Blood Killer Part 5

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The thudding grew closer. A pounding sounded from the door, followed by hissing. Draco was starting to panic. There were too many people to be some of his friends. Besides, Blaise was traveling and his mum was in France. Not many of his friends remained talking to him after the war. It was the blood killers. 

Draco grabbed Lisa and Hermione's hand ran, pulling them along behind him, down the hall. He unlocked the secret wall that led to Lisa and Ella's room and closed it behind them. Draco went up to a painting of a lake. He pulled it off and hung it on a spare hook next to a different picture. Draco let go of Hermione's hand, still holding Lisa's, and pressed his palm against the wall, muttering an incantation under his breath. 

The wall melted away like it was a hologram to reveal a spiraling staircase leading downwards.

"Hell," Hermione whispered, "How did you know that was there?" 

"I own this entire building. I had Blaise make some escapes just in case anything like this ever happened," Draco explained. He tapped a brick on the inside of the secret staircase. The stone stairs instantly turned into a slide. "Lisa, go. Go and run. Take whatever path you can, just run. Use the spell nulusremaneat. It will leave a trace only I can follow. Go!"

Lisa nodded. She let go of Draco's hand right as a crashing sound came from the other side of the wall hiding where they were. Dust trickled down from the ceiling. 

"Again," a deep and raspy voice commanded. The wall shook this time as something heavy crashed into it. It wouldn't be long before it broke down. 

"How did they break through the charms? Isn't that wall indestructable," Hermione demanded. 

"They got a hold of my wand somehow. They have control of it somehow," Draco said, holding his wand up weakly, "They can take every charm down with this. So we need to run. Lisa, go!"

Lisa swallowed harshly. She whispered the spell, holding her wand in front of her and then plummeted down, into darkness. Another force hit the wall, but this time it burst. Pieces of the wall flew everywhere, raining down on Hermione and Draco. The force of it caused them to topple over. 

"Kill them. Both of them. But use your muggle weapons," the same deep voice commanded. 

Hermione coughed and pushed a large piece of the wall off of her. She looked up to see three dark cloaked figures, all wearing burglar masks. There was a fourth behind them wearing pure white robes stained with blood and wearing a white mask that covered the person's entire face. That ones was the blood killer, the leader. All three of the people wearing black held up their muggle weapons: guns. 

Next to her, Draco cursed and pushed wall of himself. The two scrambled to stand and get to the wall but had to duck and dodge the bullets flying towards them. 

"Go!" Draco screamed, grabbing her wand and shoving Hermione over and sending her toppling down the slide. He dove after her, using her wand, that wasn't being controlled, to seal the wall closed. 

Hermione and Draco screamed as they slid down at impossible speeds, twisting and turning. Hermione reached up and grabbed Draco's arm, pulling him down to slide next her. Draco held onto her as well, both fearing they were about to die. Together, they slid down in darkness. 

Hermione woke up floating. There was a pounding in her head. Her limbs were weak and her hair fell behind her head, like she was hanging upside down. Hermione moved her neck and a pain shot down her spine. Instant fear filled her when she tried to move her legs and nothing happened. She couldn't feel her legs. 

"Malfoy," she whispered. There was no response. "Malfoy," she tried again. 

Hermione released a shaking breath. "Draco," she said, a little louder. 

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