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To the 7: What do you think of Octavian and Drew as a couple?

Are you serious? Are you FREAKING SERIOUS? -Jason

Octavian's evil. Drew's a jerkette. They'd probably destroy the world if you put them together... in Octavian's case, AGAIN -Leo

Jerkette? -Hazel

*snickers* It's a female jerk -Leo

They deserve each other -Piper

Piper pretty much summed it up -Annabeth

Octavian... and who? Whoever she is, NOBODY deserves to have Octavian inflicted on them -Frank

I don't know Drew very well.. -Percy

She's a f*cking b*tch! -Piper

Not sure how to respond to that... but anyways, they sound like they'd be a good match, considering their personalities. -Percy

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