| Chapter Seventeen | Mage V.S. Mages

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Well...most of you know how my action scenes are written. I spend a lot of time on them to at least make them good. After all, action scenes are my favorite to write. So enjoy!

"Don't ever assume the worse of someone, there are always two sides to every story."

As soon as Seto got outside, he took off into the air. But a magic council guard appeared a few feet above him, his eyes widen, the guard smirked at him before Seto got whacked, crashing straight back down into the dirt, a dust cloud flying into the air when he hit the ground. Seto gritted his teeth.

"Seto!" He heard a recruit yell. Seto looked up, the guard coming down towards him with a spear. Seto gets his feet under him, jumping back making the guard miss but land on their feet. Seto flicked his wrist towards the guard, the guard put their forearm out in front of them, a shield forming making Seto's spell hit it. Seto tries to hit them again, but the shield took it. Seto wanted to take this fight out of the base, he didn't want to hurt a recruit since magic battles are unpredictable. Seto flicked his wrist again towards the guard, but just as his shield took it, Seto swiped his hand to the left, the spell went around the guard and struck them in the side making the guard fly to the right and hit a wall.

Seto flinched when an explosion took the Meeting Hall, it bursted in a fiery explosion on one side. He looked at it, like many others, the building starting to be eaten up by flames. Seto's eyes widen. 'Oh no.' Seto thought. Cassandra pushes through recruits, her eyes glowing as the wind started to pick up. Seto felt a hand grab his shoulder, pushing him backward, his eyes meeting with Halie's. Seto broke her hold as he fell on his back, his foot dug into her stomach, he kicked up making her flip over him and fall on her back. They both got up to their feet, Halie puts her hands on her hips.

"I'll admit, when I heard of who you are, I wasn't the least bit surprised," Halie said.

"Oh, did I not earn your trust? Too bad but I wasn't aiming for that or else I would have tried." Seto snapped. Halie shakes her head.

"You have no records of even going to a Master or an academy to learn your magic and yet you are this strong." She said. Both of their eyes glowed, their hands glowing an aura around them.

"I don't need a Master or a school to learn how to perform spells," Seto said.

"That's because you are a Dark Mage," Halie said before she fired a spell at him. Seto dodged it.

"Get out of this base," Seto growled.

"Make me," Halie said. Seto's eyes changed from dark purple to getting hints of an orange color as his eyes narrowed at her. Cassandra looks at Seto, seeing the change in his magic color. Her eyes widen. 'Oh no, he needs to calm down!' She thought.

"Cassandra!" Jason said as he pushed her down, he took a hit, recruits catching him. She sits up, Landon comes flying out straight towards her. Cassandra looks at him, she plants her hands on the ground, she pushed up, kick to the left, gravity seeming to push Landon to the left and crash into the ground. She stood up, she looked at Jason.


"I'm fine," Jason said getting up. Sky jumped out from the hole in the wall, he stumbled a little, coughing, parts of him covered with black smudges. The smoke from the fire took over the sky, Landon got back up, he coughs a few times too. Recruits went over to help Sky, Landon attacking Cassandra. Jason grabbed her arm, pulling her back when he saw her focus on Sky instead of Landon. 'The smoke from the fire must have messed Sky and Landon both up.' Jason thought.

The Ender Heir: Book One of the Heir Series: TeamcraftedWhere stories live. Discover now