the Earth to live a normal life till Jun found me

After we fall in love with each other, we decided to get married and then one day, i was sent to Earth again and from that, i lost all my memories abt this world and sort of rebor

As for my imaginary Jun, who was with me for my whole life was actually the human's Jun servant who was supposed to take care of me. Thats explained why i have him in my life

after that, that freak took a knife and point it to me

"Well, sorry queen but it useless tho if you knew your background now bcs soon, you'll be dead"

oh shit WHAT???? DEAD???


"yes, any last words Queen?"

i saw Jun behind some boxes and he gives me the 'shushhhh' sign

I looked back to the freak

"Nope, bcs this is not going to be my last words"


Right then, Jun hit him with a stick i guess? but it was strong enough to make him faint

and then the freak's man started to fight with Jun and thats when Jun's soldiers came in and fight

i wish i had a popcorn tho to enjoy this fight i mean when will i has a chance to see this again right?

To be continued

*Hey! sorry for the late update and short chapter but im still trying to find the time to update a longer chapter hehe hope you enjoy reading this!

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