'Why does life have to be so complicated?' Was the first thought that popped into my head as Nathan kissed me. Now everyone is going to think I am a player, liking Laurence, Kenneth, Norkel, and now poor Nathan! I needed to make this clear to everyone and fast.
"Nathan" I say pulling away.
"Yes princess?" He says, the name making me blush but I continue with my thought.
"Please don't tell anyone about this" I ask. He looks at me in shock.
"Why not?" He asks in suspicion.
"I don't want people thinking I like almost every guy" I start to slightly beg.
"Then lets set your story clear" he says holding my hand.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks shyly. Tears start to form in my eyes.
"You'd be my first" I say slightly laughing.
"I'm willing to be the last as well" he jokes.
"But seriously will you?" He says still smiling.
"Yes" I say with the biggest smile on my face. He pulls me close with the arm he had available and hugs me close to his chest.
"Everyone will know your mine and no one will think your a player or cheater" he whispers to me. I hug him a little tighter, then release him.
"Good night J" he says.
"Night Nathan" I say before dashing to my front porch trying not to get wet. I get inside with a huge smile but it immediately dies into a frown when I hear screaming and yelling between my dad and my older brother Josh. They were yelling about wether he should go to college and leave his girlfriend behind which is sweet to me but he is 23, he needs to get out of here already.
"Keep it down. Step-mom will be home soon" I yell to them upstairs and their voices quiet down. My mom would kill both of them if she caught them fighting. I run downstairs to my room and unpack. I kick off my shoes and throw my backpack onto my bed. I check my phone and realize...
"I didn't get his phone number" I say to myself.
"Wait!" I say again. I get up and check my binder to find the invitation to the party tonight. It was from 7pm to 10pm, at Anthony's house, celebrating his half birthday but just to chill out and have fun. I start to think, Kenneth will be there, negative, but if Nathan is there, positive. I debate, I'm not going, I am going, I'm not, I am. I started to fight with myself, I finally decide I will go and avoid Kenneth but if Nathan isn't there I will leave. I get a little dressed up in this.
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I grab my coat and head out. It was 6:30 and it would take a while to get there. The rain lightened up a lot but I brought my umbrella just in case it got bad again. I walk there and end up arriving only 10 minites late. I show them my invitation so they let me in. I look around and immediately spot Kenneth flirting up a storm with Katie Miller! Katie Miller is the meanest girl in our grade! She used to hate Kenneth and I! Why is she being nice to him?! I start to rethink what I said, she hated Kenneth and I, she is being nice to him, she just hates me. I ignore him and fight back the tears that are starting to form in my eyes. I rush over and find Nathan walking with Sarah, I sigh in relief and walk over to them.
"Hey babe!" He says sounding happy to see me.
"Hi" I respond shyly. He puts his arm around me and holds me close as he continues to talk to Sarah.
"Anyway Sarah, yes, it is due Friday so you have all week but there are a lot of rules" he says.
"I know right" she says. She looks over at me in anger, I give her a slight confused look.
"I'm going to get some more soda" she says smirking at me as she leaves.
"Is she ok?" I ask Nathan.
"Yeah why?" He asks looking down at me very confused.
"She looked mad at me" I say looking back over at her. She is now talking to some other girls I absolutely hate. Cheyenne, Addison, and Nicole.
"I'm sure she is fine" he says rubbing my shoulder.
"Yeah" I assure myself. Out of the corner of my eye Kenneth and Katie, arms linked, heading outside. I look away and turn, pushing my face into Nathan's chest.
"What's wrong?" He asks putting down his drink and holding me. I gesture my hand to the window you can clearly see Kenneth and Katie flirting.
"Oh no J don't pay attention to him" he says running his hands through my hair and kissing the top of my head.
"I can't stand seeing you hurt" he whispers before releasing me and running outside. I dash to the window and watch Nathan run up to Kenneth and knock him out. I cover my mouth with my hands and look terrified at the scene of Kenneth out cold on the pavement and Katie yelling her voice out at Nathan.
"What the heck Nathan?!" She screams.
"He was hurting my girlfriend!!" He yells back pointing at me through the window. Katie runs as fast as she can at me with those six inch heels. I back up but she is able to grab the straps of my dress and shakes me.
"You had to break Kenneths heart and have your stupid boyfriend, which was my ex by the way, knock him out and break him physically! Have your little guardian finish your dirty work that your too weak to do yourself!" She is cut off when Nathan pulls her off causing me to fall to the floor.
"Put one more hand on her and you will be next!" Nathan yells at her holding her by her shirt.
************************************ I was a small, sad, bloody little six year old laying on the floor.
"Touch Jersey again and you will join mom!" My dad yelled at my older sister as he held her in the air by her shirt.
"Run Jersey!" Riley yells. I scramble to my feet and run as fast as I can down the street to Kenneths house. I could hear Rileys screams of pain and horror as I ran with blurry vision from my tears.
********************************* I get on my feet and run out the door. I ran as fast as I can across the street and into my neighbor hood. I could hear my sister screaming as I ran, I start to cry till I couldn't breathe. I broke down on that side walk gasping for air, struggling to get feeling in my body. Everything goes black and the last thing I heard was the honk of a car.
----------------------------------------------------------- Don't know what I'm going to do about that cliff hanger! Suggestions anyone? Help me out. Thanks!!💙💜❤💗💖