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- No,I'm alone with Marcus.

I came and sit on the couch next to him.

-Where is Martinus?

He still was looking at his phone texting to someone.


He didn't hear me,so I took his phone from his hands and start running thorough living room.

Marcus' P.O.V

I was texting to my friend. But then someone took my phone from my hands and start running. When I look that was Nia.

-Hey! Give me my phone!

I start chaisen her. She was smiling all the time. Then she start going through my messages.

-Hey,stop! That is my private thing!

-But now it's not!

She said that with smirk on her face. She runns so fast,I can't catch her.

-Come on,you are so lazy!

-Give me back that,or I will kill you!

-Come on kill me!

She was still smiling. Then she climb on couch,I climb too and try to take phone from her. But she raised her hand at another direction. I can say,I was leaning on her.

-Give me back that!

-Let me see...NO!

She was,still laughing and smiling. I can't believe that this is funny to her. I was so tired. But then she look me in the eyes,her eyes are so beautiful and blue as sky. Shade of her blue eyes is the most beautiful that I've ever seen. I have been lost in her eyes.

Nia's P.O.V

His hand was around my waist. Then he places his another hand on my cheeck. But then I remember something.


-Sorry Nia.

-What the...you can't do that,I'm your best friend!

-Marcus stop! Marcus!

Martinus was telling to him but he caming closer to me...Then he place his lips on mine.

*end of fleshback*

I push him away from me. He falls from the couch.


He asks me holding his hand on his neck.

-Listen to me,mister Gunnarsen. I'm not like other girls. They just want to kiss you and you just want to kiss someone,you are just normal playboy. But I want what if you do that,to ki...

-Toooo,kiss meeee?

-Wrong answer. To kill you.

I jump from the couch and went at my room. When I was going up the stairs I was thinking about that. I just smirk

-What a jerk.

Then I continue to my room. I was just enter and then someone has knocked on the door.


I quick went downstairs and open the door, that was Martinus with suitcases.

-Come in quick!

Marcus came and help him.

-Ok,Marcus take this suitcase to your room. Annnd...Nia,where I can leave this?

-Oh,follow me.

I take him to my room.

-You can leave them right there.

-Ok,thank you.

He leave his stuffs and look at my acoustic guitar.

-Wow,I didn't know that you love to play guitar.

-Oh yea.

-Is there something I also didn't know about you?

He asks looking at my guitar.

-Weeeell...oh,I love to sing.

-That's nice. Can I hear you?

-I...I don't know. I got nervous when I sing infront of someone.

-Ok,I understand that. I was also has that problem at the start.

We sit on the bed and talking about singing.

-How is that to be famous?

-It's not so bad. But most people want to be your friends because you are famous. And it's hard to find true friend,and...true love.

-I see it's hard to you and Marcus.

-And that vrely hard. Our fans are the most girls,I love to take photos with them,performance on the stage, and give them autographs,but sometimes I want just to be with my family in my living room,drink cocoa and talk about all.

We was staring at the wall for few minutes,but then I stand up.

-Ok,let's go.

We went downstairs and see that everyone is already in the living room.

-Hi! What you two was doing upstairs?

Jane asks us.

-I just show him were he to put his stuffs.

-Ok. Let's watch a movie.

We just nodded and sit on the couch.

-Oh I forgot popcorns. I will be right back.

I quick went to the kitchen and make us popcorn. When I enter in the living room they turn lights off. I start going carefully to them,but then I hit my little finger on the chair.

-Auchhhhh! Why are you turn the lights off!?

-Because we are watching horror movie.

Hannah said to me not even looking at me.

-Jane! Hannah! Why you play a horror movie!? You two know that  I hate to watch them because then I can't sleep!!!

-Easy,just this night I promise.

Jane said that still looking at TV. I just roll my eyes and sit on the couch between Hannah and Jane. I took my blanket and my pillow. I was huging that pillow,and when it was a scary scene I put it on my face.

When scary scene was over I took bowl with popcorns and start to eat. But it wasn't still over. Then I scream so loud,and jump from the couch. All popcorns was on Jane.

-Jane I'm so sorry.

-It doesn't matter.

She went at the kitchen to clean herself.

-Do someone want to drink something? Hannah?

-Just glass of water.


-Glass of water too.

-And Mac?

-Nothing thanks.


I went to the kitchen and saw Jane trying to remove popcorns from her hair.

-Can help me? Pleeeease.

-Of course.

I remove all popcorns from her hair and take two glasses of water. We went to the kitchen and saw Hannah and Marcus huging each other. She was lean on his shoulder,and hi puts his hand on her shoulder.


Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy in this part! If you are,leave Vote and Com😘😘😘


My Love My Game  //Marcus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now