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        As Yuchan opened his eyes, the first thing that he saw was Junyoung looking at him with a worried expression. He looked around and realized that Jun wasn’t around anymore.

        “Hey there, Yuchan. You were unconcious for a day,” Junyoung said as he smiled.

        “What?” Yuchan was surprised.

        Junyoung sighed, “You were unconcious for the whole day, I mean yesterday. It seems that your memories had been triggered by something.”

         “By something..” Yuchan frowned as he tried to remember what happened yesterday before gasping “The necklace!”

         “You mean, this necklace?” Junyoung showed him the little box where the necklace is, which made him nod “This is your necklace, Yuchan.”

         “M-Mine?” Yuchan asks, eyes squinting as he kept on looking on the necklace.

         “Well, it’s up to you if you’ll remember this or not. But remember that there’s someone that is waiting for you to remember,” Junyoung said as he gave the tiny box to Yuchan and smiled, “Byungcha—I mean, Chan said that you should skip the therapy for today because you need to rest yourself. But if you want to walk around, you’re allowed to do that. Just don’t go near the room 0602.”

         Yuchan tilted his head a bit, “And why is that?”

         “You’ll thank me for the warning, but please listen to my advice.” Junyoung said as he left the tray filled with Yuchan’s meal for lunch, “Yebin will be here in two hours to get the tray.”

        Yebin. That girl is somehow shady, as if she knows something, or worse, a lot about Yuchan and his past. The girl seems to dislike him a lot that she lashed out on him and also Suji. She ruined Yuchan’s ideal confession to the girl. But there must be something that made her do that, right?

        “Junyoung, does Yebin hates me?” He asked.

         Junyoung seems to be taken by surprise as he looked at Yuchan but shrugged, “Probably. Why did you ask?”

         “It seems like she hates me, she isn’t that cheerful and sweet just like how you and Chan hyung described her, she’s always glaring at me and being cold. She even ruined my moment as I confessed to the girl that I like,” Yuchan said as he huffed, “I feel like I’ve done something bad to her but at the same time, I’m also irritated at her.”

        “Well, Yebin is a sweet girl. But you’re somehow right, that’s why I told you to do your best to remember the forgotten memories. Collect them all before it’s too late,” Junyoung said as he crossed his arms, “And just like what I’ve, someone out there is waiting for you to remember.”

        “Who?” Yuchan asked.

        “That’s your obligation, to know who that person is and why,” Junyoung stated as he grinned, “I should be going now, Yuchan. Rest well, alright?”

         Junyoung quickly left his room and his words made Yuchan wonder, it was too suspicious. What is the real reason why Yebin dislikes him? Who is the one that is waiting for him? What’s on room 0602? He sighs as he took the tray and ate his lunch, he had been unconcious for a day and he have to walk around to help his legs on adjusting to his own weight with the help of the walking aid.

         But before Yuchan decided to take a stroll around this floor, he took his sketchbook and the pencil as he tried to draw one of the things that he noticed on his dreams. The hallway with a transparent glass beside it as the window, showing the buildings and the skies. He noticed that it was in front of an office, an office of a certain doctor. The walls and ceilings were painted by white yet there are some splatters of pink, purple, and blue on the door of the office.

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