Chapter 2

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Stevie open his Skype application and then he talked to his father.

Stevie Rogers: Hey Dad,I just want to tell you something.
Steve Rogers: What is it Son?
Stevie Rogers: I think....
Steve Rogers: What do you think son?
Stevie Rogers: I think I have a crush on Poly Stark??? I don't know if it's crush or it was just my imagination or what. But all I just know is she's gorgeous. For me, her face is so perfect. She's so beautiful Dad.
Steve Rogers: Oh I think you have a crush on Poly Star son....
Stevie Rogers: But how did you know Dad?
Steve Rogers: Because in the way you describe her. I saw your eyes twinkled son. Hahaha...
Stevie Rogers: Ewwww. So gay Dad!
Steve Rogers: Hahaha. I think you have to tell Poly that you have a crush on her son.
Stevie Rogers: But dad....
Steve Rogers: Your shy right?
Stevie Rogers: Hmm... a little?
Steve Rogers: Haha...You have to tell it son, before it's too late.
Stevie Rogers: Yeah...I'll try.Ok dad bye...Goodnight Daddy

Poly dreamed about his dad again

Poly Stark: Daddy?
Tony Stark: Yes? My beautiful daughter.
Poly Stark: What are you doing?
Tony Stark: Oh nothing,just killing your mother. Hahaha!
Poly Stark: No! You can't do it to Mom! You love Mommy right?
Tony Stark: Haha, I don't love your Mother,Poly!
Poly Stark: N-No! Y-Your lying Dad! Thanos is just controlling you!.....Thanos! Please don't control my Dad!

Stevie Rogers: Poly wake up!you're dreaming, wake up!
Poly Stark: Huh?What?Where's Daddy?What time is it?
Stevie Rogers: Its 2:00am
Poly Stark: What?!
Stevie Rogers: Go back to sleep Poly. Tomorrow we will talk about what you dreamed.

"Good Morning Students. Welcome to (S.U.A) Shield University Academy"

Stevie Rogers: So what was your dream's all about?
Poly Stark: I had a nightmare about my dad that he's trying to kill my Mom and I found out that Thanos is just controlling him.
Stevie Rogers: What?.....Thanos controlled your Dad?
Poly Stark: Yes...
Stevie Rogers: But we don't just believe it! It's just a dream!
Poly Stark: But I have a feeling that its true Stevie!
Phil Coulson: Good Morning Everyone and welcome to Shield University Academy,I'm your principal Phil Coulson and here's Peter Parker to discuss the rules in this school.
Peter Parker: Hey Everyone! I'm Peter Parker!you know me as your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Ok as your League President,I'll discuss the rules.
1st Rule: Students must train in a superhero way
2nd Rule: Students must be aware of any situation that will ruined the environment
3rd Rule: Class A which is for Girls and Class B which is boys will be separated Except for Genius Class which will not be separated. They will be some clubs you can choose from.
4th Rule: You aren't suppose to do bad that may ruin the school
5th Rule: No to Bullying!If you violate this rule, you'll go to the detention and if you violate the 5th rule again, you'll go to dungeon and you will stay there in 5 days.
6th Rule: You should be honest to all the people
7th Rule: You should not have a relationship with teacher's or any staff member of the school.
That's all!

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