We're No Different

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We all sat in the room, and we all faced each other. All of us were so different, and yet, I could tell we had one thing in common; none of us wanted to be here. We all looked uncomfortable, beaten; two boys that I assumed were brothers, no older than twelve, probably, were crying. And it was for the same thing, another thing we had in common; we were pointed out and called misfits, freaks of nature, different. And then we were shipped off to the SSB Academy, or the Socially Strange Boys Academy. It said so in the name; we are strange.

The instructor (they say they are a teacher, but that's only to keep the façade of 'academy'. In truth, it's more like a jail) had come in and welcomed the 'class' to the academy, and told us to do what most instructors do; state your name and why you're here. Of course, no one talked, since he had basically told us to spill our secrets. We all just looked at the wall, not making eye contact, until the instructor finally just pointed to the person three chairs to the right from me.

"You. You begin."

The picked boy sighed, and, after waiting a moment, finally began. "My name is Marth, and I am here because..." he trailed off, as if he was trying to remember, but I could tell that he simply wasn't going to say anything.

"You're here because you're a..." the instructor made a gesture for him to continue, but Marth stayed silent. "Drag..." the instructor pushed, determined to tell everyone his judgment. I didn't get why he was making him say; the judgments were all most likely lies. Marth still stayed quite. "Queen. You're here because you're a drag queen." Drag queen. I could see where they would get that from his headdress and possibly his tunic. (Though another person here was wearing one, and he still looked masculine in it.) A lie, yet because of one thing, he was outcasted.

"Yes," Marth murmured, defeated, "because of that."

The instructor gave a small smile, out of triumph more than reassurance, it seemed, and looked to the person next to Marth. "Continue." He didn't speak. The instructor cleared his throat, impatiently, and continued to stare at the boy. "I said continue." Again, the boy didn't talk, but instead looked up at the instructor, rather pleadingly. "You are... called Pokémon Trainer, it seems, because no one seems to know your name, and you are here because... you are mu-Oh, I'm sorry! You are here because you are mute. Welcome." When the instructor said his name was Pokémon Trainer, my body tensed up, and I fought down a memory. Forcing myself to calm down, I realized I had nothing to worry about, and that if he was called Pokémon Trainer, he probably had Pokémon with him, and I would have creatures like me to associate with. "Next"

"I'm Ike, and I'm here because I'm supposedly 'cursed' because I'm the only person who can wield a blade that never brakes because it's 'cursed'." He put air quotes around each cursed, and when he spoke, he never faltered, never paused, never let any defeat come into his voice; he was strong.


Now it was my turn, and I had two choices to make: I could either tell the whole truth or tell part of it and see if the instructor pushed me to tell the rest. I decided to go with the latter.

"My name is Cestian-"

"Hmm..." the instructor murmured rather loudly, cutting me off. "It says here that your name is Lucario, not... 'Cestian'."

"Well, you must have gotten something wrong, because my name is Cestian; my species is Lucario," I barked.

"Well, all of your recommendation letters said your name was Lucario." That struck a nerve. Recommendation letters were letters that got sent to the school, and were the only entrance fee, you could say. You only needed one to be able to go to the school, not that anyone wanted to go willingly, though, but they had a catch; if you got six or more, you were forced to go to school. The people who wrote the recommendation letters only knew me as Lucario, so of course they would put that name, but they, and that name, was in the past. Now, I am Cestian.

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