~ I'll be here ~

73 22 6

Sahar's POV
I wake to the sound of voices, Kieran's and Kelsey's to be precise. They sounded like they were arguing, nevertheless they probably were, they always are. I haven't made any motion so they aren't aware I'm awake. I listen to their conversation;

"This is what he does to her but no one listens until something serious happens."

"If I didn't care do you think I would've brought her straight to the hospital?"

"you did what any other logical person would've done. What do you want a fucking medal?"

"Oh fuck off Kelsey what would you know?"

"A heck of a lot more than you - she actually confides in me because i don't put her in these situations like you do"

Kieran looks down at the floor refusing to make eye contact with Kelsey. They both turn to face me, I close my eyes.

"Just look at her now, hurt. Even without the marks you can tell she's broken."

She wipes her face and looks up at the ceiling.

"You've been there for her Kelsey that's more than anyone could've done without putting themselves in danger"

He puts his hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

"More than I've done to help her"

He exhales deeply and rubs his eyebrow. Kelsey puts her hand on his arm and they awkwardly hug. I decide to make my presence known to avoid any further awkwardness, i cough and sit up. They both come walking over to me and the doctor comes in with my mum;

"Luckily Sahar's main organs aren't damaged but we'd like to keep her in overnight just to run a few more scans. Oh good you're awake, How are you feeling Sahar?"

"safe i guess"

"Right, may I have a word outside Mrs. Andrews?"

Kieran steps outside with them yet I am not relived at all. I can hear Kelsey speaking to me but what she's saying I can't make out. I'm too focused on trying to read the doctors lip movements. A few moments later Kieran rejoins me and Kelsey without the doctor or my mother.

"The doctor found a drug and alcohol in your bloodstream. So much for staying sober"

"Whatever I went out last night and i drank. so what? But I have not taken any form of drugs as far as i can remember"

Grayson walks in abruptly. He hovers in the doorway before walking over to my bed.

"Drugs Sahar? I thought you were over that"

He caresses my cheek with his finger. I roll my eyes.

"are you okay?"

"Obviously not genius."

Kelsey remarks.

"I only told you she was here 'cause i know you were with her last night. Don't be a dick."

"Why don't we ask the man himself as he was with her for the majority of the night"

"Ah, heard you were back. Where'd you run to this time?"

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