Chapter 4 (Jersey's POV)

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I could hear someone talking before I was even awake, like it was a dream with just words but it felt real.

"I'm so sorry Jersey" I hear with a crying male voice, it wasn't Nathan, it sounded like Kenneth but it couldn't have been. After what seems like at least an hour after hearing someone talking to me I get feeling in my legs. I start to shift them a little bit, I then start feeling my arms and the rest of my body. I force my eyes open and to my surprise all I could see was bright white.

"Am I dead? Is this heaven?" I ask jokingly yet seriously.

"Haha no J, your just in the hospital" a voice rings. I jump from shock sitting straight up in my bed. I look around me and see a dark figure in the corner sitting in a chair. I start to scream in fear.

"No no its ok" it says softly, coming slowly into the light, it was Nathan. I jump out of the bed and leap into his arms, ignoring the pain in my ribs.

"Jersey calm down its ok" he says hugging me ever so softly.

"What happened?" I choke out still crying.

"You were having a panic attack on the side of the road and car hit you while pulling into their drive way" he explains. My eyes are still flooding hot tears down my face.

"I had a flash back" I mumble.

"Its gonna be ok J" he says wiping away the tears on my face. I push away and back up running into a nurse.

"You need to lay down, you are really injured" she warns grabbing my arms.

I was kneeling next to my mom, lying cold and dead on the living room floor.

"You killed her! You monster!" I scream trying to rush up to my dad and punch him with all I had in that small body. I felt cold hands on my arms griping them tight.

"Calm down Jersey!" I heard Riley yell at me as she held me back. My dad approached us quickly with anger filling his expression. Riley throws me to the floor and fights him throwing punches here and there to keep him far from me.

I fell to the floor screaming as loud as I could, squeezing my eyes shut as tight as I could. It was hard to breath, my ribs ached, but I kept screaming. I kept screaming because I could hear Riley screaming, crying in pain. It scared me to hear my sister dying, especially when she was the only thing on this earth that taught me to love. All of the sudden I feel warmth around my body, I open my eyes and feel hot tears escape.

"Jersey can you hear me?" It was fatal but I could hear it.

"Take a deep breath for me love, in and out, nice and deep" it was still a whisper but I did as it told me. The panic around me grew into fear as reality was coming back to me. I start to breath heavy again and shut my eyes tight.

"Ignore the world J, you are safe now, just listen to my voice" it said again, I take a deep breath and I slowly open my eyes into real life. I was being held on the bed by Nathan, I heard the voice one last time as it spoke softly.

"I love you Jersey" I recognized the voice finally.

"I love you too Riley" I whisper aloud.

"J your awake" Nathan asks softly.

"Yeah, Riley helped me" I say. He ran his hand through my hair as I layed against his chest and closed my eyes. I fell asleep to a sharp pain in my side, drying tears on my cheeks, and short breaths. Only to meet her again.

"Hello baby sister" Riley stood there now 23. She was 14 and I was 5 last time I saw her and I'm 14 now so she would be 23.

"You've grown into a fine young lady" I say strutting towards her.

"Your one to talk" she says coming closer to me. I run up and hug her tight.

"Ive missed you" I start to cry.

"Hey! What's rule number 6 of the girl code?" She asked putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Sisters don't cry to sisters in times of joy" I mumble smiling and wiping away my tears.

"So you made it all the way to 14?" She asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Your talking to me, in a large bright white room with nothing in it, your dead aren't you?" She explains walking slowly in a circle around me.

"No...I shouldn't be!" I say starting to panic, what if I died?!

"I need to get back to Nathan! To Kenneth! To Sarah! I need to get back home!" I start to yell and panic, running around, pounding on the walls.

"Let me out!!!" I scream shutting my eyes tight.

"Jersey! Wake up!" I open my eyes and see I'm laying on a hospital bed with nurses all around me. Kenneth was being held back and forced out of the room.

"Kenneth!" I yell, everyone stopped and stared at Kenneth then me. They let him go and he rushed to my side.

"Kenneth" I say, its all I could choke out of my sore body.

"I'm never leaving you Jersey" he says starting to cry.

"Ever again" he says holding my hand tight and rubbing his thumbs gently on it. The docters still haven't moved, I look around at them and so does Kenneth, hinting them to leave. They don't move a muscle.

"I don't wanna leave you alone" Kenneth whispers to me.

"I will be ok Kenneth I promise" I whisper back to him. He kisses my hand and slowly gets up and leaves, looking back one last time before the door shuts behind him.

"Back up guys give her some space" I hear a male voice pushing through all the nurses standing around. They all take one look at him and huff off.

"My name is Docter Rojahn" he says slipping on some gloves.

"But your very cute so you can just call me Zach" he says smiling warmly at me. I smile nicely back.

"First of all I just need to say I understand girls fully, if anything is bothering you do not by shy to say so alright?" He asks lifting my head and pulling my hair back into a ponytail, which felt much better.

"Yes sir" I say jokingly smiling.

"I am going to look at your open wounds before we head into your lungs and rib cage just to check if you are in good shape before we think about doing any kind of surgery and such" he rambles getting some rubbing alcohol to help infection and some small bandages. He puts some water on a towel and taps it gently on my shoulder, I slightly flinch.

"Oh I'm sorry I know its gonna hurt" he says gently and continues to very softly rub my open wounds all around my neck and shoulders.

"So Zach" I start.

"Yes love?" He says still looking closely at my neck. I blush at his little nickname.

"How old are u? Not to be weird..." I mumble.

"No your totally fine princess I just turned 19" he says backing up and getting some more alcohol on the towel.

"How are you a Docter at 19? Don't you have to go through a lot of college and stuff" I ask.

"Well I skipped two grades so that gave me only half of high school and I was taking college courses while I was still in high school so I just got it all done quick" he explains. I nod in understanding and lay still as he starts cleaning my neck again.

"How old are you?" He asks.

"I'm 14" I say shyly.

"Awe don't feel ashamed sweetheart, your still young, live it while you can" he says backing up again. I thought very deeply about what he said, it meant a lot.

"I'm going to give you some sleepy stuff alright love?" He asks running his hand slowly down my cheek gently.

"Ok" I nod and take the pinkish liquid he gave me.

"Just a few more days my love, hang in there" he said before all I can remember is a black out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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