Chapter 12

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Next morning Poly and Stevie talk to each other

Poly Stark: Hey Stevie wake up its our practice today
Stevie Rogers: Huh, morning my lovable Poly
Poly Stark: Hey Morning
Stevie Rogers: What's the news
Poly Stark: We have to go to the S.U.A Hall we're late Gail or Kylie doesn't want us to be late
Stevie Rogers: What happened if we are late
Poly Stark: They will get us into Detention and we don't have to perform to the next interpretative dance competition so get your uniforms dry and go clean yourself
Stevie Rogers: Ok I'll go hurry
When they go to the cheerleading dance

Kylie Fiona Jenner: Huh their our greatest performer for cheerleading competition Poly and Stevie
Poly Stark: Kylie Fiona we really miss you and we're so glad you're back how's your father
Kylie Fiona Jenner: He's great let's see your performance whoah you did great I think your ready for the contest I think that we will win
Poly and Stevie: Yeah we believe you Cheer Captain Fiona
Kylie Fiona Jenner: And for the backup dancer practice to make it all perfecto and oh the new cheerleader we have 2 newcomers here Scar and Stevie you will have your 1st initiation day after the Interpretative Cheerdance Competition
Scar Vendetta: What's initiation
Barbie Banner: Initiation the action of beginning something in the club that you wouldn't go cause you're part of the team
Scar Vendetta: Ah ok Beautiful Barbie Doll
Kylie Fiona Jenner: Ok guys so tomorrow is Friday so its our last practice tomorrow. Ok guys do great awesome and claim the best and backups you are perfectly performed well done backups so now we are ready so tomorrow we can perfect this competition
On Saturday we will go to Paris
Stevie Rogers: Yes Second date with Poly
Poly Stark: You wanna have a second date on Paris again not gonna happening we got our best day on Paris you sure you wanna have a date with me again. Maybe next time cause I don't want to not perform and besides that's an extra curriculum in our subjects
Stevie Rogers: Yeah Maybe next time our date and some other place

Its Friday Final Practice for the Interpretative Cheerdance Competition.

Kylie Fiona Jenner: Ok let's perform perfectly. Alright guys Dragon Era Cheerleaders Squad. Practice and this is our last practice. Ok Stevie and Poly perform. Ok let's go to Paris to performed to the Interpretative Cheerdance Competition
Poly Stark: Let's go to Paris
After that they went to Paris
Poly Stark: Hey Ronnie I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Stevie Rogers
Ben Ronnie Ezekiel Atari: Oh hi Stevie
Stevie Rogers: Hi Ronnie I'm sorry I got carried away I thought you are the new boyfriend of Poly I thought you wanna steal Poly from me
Poly Stark: I'm gonna leave you behind to talk with each other
Stevie Rogers Ok ok go leave
Ben Ronnie Ezekiel Atari: Steal Poly from you I have my girlfriend her name is Erin Ericka Sultan but its ok what's your full name anyway
Stevie Rogers: Huh my name, My name is Stevie Rogers and yeah I'm the son of the captain america aka Steve Rogers what about yours
Ben Ronnie Ezekiel Atari: My whole name is Ben Ronnie Ezekiel Atari
Stevie Rogers: Woah its so far your name is so much far I can't reach. I'm kidding hey when is your birthday
Ben Ronnie Ezekiel Atari: When is my birthday you ask September 06
Stevie Rogers: We have the same birthday I'm September 06 too
Ben Ronnie Ezekiel Atari: Oh no maybe Erin Ericka will worried if she don't saw me in the tent we were going to practice our interpretative dance for Interpretative Cheerdance Competition
Stevie Rogers: What's your song
Ben Ronnie Ezekiel Atari: Our song is Little Do You Know by Alex and Sierra. What about yours
Stevie Rogers: Your Love - Little Mix
Ben Ronnie Ezekiel Atari: See yah Tomorrow bye
Stevie Rogers: Ok see you tomorrow
Ben Ronnie Ezekiel Atari: Good luck on you too with Poly Stark
Stevie Rogers: You too with Erin Ericka
Ben Ronnie Ezekiel Atari: Yeah Ok we will...

"Its the season to be Jolly cause we are in Pa..ris It's a great world here in Paris Lalala...Lalala...Lalala..." Aren't we right Thom. Yeah we're here live on Paris to see their performance in the Interpretative Cheerdance Competition Donna So Yeah were here at the beautiful place in Paris and now let's here it for the 10 contenders in Interpretative Cheerdance Competition.

Ben Ronnie Ezekiel Atari: Hey good luck Shield University Academy
Stevie Rogers: Thanks
Poly Stark: Hey let's go its us now
Stevie Rogers: Ok one moment Good Luck too Ronnie

There's a three remaining and here's the one now here's the Dragon Era Cheerleading Squad from the Shield University Academy

All the supporters of the Dragon Era: Whoah Go Go Go
Dragon Era Cheerleading Squad

Next performance is from Mouse Dash Cheerleading Squad

Poly and Stevie: Whoah Go Ronnie

Last to Performed is the Philippines the Manila Cheerleading Team

Ok later will be the top 5 announcement for the Winnings of the Interpretative Cheerdance Competition. We will be right back after this break

The top 5 will be in the next competitions of cheering
4.) Savior Cheerleading Squad
3.) Hathaway Cheerleaders
2.) Manila Cheerleading Team
1.) Dragon Era Cheerleading Squad
All the Dragon Era Cheer leading Squad: Yeah we won, we won woohoo we win the fight and we will not surrender until its all gone yes
Poly Stark: We won I'm so glad hay we won the cheerleading competition this is for you Daddy
Stevie Rogers: We won the cheering competition interpretative dance
Kylie Fiona Jenner: We're proud like much proud of us as a group. Thank you for all the supporters and thanks for the judges for choosing us to be the winner. Yes finally this is the best cheerleading competition ever
Then Poly kissed Stevie
All in the Dragon Era Cheerleading Squad was shock when Poly kissed Stevie

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