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"I don't know why she really just doesn't kill you and save me all this trouble of acting like I care a rat's ass about you," He paused, "But then again it is kind of fun hearing you scream in pain as I stab you then full the cut with acid over and over until I get bored."

I instantly felt sick as I heard Jake groaned in pain and henry laugh at him evilly.

"Anyways, I must get back home to my beautiful girlfriend and cuddle her and kiss her and all the things that you can't get to do to her no because," He paused again and laughed again.

"Because you want the 'blond'."

"Have a good night," he said and left.

Dana and I waited till we hear the basement door closed and ran back to Jake.

I sat next to him, "What can I do to help?" but he wouldn't answer he just looked at me and smiled.

"You still love for me," He said in a shocked tone, "I never stopped loving you the day you came to my house it was a misunderstanding....." I cut him off.

"You can tell me after you drink," I say cutting my hand with a pocket knife and putting it by his mouth. He refused it at first, but I kept it there till he took and his cuts healed better than ever. He pulled away and wiped his mouth then pulled me into a kiss. I missed his touch, his kisses, most importantly I missed him.

"I am sorry, but you need to go before she comes she'll be here any minute now," He said standing up and going to where Dana and I were hiding. He touched the cave and opened a portal which looked like my bedroom. As I say this I instantly taught of what he saw. I looked at him sorry and he just smiled at me and said it was okay.

"My car is outside," I said.

"Pass this way I know you both are safer, I will hide your car but you have to go and when you get back don't go after him go to your father and talk to him," He said pushing us in as we heard another voice.

"Why our dad?" I asked but before he could answer I was pushed back into my room and the portal slowly closed but before it did a curtain person was in view.

My mother.

And then the night of the party came back to me the way he looked worried, the blond, she was the blond. I dialled my dad's number quickly.

"Hey sweet heart its 11 in the night you what's up," he asked like he just woke up.

"Where's mom? "I said angerly.

"I don't know, honestly she been kind of MIA for the past months," He stopped and made a noise like he was razing up.

"There is something we need to talk about hun but not on the phone I'll come to you, be there in a while." He hung up and I turned to Dana who looked like she was seconds away from passing out.

"Okay, so our mother and your boyfriend are working together in torturing Jake," She paused and took a breather dropping on the bed, "But....... Why?"

I sat next to her, "I think it has something to do with the reason he was in that cell for all them years...I think.." I stopped talking as I heard my door crack.

"Dad?" I asked getting up from the bed. But it wasn't him instead it was Henry.

"Hey how come you guys up so early," He asked.

"She had another nightmare so we decided to just chill with each other until we both fall back to sleep, What you doing up?" Dana said carmly.

"I was missing my baby," he said kissing me on my lips I played it cool and pulled away after. It was taking everything in my body to not beat the crap out of him but I know that could just make things worst for Jake so I had to play cool.

"D, you can leave now, I'm here," He said, I turned to Dana and she looked at him like he lost his mind.

"Hell naw, I'm the one who got jumped out of their sleep to comfort her if anyone should be getting cuddle is me," she said laughing which caused me to laugh so hard a knock on my door stopped us.

"Come in," I said trying to breathe.

"Hey hun, Oh I didn't know you had company I'll go," He said closing the door behind.

"No, uh Hen can you give me like 5 minutes with my Dad please wait in the living room for me I'll be right there," I say pushing him out the door.

"Uh okay," He said as I shut the door in his face.

"I..."I stopped him as I hear Henry walk downstairs but I wasn't sure what henry was so I still didn't want dad to say anything that Henry could over hear.

"What..." SHHH I took out a piece of paper and wrote quickly explaining to Dad that henry isn't what we taught.

He nodded his head and walked to the middle of the room where he said some words in German I didn't quite catch then waved his hands in the air.

"Okay you can talk now the room is sealed only us can hear this conversion," He said.

Dana and I looked at each other like we wanted to tell him about what happened but couldn't quite get the words out.

"I knew it, that's why she has hardly been home and if I'm correct your friend doesn't have that much more time to live, Your mother is ...."

"What are you talking bout? What did you know? What do you mean by not long to live?" I asked confused.

"Yeah Papa what isn't you telling us?" Dana asked look just as confused as I was.

"You mother is very powerful she is descend from the great witch Maya, there's something you need to know, Your mother sister was killed by Jake when your mother was little your great-grandmother imprisoned him in the cell so your mother is out for revenge, "he said pasting back and fort.

"So where does henry fit in all of this," I asked.

"I honestly don't know that you have to find out by yourself."

"Oh I intend to," I say getting up and heading for the door to be pulled back by Dana.

"you need to be smart you still don't know what he is," she said.

"Your sister's right, he could be something very dangerous if you mother has him working with her," he said.

"I got this," I said opening the door and walking to meet Henry in the living room. He smiled at me as he saw and I smiled back. I walk over to him and sit next to him.

"You seem tense," he said.

"Yeah just another bad dream, I'm fine," I say fake smiling.

"Come here," he pulled me down to face him and kissed me I kissed back then pulled away wrapping myself in his arms.

"I love you so much, you're safe with me I'll take care of you," He said playing in my hair.

"Will you ever lie to me?" I asked.

"I'm nothing like he was I can trust me," He said smiling.

"Funny you should say that," I say getting up and walking a little away from him in case I must run.

"What you mean? You don't trust me?" he said sitting up.

"Not with your working with my mother to help torture the one person I care most about," I say bluntly

He look and me then laugh, "I don't know what your talking about..." He was cut off as Dana play the voice recording on her phone of him and Jake's conversion. I didn't even know she was taping.

"But you say I can trust you explain that," I said to him.

Henry got up and laughed at Dana and I the stopped with his face serious, "Your dead," he said looking at Dana. His eyes turned black and his hands where like sharp knives. He was about to act when me Dad stepped out and razed his hand causing Henry to drop on the ground in pain. He changed back into himself still screaming in pain and holing his head.

"Alright, I'll tell you what you need to know," he said and my dad stopped.

"Speak Teufelskreatur," he said.

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