Chapter 1

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*Elena's POV*
It's already the end of the afternoon and I got a call from my sister saying that she wants me to join a neuro surgeon named Stephen Strange to assist to a sort of a gala this evening. I just don't really want to go. Christine my sister has talked a lot about him to me. How arrogant he can be. I of course accepeted it and I don't know why. She then gave my number to Stephen. How do I know that? He texted me. Well text is a big word. He just told me the adress of the place. Seriously? Is it too hard to lift me? When I drove there, I had to stop because it was raining really hard to a point that it can be dangerous. So when I stopped, I saw a car in the water and immediately called 9-1-1. After a few moments when I saw the helicopter come I drove back to the place. When I arrived they told me that Dr. Strange still wasn't there. Great I drove there for nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing. But I was still wondering why he wasn't there. This evening is just for him right? So I went back to my appartment and got a call from Christine. She told me that the person that was in the car was Stephen. I surely hoped that he is okay but I knew by her voice that it was something serious. Apparently he won't be able to use his hands anymore. No more work for him. Well I guess this is what we call the karma. Not that he deserves it but-Oh never mind. Why am I even caring about him? 11 hours. This is the time he was on the table. Okay I knew it was serious but not that serious. When my sister came to see me, I practically ran to her.
"How was it?" I asked her
"Weird" She answered
"Do you know when he will wake up?"
"No but I know he will"
He woke up after a few days and apparently he is taking the news about his hands really badly. So Christine asked me to visit him everyday and bring him an English litterature classic. It is mostly to let him think about something else. I don't know if he reads a lot of classics but let's hope that he does. When I came to his room, I could see that he wasn't happy.
"Oh come on hide your joy!" I said
"What joy?" He asked
"Stephen I'm here to help you"
"You can't help me"
"You don't even know how I will"
"Well you have a diploma in English litterature so you will probably talk to me about classics"
"Ha! No"
"Well go on! Why are you here?"
"Just so that you can think of something else"
After a few weeks and a lot of operations, Stephen got out of the hospital but he clearly did not have any money left. My sister would not stop asking me to go and see him. I seriously thought that seeing him at the hospital would be enough. Looks like it wasn't. Ugh!

Hey guys! It's me again. I know what you are thinking another story. Well yes ;). Hope you enjoy :)

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