the answer

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im sorry I haven't posted for a long time. I was ill. for the last 4 months.  if you don't want to waste time I'd advise u not to read it. sorry.....


 I sat up. Did I hear that correctly? No my ears must be messed up. My mother died when i was a few months old. So they said, the social workers. Miss Lean can't be my mother. Can she? I just sat there staring at her in the eyes. Hazel brown, just like mine. I studied her face carefully and then it hit me. We had the same shaped eyebrows and nose.  For gods sake we are the same spiecies aswell. All of this made me realise. She was my mother. A tear dropped from my eye and onto my lap. My mother. She nodded. 

" But... they told me you were dead!" I started to cry.

" I am truly sorry but it was for the best. I know that this is a lot for you to bear, but I couldn't tell you earlier.  You must understand that I am so sorry. " She replied handing me a tissue.  I nodded. 

it wasn't her fult. she only wanted what was best for me.

I remembered that the twins were waiting for me in the dorm. " How long was I out?" I asked.

" A few hours", she replied. 

I sighed. " I need to get back to the dorm. The twins will be worried about me."

she smiled. a sad smile. " I will try to change this. ok. " I nodded. 

I walked out of the room. I couldn't take all of this in. Miss Lean.  My mother? Well it's a big universe. Anything can happen.

this is bad. I don't even know why I'm posting this. It's short. sorry guys :(

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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