Chapter 26

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Slick and Alex return to the TimeTwister where Dr. Tropy and Cortex were playing chess, Coco and Tawna were talking to each other and Crash taking a nap.

"Ah, Slick, Alex, you're back" Dr. Tropy said, moving a pawn up the board.

"Is everything okay since we were gone?" asked Alex.

Zane walked in the room, drinking out of a white mug, adjusting his glasses. "Tropy and Cortex been playing chess. Tropy winning everytime."

"No he didn't" Cortex whined.

"Checkmate" Tropy said, defeating Neo's king with a pawn.

"Crash been sleeping. The only thing is Coco and Tawna. They argue about the past and even though Coco is not okay about working with her, Tawna agree to not speak to her brother. Also I interrgated Pinstripe to find out Nina's plan at Hurricos."

"This sounds like a missing chapter."

Alex took out a script for Slick and Alex: TimeTwisters, flipping the pages and saw a chapter ripped out of it. "It totally a missing chapter!"

"Well, our lovely author is too lazy to make a new chapter."

Russlonzo Bucx stop writing to reply to the guy. "Hey Zane, are you writing multiple stories at the same time? No. So shut up before I kill you off, okay? Good talk."

Zane only drank out of the mug that had the word "Lazy" on it.

"What did Pinstripe say?" Slick asked Zane.

"He said that with the five crystals, it would power up Uka Uka, making him unstoppible. But since we have two of the five and Nina with three crystals.

"But without all five, she will do anything if possible."

"With Aku Aku in her procession, we'll get the crystals back" Cortex said.

A portal appear and Scottie drop in with the crystal, handing it to Tropy. "So whats sup?"

"Listen ya'll. This is the final stop against Uka Uka and Nina Cortex. I've seen the world under Uka Uka power. Destruction, no civilization, no one or anything to stop him. Just a wasteland. Thats his world.

"I'll be damned that we just let him take this beautiful world and the inhabits that live here to be gone. We been through a lot these past couple of missions. But I know that all of us will fight till the end.

"This is our world and right now, we're the last line of defense. Now, its time to drink some courage juice and put on your brave face. Suit up everybody!"

Slick receive a standing ovation as he finished his speech. The Felinian put on his Metal Cat suit on with some upgrades, thanks to The Professor.

Alex put on his metal paws. The ice claws lashed out, sharp and ready to slice. Coco hand laser guns to Tawna, Zane, and Scottie.

"Man, I wish my real self would've made The Gold Zeo Morpher" said Scottie, remembering his creation of the Zeo Morpher to use.

Cortex looked at his ray gun, remembering pointing it at Nina. He wasn't able to shoot his daughter in point blank range. But this time if he doesn't fight back, she will without a second thought.

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