A world is waiting

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Your POV
Ever since that day, Mike and I have become closer. Mike would often wait by my house. He would ride his bike over and throw a pebble at my window to let me know he was there. I would open the window and yell at him, he would just smile and wave for me to come with him some where.

One particular day was different

I heard the crash of a pebble on my window. I smiled to myself and put my book down. I opened up the window to Mike once again smiling at me.

"What do you want Hanlon?" I asked.

"I have something to show you, want a ride?" He asked kindly. I bit my lip slightly, I looked down the hall at richie's door.

"I don't know..."

"Oh come on, if you're worried about your brother I saw him leave a little while ago. Please? I really want to show you something."

I grabbed my jacket and put on my red sneakers. I ran down the stairs and walked out the door. I was about to grab my bike when Mike grabbed my wrist.

"Sorry m'lady, you're riding with me today." I gave him a confused look. He took me over to his bike. He got on his bike,  I followed and held onto his waist.

We rode out of town and into the rural area of Maine. We went through the familiar gates of The Hanlon's farm. I always loved it here. It was like a little sanctuary away from all the troubles in Derry. Mike stopped riding and we got off the bike.

"Wow, it's a farm. Exciting" I said sarcastically. Mike rolled his eyes. He grabbed my wrist and led me to the barn.

We walked inside and were greeted by the few animals in the pens. I saw a little goat kid and my heart melted. Mike saw me and smiled.

"That's Delilah, she's a few weeks old."

"She's so fricken adorable!" I walked over to her pen and looked at her. She looked up at me with big eyes. I heard Mike chuckle. I turned to him. "What?"

"Nothing, you're just adorable."

"Excuse me! I'm no goat!" Mike started laughing, so did I.

"Well you're a damn good looking sheep then." Mike replied. I felt a blush creep over my cheeks.

"Mehhh" I made a sheep noise and Delilah responded. My eyes widened. "I'm a goat whisperer!" I yelled throwing my hands into the air.

"Ok goat whisperer, follow me. I still have that thing to show you." Mike said taking my hand again and leading me around the barn. Mike climbed up the ladder, I followed him up. We climbed another ladder up to the roof of the barn.

"If you push me off of the roof Hanlon I swear I will haunt you as a ghost." Mike chuckled.

He let go of my hand for a moment. He pulled himself up onto the roof of the barn. He then knelt down and offered his hand. I took it and he helped me up. My foot slipped and fell backwards. I felt an arm around my waist pulling me back onto my feet. I looked up at Mike.

"I've got you, don't worry." He said with a comforting smile and tone. I felt my heart flutter. No y/n, he's just a friend, right?

Mike and I walked across the roof, hands intertwined. We sat down on the top of the roof, where it was flat, and looked up at the sky. By now the sky was a merge of yellow and red. The sun was slowly leaving the view of the horizon but sat upon the trees.

"It's gorgeous" I said looking at the sky with wide eyes.

Mike's POV

"I knew you'd like it up here. I go up here whenever I need a break. It's a place where you can—"

"Forget your problems, clear your mind and just live in the present for once. Not thinking about the regrets from your past or the uncertainty of the future. You can just look out at the sky and feel-"

"Safe" I looked at y/n, she returned my gaze. She smiled and squeezed my hand. I smiled back. "You don't belong here y/n." Her eyebrows furrowed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"No, you don't belong in Derry, you're too different, too special. There's a whole world out there waiting to find a gem like you, yet you're stuck here.... with me..." I looked down and traced my thumb over y/n's knuckles and hand.

"Hey," I looked up at her. "I'm not stuck with you, we're here together. There's a world waiting for you too Mike. You just have to be willing enough to go out into the world. You have to take a risk, one that is worth taking."

"The world doesn't like me, it doesn't like what I am. I'm different."

"That's a good thing!" She let go my hand and put her hands on my shoulders. "The world needs more people like you. Hardworking, kind, strong, unique, it's like you said Mike, there's a whole world out there, waiting for you, waiting for us." She grinned.

Her eyes sparkled, the light framed her face perfectly. I looked into her eyes, I could stay like this for a while, just sitting here, I felt safe. For the first time since my parents died, I didn't feel like an outsider.

"Mike? Boy, are you out here?" I heard my grand father say from inside the barn. I turned from y/n and looked at the ladder down. I turned back to y/n and took her hands off of my shoulders. I held them and squeezed them slightly.

"Stay here, I'll be right back." She nodded and let go of my hands. I stood up and walked across the roof and climbed down the ladder. My grandfather stood at the entrance with his hands folded across his chest.

"Come down here son." He said sternly. I obeyed and climbed the ladder down to the ground. I stood in front of my grandfather, my gaze slightly lowered to the ground. "What were you doing on the roof?"

I avoided his gaze. "I just needed some fresh air."

"Then why is there another person up on the roof as well?" I looked at him in slight shock.
"You think I wouldn't notice 2 kids on the roof of my barn?"

I remained silent.

"Mike!!" I heard y/n yell. My eyes widened and I ran to the ladder. Once I got up the first ladder I saw y/n, climbing down the ladder to the roof. "Oh hey, sorry I was getting worried." She walked to the ledge of the catwalk and waved at my grandfather. "Hey, Mr. Hanlon! Sorry about that. The roof thing was my idea, Mike just tagged along."

My grandfather looked slightly relieved to see y/n. "Nice to see you again Ms. Tozier. Just next time we meet, I'm hoping it's not under odd circumstances like in the past. Can we make that deal." He asked jokingly.

"I believe we can!" Y/n replied playing along. She climbed down the other ladder and walked up to my grandfather. "I would also like to thank you again for the help the other day. My friend thanks you as well." She looked back at me then to my grandfather again. "Good day to you Mr. Hanlon! And good night! Mike-" she turned back to me. "Can I get a ride back home? Thanks!" She said leaving the barn and didn't bother to wait for my answer.

My grandfather turned to me and smiled. "She's a keeper." He said chuckling. I smiled slightly and felt my face heat up. "You better go, rule number one, never leave a lady waiting for too long." I smiled and exited the barn.

I took y/n home, we soon arrived at her house. I put my bike by a tree and walked her to her doorstep.

"Thanks, for today. It was fun." Y/n said smiling. I returned the smile.

"We should do it again sometime." She nodded The door opened and we turned our heads.

"Ehh gross PDA." Richie said. Y/n shoved his shoulder. She turned to me and smiled.

"Good night Mike." She winked and walked inside. I felt my heart rate quicken, I blushed and started walking towards my bike.

"Yeah, bye homeschool. One more thing." Richie said. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Don't even try to win over my sister, I'll find out, one way or another." He said walking into the house and shutting the door.

As I was riding back home that night, I thought about how I felt about y/n. There was obviously a spark there, I just don't know if she notices it...

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