I'll take you to Paradise|Zen x reader Angst

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Requested by:@xylenevalkyrie

This is based off the bad ending in Zen's route on the 10th day. So don't read if you don't want spoilers but I'm writing it in my own way so it will be partial spoilers.

Enjoy the sadness and angst!~


There you lay in the apartments bed, unable to leave. Otherwise you'd explode into tiny pieces. Or go "boom" as Seven said. Everyone in the group chat calmed you down and told you not to worry. But still, it was definitely worrying. The person who contacted you the first time you found the phone was most likely was behind the whole thing. Almost every minute that went by, felt more agonizing. You were scared deep down but Zen told you he'd come. It had given you small reassurance. Suddenly you hear a window break and you look to find a short man with a mask over his face. Although he was wearing a mask you could see he was smirking.

" Who the hell are you?!" You shouted moving away from him. He slowly stepped closer and closer till he was almost in front of you. His mint eyes pierced through you.

" I am a angel dear (Y/N).~ I'm here to save you. Don't be so alarmed. I'm here to save you from this 'boring game'." his voice was a bit robotic and it hurt your ears. You only glared back at him and shook your head.

" I can tell you're bored of being stuck in this apartment answering emails for nothing in return..your skills will be a lot more valuable at magenta..please come with me, to paradise." He held out his hand with his eyes becoming more gentle. What he said did strike a chord..you weren't really getting anything of being here in this small apartment..

" Follow me to magenta, paradise. You'll be more appreciated there than in the silly RFA. You'll be loved and protected their no bombs will keep you locked up. You'll be free (Y/N)~" he cooed. This person was so persistent but it was so tempting. Being locked up in here because of a bomb was so silly sounded. It really was ridiculous. You stood up and took his hand as he was the only one that stood before you. No one else was here and no one cared to save you from the ticking time bomb. So this must be the only way out of this place. Whatever the guy said sounded much better than being here.

And off to "paradise" you go...

-Zen POV-

I ran up the stairs to the apartment room (Y/N) was in and kicked open the door. No bomb went off..thank god..I looked around for (Y/N) but she was no where to be seen. A horrible feeling soon consumed me and I wondered was my nightmare real. Did a evil boy steal my precious princess away..this can't be happening I refuse to believe it. Maybe my eyes are deceiving me.

" Please let this be a bad dream.." I mumbled to myself then looked around. My eyes stopped dead center.

There he was.

It was him..from my dream..no, my nightmare...

He smiled with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall while fiddling with a phone. Most likely (Y/N)'s..

" You bastard! What have you done to ( Y/N)?!" I shouted running up to him pulling at his red shirt. He smirked then it fell to a smile. Oh how it mocked me. I was too late...

" She actually agreed to come with me. I didn't lay a finger on her. She took my hand freely. Isn't that surprising. You're a bit too late." He said not shaking under my tight grip.

" You brainwashed her with your lies..how dare you say she was willing..there's no way she'd be.." I shouted at him. He only laughed though and I stood there still pulling him by his shirt.

" Oh yes she was. She was happy to get out of here. She was sad you didn't come in time. (Y/N) believed you didn't care for her...ah how sad it was. You broke her heart a-and with that I punched him hard in the jaw. I loved (Y/N) with all my heart. How dare he say that..I love her..but she doesn't know.

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