welcome to riverdale

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"I'll just take care some of your dad's case," mom said and I kissed her goodbye and said to call me anytime.

I lay in my bed while opening the curtain of my bed. I'm quite impressed. This is not what I expected. It's like New York with less buildings, fun and clubs, basically a town.

But my mom's apartment here is quite magnanimous. So we're staying here while Cheryl will stay in Thornhill, which is their mansion, km away from here. I haven't seen it yet but soon I guess while I stay here in Pembrooke apartments.

Well, we video called awhile ago and their mansion is amazing

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Well, we video called awhile ago and their mansion is amazing. Like a real mansion. Oh my gosh, I can sense parties coming!

For now, I can tell this is not that bad idea after all. For our safety and new beginnings, I guess.

Cheryl is so happy to be back in her hometown and I'm the new girl here. Well, tomorrow's the day I will enter Riverdale High. Let's hope that it's a good place.

I don't know where the coffee shops are so I stay in our hotel room. I want to wander but I don't like the idea of being alone in a new town.

Cheryl texted me to go to Pop's, a famous diner here in Riverdale, and I replied yes.

Duh. As if I have a choice? Of course, I can't get there alone so I asked our driver.

I scan my eyes to see where is Cheryl and finally I find the cherry haired girl with a blonde one

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I scan my eyes to see where is Cheryl and finally I find the cherry haired girl with a blonde one. I sat with them.

"This is Betty, my childhood friend slash my cousin, and she's going to give you a tour tomorrow at Riverdale High."

"Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Betty Cooper." She said smiling. This girl is a typical version of a girl next door slash good girl.

She's no slut. I like her. Compared to NYC, there are everywhere.

"Finally. It's a pleasure. Veronica Lodge, let's be friends." I said as Cheryl said, "Now, we're three. Just don't replace me, honey." she said while laughing and we laughed as if we've known each other for years.

Oh, finally something good. Friends.

We ordered some fries and milkshakes and chit chatted for a while about life, school and boys.

So Betty said that she has an ex who turned out to be his half-brother and now they are cool. She said that she still like her bestfriend which is Archie Andrews,a campus crush and a player.

What a tragedy.

"Arch will never like me and I know that since we're twelve or what." She said sadly but tried her best to smile. It's Spain without the S.

"That will soon change, Betty. I have a proposal. So Cheryl and I will help you get Archie slash the player." I said and I added,"I really can't wait to see him. I have high expectations." And I winked at her, Betty just said, "I don't know, Vee. He has a lot of girls."

"Oh, I can't imagine the transformed Archie. He's so little when I last saw him ages ago." Cheryl said and imagining what Archie now looks like.

"He looks so fine, Cheryl and I just can't accept the fact that he will never be mine. We're living next to each other, we're friends but we're so far away from each other." She sighed looking so sad. I can't totally relate. I haven't had a deep connection with someone. I lack that kind of relationship.

"Drama alert! I have never liked a boy so much so," I said. I don't even know what love is. I just know that love is different and it's a big thing. It is true and only people who deserves it get it. I don't deserve love.

I only want their attention. That's why they  called me the 'Ice Princess' in my past school. Ice princess, tssk. It's because I don't actually want to be so in deep with someone and before I even go that far, I always ended up ending the relationship. I don't know why?

"Really, Vee? Because yesterday happened and he happened," Cheryl said with a wink

"Whooo," Betty asked carefully and as soon as Cheryl opened her mouth I said changing the subject, "What about we order another milkshake and burger? Betty, do me a favor. Tell me the best here." I look at Cheryl and she said, "Oh la la, changing the topic."

"I know, just tell me when you're ready to share it." Betty said and she added, "Everything here is perfect, I'll just tell Pop's to ready us some special treats."

"Great. Thanks, B. Thanks for understanding." I said and I smiled, "And oh please, Cheryl don't remind me that nightmare!" She just laughed and laughed.

But the truth is he's all in my head. Damn.

"Uh huh, but it's really great to see you so embarassed and flushed not to mention you freaking face. Amazing how can that boy change Veronica Lodge." She said then

"I was drunk and I made bad decisions. That's it. I was amazing until I found myself so messed up to the point I slept with a stranger whose name is unknown," she just smirks then she said excitedly," Don't worry, he's just one of your boys. We'll hunt boys here in town!"

"Oh yes,  Betty's here with food but I remember I'm on a diet. So you two talk, I have to excuse myself." She said while standing

"Where are you going?" I asked her because it is so sudden.

"Mother and I have some business to do away from this town. But don't worry, I'll be back." She assured me and I just asked her to take care.

"Oh, fine. Be safe." I said and I also excuse myself to go to the power room to Betty, "B, just a minute."

After a few minutes, we chatted about our families and stuff and I found out that she also recently found that she and Cheryl are cousins.
This town has so many secrets.

"Speaking of the devils," she said while looking at me specifically at my back.

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