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According to the voice mail you had recieved, you waited for 15 minutes for the e-mail from Head Topaz. You have decided to open your e-mail account to check your inbox. Finally, the one you have been waiting for is finally here! You excitedly clicked the e-mail, and the first thing you read was Head Topaz's message.

 Finally, the one you have been waiting for is finally here!  You excitedly clicked the e-mail, and the first thing you read was Head Topaz's message

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"Good day, roleplayers! This is the first e-mail you have been waiting for. We, the heads, had thought about sending you an e-mail about the list of the powers/abilities to choose from. Remember, you need to choose only two powers/abilities for your portrayer! Send us a message about your power/ability........soon. This is the first part of the list. Just wait for the second part for 10 minutes! Again, good day, roleplayers!"

You then proceeded at the list of the powers/abilities.


Acid Secretion
The ability to generate corrosive acid.
Activation and Deactivation
The ability to activate or deactivate object (electronic, mechanical, human, etc.)
The ability to resist and fight through molecular powers.
Adoptive Muscle Memory
The ability to copy any/all movements/actions after seeing it performed once, including acrobatics, martial arts, and other physical stunts.
Advanced Electrokinesis
The ability to shoot extremely powerful beam-like blasts of pure electricity.
Advanced Fire Throwing
The ability to shoot a beam of highly concentrated, torch-like fire.
Advanced Telekinesis
An advanced form of Telekinesis. It allows the user to move very large objects and create a powerful burst of sheer telekinetic energy.
The elemental ability to create, control and manipulate the air and wind.
Ash Teleportation
The ability to teleport across short or long distances through ashes.


Black Telekinetic Orbing
The ability to teleport objects through the use of black orbs.
A form of instant teleportation, activated by thinking of a location and blinking the eyes.
Bursting Balls
The ability to conjure a metallic sphere that combusts upon impact.


The ability to control and manipulate time in all directions.
The ability to turn objects into gold.
The ability to hear what people outside natural hearing range are saying inside one's mind.
The ability to duplicate oneself.
The power to surround an object or power with a force that ultimately squashes it.
The ability to create and/or manipulate ice and cold.


The ability to return attacks back to where they came.
The ability to disintegrate objects.
The ability to teleport through grey, dust-like particles.


Ectoplasmic Webbing
The ability to fire strings of ectoplasm.
The ability to stretch a part of your body like a rubber band.
The elemental ability to control and generate electricity and throw lightning.
Empathic Mimicry
The ability to reproduce and use any power you come in contact with. Multiple abilities are possible at the same time.
The ability to feel others' feelings and channel them, as well as to copy other's powers.
Energy Balls
The ability to throw balls of electrically charged energy.
Energy Beam
The ability to shoot deadly beams of energy.
Energy Blast
The ability to shoot a powerful wave of kinetic energy, a wave of pure energy.
Energy Bolts
The ability to throw bolts of energy similar to Light Darts and Laser Bolts.
Energy Projection
The ability to control and be able to project all forms of energy.
Energy Sparks
The ability to shoot short beams of red energy sparks.
Energy Waves
The ability to send enormous destructive waves of energy.
Enhanced Combat
The ability to achieve extensive fighting skills without the need of special or long-term training.
Enhanced Intuition
The ability to anticipate or sense danger before it occurs. Most often this ability is developed from psychic powers such as Premonition.
Enhanced Senses
The ability to have extremely advanced senses.
Enhanced Synesthesia
The ability to see sound as colors, manipulate sound waves into offensive blasts, and send out attractive sound waves.


The ability to generate balls of fire.
Fire Breathing
The ability to emit fire from one's mouth.
Fire Throwing
The ability to throw streams of fire from the hands.
A fire-based form of teleportation.
An advanced form of Levitation. It allows the user to fly high and control the direction they go to.
Force Blasts
The ability to generate blasts of force that send the target flying through the air.
Force Fields
The ability to control a shield of great amount of concentrated force.


The ability to change appearance to look like another person by creating an illusion around the user.
A form of teleportation which when used, leaves a glistening contour of the body.


The ability to heal injuries and diseases of others, unless that person is evil or has already died.
The ability to manipulate solar energy.
High Resistance
The ability to survive otherwise lethal attacks from physical and magical harm.
The ability to rise up into the air and hover in one place, with or without the use of orbs.
The ability to create and manipulate water.
Hyper Speed
The ability to move extremely fast.
The ability to put someone in a submissive trance.


Illusion Casting
The ability to create illusions which alter the victim's senses and perception of his/her surroundings.
The ability to be immune to certain or all kinds of powers and/or physical harm.
The ability to render one's body intangible, allowing them to pass through solid objects.
The ability to become unseen by the naked eye.
The ability to withstand anything without injury.
Inspire Creativity
The ability to create and direct creativity with one's presence.


Laser Bolts
The ability to generate darts of electromagnetic radiation that can burn the target upon contact.
The ability to rise into the air and float in apparent defiance of gravity.
Light Darts
The ability to generate tiny, small darts of energy that burn the target upon contact.
Lightning Teleportation
The ability to teleport through lightning.
The ability to change into water momentarily.


The ability to control magnetic fields to manipulate objects.
Memory Manipulation
The ability to manipulate the memories of others, such as erasing and altering them.
Metal Mimicry
The ability to transform body parts into metal.
Mind Manipulation
The ability to manipulate the minds of others.
Molecular Acceleration
The power to speed up molecules, causing objects to heat up, melt or burn.
Molecular Dispersion
The ability to utterly destroy an object or being by ripping it apart on a molecular level.
Molecular Inhibition
The ability to slow molecules down completely, causing them to crystallize, encapsulate a being or object in ice.
Molecular Manipulation
The ability to manipulate matter on a molecular level.

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