Last Day

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"Are you guys coming?" Theo shouted to the group from the edge of the lake.

"Yeah," Hermione called back, laughing while doing so and unaware that someone was watching her.

"Oh my godric, Draco," Pansy sighed, "Stop staring."

All heads turned to Pansy who wore am innocent smile while Draco flushed red.

"Something wrong?" Hermione asked the two Slytherins.

"Nope," Pansy said winking at Draco who groaned.

"Hey! Let's go!" Theo complained.

"Were coming Theo," Ron called rolling his eyes.

"Yay!" Theo cheered as the group of seven arrived consisting of Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and Ginny. Together they were known to the school as the Fearless eight since they constantly put themselves in danger to save everyone.

"So why are we here again?" Ginny asked lying down on the grass next to Theo.

"I don't know," Theo shrugged, "I needed entertainment."

"You're hopeless," Ginny sighed.

"I am."

Ginny groaned and rolled over onto her stomach then back again so someone could fit between her and Theo. Pansy sat between them and Theo rolled away from her. Draco lied next to Theo and Hermione on the other side of Pansy with Harry and Ron next to Theo.

"So last day here, huh?" Pansy sighed looking at the sky with her friends.

"We'll still hang out all the time, right?" Theo asked worrdily.

"Theo, we all live together in Draco's mansion," Blaise sighed lying down next to Ginny.

"Still," Theo pouted.

"Tell you what, theo," Hermione smiler, "We'll always spend Sunday together. The entire day."

"Yes!" Theo cheered sitting up and leaning over Draco to plant a kiss on Hermione's cheek.

"Really Theo?" Draco groaned.

"Shut up. Its not like she's your girlfriend," Theo teased.

Draco gave Theo a 'really'? look causing everyone to laugh.

"It'll be weird though," Harry sighed, "Not coming back here. Having to find jobs and survive on our own."

"Not true," Hermione defended, "We'll always have each other no matter what."

"Together forever?" Ron asked sitting up and putting his and hand in the middle.

Hermione grinned and sat up placing her hand on Ron's, "What do you say guys?"

Draco sat up next and added his hand. Them harry, Blaise, Theo, Pansy, and Ginny.

"Tighter forever," Harry said.

They threw there hands into the air saying, "Always."

"We should take the room of requirement." Hermione said.

"What?" Pansy and Ginny said together.

"We stay in the Room of Requirement together for the last night," Hermione smiled.

"Let's do it," Harry grinned.

They all agreed and went to their dorms to pack bags seeing as it was only three in the afternoon and they wanted to stay there all night until dinner and meet back.

At four everyone had returned to the room.

"Okay," Hermione said closing her eyes.

A moment later the door appeared and they entered.

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