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     YUCHAN looked from left to right as he held the box in his arms, cradling it as if his life depended on it. He opened the door in front of him and took a peek, he smiled when he saw that Junhee is having a chat with Junyoung, Gwangsuk and Yebin.

“Just like what we planned,” Yuchan muttered as he looked at the content of the box.

He took a deep breath before opening the door wide enough to show himself to the people inside the room, singing a ‘Happy Birthday’ to the person that was born on this day. The others sang along with him while Junhee looked like a deer in the headlights, eyes sparkling.

“Happy birthday, Junhee.” Yuchan said, smiling brightly as he placed the cake beside Junhee.

“You.. everyone..” Junhee was speechless, Junhee is aware of them celebrating his birthday but he’s still surprised for it.

“Can you make a wish now?” Yebin asked, grinning at him.

“Well, it’s the same wish.” Junhee said.

Gwangsuk sighed, “Well, you should wish! You must do it!”

“Geez, both of you are into this!” Junhee whines.

Junyoung chuckled at the scene in fron of him “Well, it’s a tradition. Let them be and wish, Junhee. They won’t stop until you’ve made your wish.”

“Do I really have to?” Junhee asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. Do I really have to wish again, he thought.

“Yes!” Gwangsuk, Yebin and Yuchan replied in unison.

Junyoung laughed as he looked at Yuchan “You're into this too, huh?”

“But isn’t it nice to wish for something that will come true? It says that if you wish for something on your birthday, there’s a huge possibility that it’ll come true!” Yuchan says as he made hand gestures that made them chuckle.

“That's true!” Yebin agreed.

Junhee looked at the four person in front of him with genuine smiles plastered in their faces, he can’t help but feel warm inside. Seeing them happy makes him feel the same too, these people are too precious. People that was already close to him, people who managed to break his barriers and decided to stay with him through thick and thin. Junhee smiled wider, he’s thankful of them.

“So, Junhee. How about making a wish?” Gwangsuk asked.

“But what kind of wish?” Junhee asked back, making Gwangsuk snicker.

“Well, it should be something impossible so we can make it possible!” Yuchan chirped.

Junhee chuckled at the younger male before humming, “If it’s an impossible one then how about this? I wish that my sickness will be gone so I can live longer with all of you.”

Silence filled the whole room and Junhee felt bad for saying it out loud. It was the only wish that he can think of as an impossible one, he wasn’t someone that rely on wishes since he already gave up. And just by waking up the next day is already a blessing for someone like him, for someone that is dying like Park Junhee. He can’t help but look at each of his friends’ reactions and saw sadness in it. He mentally blames himself and immediately think of a solution to this.

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