| Chapter Eighteen | He Needs Help

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Reminder: Bolded Words Are Dragon Tongue Speaking...which is about all of the dialogue in this chapter...

"Friends make mistakes, it is how they make it right that matters."


"Did you have to knock him out?" A worried voice asks.

"Yes, you were not there. He was destroying everything." Another one spoke. Seto's eyes opened, his head was killing him, but he felt arms around him, holding him. He met eyes with Rosani. They both blushed and she lets go of him.

"H-Hey. How are you feeling? Better?" She asks. He looks around and coughed a few times, groaning as well. Rosani pushing him gently down on his back. They both are in her room, Asthie, Ty and Captain Derek there as well. Captain Derek uncrosses his arms.

"I say we kill him." Captain Derek said. Ty rolls his eyes.

"Of course you do," Ty said as he looked at Derek. Rosani puts her hand on Seto's arm.

"Something's wrong. Why is he not talking?" Rosani asks frantically. Captain Derek rolls his eyes. Asthie crawls over beside Seto, she puts her hands over him, her hands and eyes glowing pink. Rosani looks at Asthie and than at Seto. Seto felt the pain in his head fade away, but he still felt like he was gonna be sick. Ty moves over beside the bed.

"Calm down, Rosani," Ty said. Asthie lays down, putting her head on Seto's shoulder, her arms resting on his chest. Rosani smiles a little.

"The Council is looking for him." Captain Derek said. Ty looks at the Captain.

"They cannot have him," Ty said. The Captain looks at Ty.

"That is not your call. The people do not want Harvey here, they hate him being here after he destroyed this Kingdom and killed your parents and the young Prince and Princess. So it might be safer—" Rosani stood, facing the Captain.

"He is not going anywhere and that is final!" Rosani shouted. "He is a victim just as much as we are. I am not sending him away!" Captain Derek crosses his arms.

"No offense, your highness. But last time I checked, Prince Tobias is in line for the throne, not you." Captain Derek said. Rosani looks at Ty. She grabs his arm.

"Tobias, you cannot. He's has a really hard life, you cannot exile him out of the place that was his only true home." Rosani said. Ty stared at her and looked at Seto.

"Prince, you cannot just pick the sorcerer because he is your friend. The people come first, your people come first if you want them to follow you, you have to make them feel like they are safe. And as long as Harvey is here, they do not feel safe." Captain Derek said. Rosani grips Ty's arm.

"You cannot. I want to ease the people's consciousness but Harvey needs help, not abandonment." She said. Ty looks at her.

"Rosani, Captain Derek is right," Ty said. She lets go of his arm.

"Of course I know he is. But...this is Harvey we are talking about. He is the only one who can fix your memories, who can beat Tristan. Exiling him is gonna be the worse decision you could make. And besides...if he goes then I do too—"

The Ender Heir: Book One of the Heir Series: TeamcraftedWhere stories live. Discover now