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Great,nothing better being alone...in the dark room. I will kill Martinus!

After one minute I heard the door from bathroom,that was Marcus.

-Marcus! Where are you!? Hurry up!

-I'm coming! I can't see in the dark! Throw me my phone!

-I can't throw you phone because I don't know where you are! You remember mister smart!?

-Oh yea!

Then I heard something fells on the ground. It sounds very scary.

-Marcus! Do you hear me!?

-Yea! I think I broke something!

I put my hands on my head and shake her.

-I'm coming to find you!

I took my phone and went in the bathroom.

-Where are you!

-I'm not in bathroom!

Then I heard again something. I jump and scream but then my phone fells on the ground. I took him and looked at him. It was broken. Applause for Nia! Now how to get back.

-Nia! Come back! I'm in living room!

-Ok! I'm coming!

I ezit from the bathroom,somehow and start going to living room. It was so dark,but after long time in the dark,my eyes see better now but still it's not enough to see where am I going.

I fell like something is infront of me but I didn't pay attention on it,I just continue. But then I fell on the couch.


I feel like I'm on something,but I was thinking that that is blanket. Then I feel someones arms around my weist.

-Marcus is that you!?

I asked in panic.

-Of course that is me. Why? You think that I'm a monster?

He asked me with laugh.


I mumble. But I fell safe in his arms that I totally forgot that I'm laying on him.

-Where are they?

He asked.

-I don't know. Maybe on the Mars.

He laugh a little.

-What is so funny? I just said that they are so slow.

-Nothing. Tell me where are candles?

-In the kitchen. Why?

-Because you are scared of the dark. I will be right back. Can you just...move a little?

-Oh sure.

He took his phone and leave me again alone. After one minute he came back and set a candles on the table. He again lay by my side and put his arm around me.

-Aaaa...what are you doing?

-I'm gonna sleep while they are in the store.

-But you are hungry. How can you sleep when you are hungry? I can't.

-I don't know. Can you just also sleep ans shut up. I had a concert you remember? I'm tired.


I answer angry. I turn around and close my eyes.

-Can you just move your hand?

I asked him but he didn't answer. He already fell asleep!? I close my eyes again and fell asleep.

Martinus's P.O.V

-Why we need to eat ice cream now!? They are waiting for us! Alone!

Hannah said angry.

-Because I want to! Ok!

I answer her. But I can't wait to get home and see what was happened.

After ice cream we start going to Nia's house very slow. When we were infront we saw that inside was dark,just a little light on the table.

Hannah quick enters and tries to turn on light. But there's no power. Then when I enter I tries to turn it,and it turned on.

We saw Marcus and Nia hugged on the couch sleeping. Mostly Marcus hugging Nia. Hannah's cheecks start being red. She is jealous. She quick starts pushing them but they didn't respond.

-They are so cute.

Jane whisper to me.

-I know.

I whispered her back.

Nia's P.O.V

I felt someone is pushing me,but I was so tired,so I just opened my eyes a little and see lights.

-Can you turn off the lights? Please?

I turned around and came closer to Marcus. But after few seconds I realise that that is MARCUS!

I quick stand up.

-Sorry Hannah we fell asleep.

-It's okay. I'm going to sleep.

I knew that she is jealous. Pleasse I know her when we were 2 years. She runns in her room.

-I guess that means that I need to go to sleep. Good night.

Jane said that and went to her room.

-I need to go to the bathroom. Bye.

Martinus said and went in the bathroom. I sit on the couch and blow in the candels. Then Marcus gets up.

-Are they home?

-Ye...yea Hannah is up in her room. I think you need to go to sleep. And I'm so sorry because this tonight.

-Why you are apologizing. It was great,we need to repeat this sometimes. But just you and me for a little bit longer.

He winks at me and went in his room. This was pretty scary,who knows what he have on his mind. But I will think later about that now to find Martinus. Then Martinus enters in the living room.

-Before you kill me I need to say that...

I cut him off.


He starts running up the stairs. I starts following him with laugh. This was so funny. He enters in the room and locked the door.

-Martinus open. I will not do anything to you.

He unlock the door I enter and saw him sitting on the bed. I open my warderobe and took my PJ's.

-Can you...you know...to turn around?

-Oh...of course.

He turned around. I was in rush because I was scared that he will maybe turn around. But finally I change and lay in the bed and close my eyes,but Martinus still was on his phone.

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy! If you do leave a Vote and Com😘😘


My Love My Game  //Marcus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now