| Chapter Nineteen | Resting

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"Sometimes we need the ones around us to lead us out of our darkness instead of doing it ourselves."

Statilia walked into Sky's office, he was throwing out burnt stuff. She stood in the doorway.

"You shouldn't be up." She said. Sky tensed up and looked behind him. He smiled a little.

"Hey, Statilia. Now, what did you say again?" Sky asks. She walks over to him. She moves his shirt seeing bandages on him.

"You shouldn't be walking, you should be resting." She said. Sky sets the papers in his hand down.

"Let me guess, Ty told you?" Sky asks. She nods. "I'm fine. Only a few burns—"

"And you inhaled too much smoke too. Adam, go rest, right now." Statilia said. Adam leans against the desk, looking at her

"You aren't the boss of me. And my burns are minor. They are gonna go away in a few days—"


"Statilia, are you only being like this because I'm not some immortal being like you?" Adam asks. Statilia stared at him, he looked away. He shook his head. "I knew it, just cause I can't live forever doesn't mean I'm weak."

"I never said that. I'm just worried about you is all." Statilia said. Adam looks at her.

"Why? Why are you worried about me? You have better things to do than worry about me." Adam said. Her cheeks redden slightly, she looked away, sighing.

"You are a great guy, Adam. You really are, but...you're just—"

"Broken? Damaged? Difficult? I've heard them all, so—"

"Stuck," Statilia said. Adam held back his comment, not really sure how to react. "You're stuck in the past. My guess being it has something to do with an old childhood friend. Or...an x-girlfriend—" Adam tuned her out, staring at her. 'X-girlfriend? Childhood friend?' Adam thought. Images flew through his head and the more he stared at Statilia, the more he realized something. 'She's...She's just like her. Like Alesa..and Dawn...Statilia is just like them. They were so nice and sweet to me at first, like Statilia, and then they broke me.' Adam thought. A picture of Alesa goes into his mind, his heart hurting and he stood, making Statilia back up. Adam stared at her. She could see that hurt look in his eyes making her eyes soften. "What's wrong?" He walked past her.

"N-Nothing," Adam said. She grabbed his arm.

"Adam—" He yanked his arm out of her grip

"I'm f-fine!" He shouted at her. She flinched slightly at his loud voice.

"Sky..." She said. He grabbed the door handle.

"Just...Just stupid false hopes l-like usually..." He mumbled to her before he left her there. He puts his hand on his arm, staring at the floor as he walked. 'Idiot. Dumbass. Moron. Stupid.' He thought to himself. His eyes water. He wipes them clean instantly. 'No. Don't you dare start crying, people will hate you if you do. I'm fine. Nothing's wrong. If I keep telling myself that, I'll eventually start feeling it.' Sky thought.

The Ender Heir: Book One of the Heir Series: TeamcraftedWhere stories live. Discover now