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When you change your mind I'll be waiting
Cause I'm better then him
Just saying
~Just Saying
5 Seconds of Summer

Chapter One- She

*2 Years Ago*

Blue's POV

"Miss Rose" Mr Fitz calls.

"Pi equals 3.14159265359" I say sitting up quickly.

"That's correct Miss Rose" Mr Fitz says.

The class starts laughing, thank god I was actually in math class.

I yawn and lay back down on my desk waiting for this day to just be over.

I look towards the clock and there is still an hour left to this class.

I groan again and suddenly feel really nauseous.

I pack up my things quickly and get up from my seat.

I run out of the class towards the bathroom.

Luckily they are just down the hall, I run into the bathroom and into a stall and puke my guts out.

I've been sick lately, like I think I had the flu last week.

I'm never hungry and I get dizzy a lot.

After I finished vomiting I head out to the parking lot and get into my car driving home to my apartment. I feel really weak, tired, cold, and lonely.

I park my car and head up to my apartment unlocking the door and tiredly walking inside.

I head into my room and plop down on my bed checking my phone to see if Luke's called me back but he hasn't.

Luke's been gone for 4 months.

He rarely calls or text's me anymore.

He hasn't even answered his phone for 3 days and I'm worried.

I brush my teeth before taking an Advil and deciding to take a nap to get some rest.

I walk over to my dresser and change into pj's before laying down and going to sleep.

*4 Hours Later*

I slowly open my eye's wanting to sleep more but I need to see why Luke won't answer his phone.

I move my hand around trying to find my phone, my hand hits it and it falls off my bed.

I groan and crawl to the edge of my bed and reach for my phone.

I'm just about to grab it when I lose my balance and fall onto the floor.

Today just isn't my day.

I unlock my phone and click on Ashton's contact, my call connects and Ashton's smiling face appeared on my screen.

(Ashton-A, Blue-B, Michael-M, Luke-L)

A: Hey Blue

B: Hey Ash

A: How are you? We really miss you.

B: I'm good, I really miss you guys. How much longer till you come to England?

A: I'm not sure but it's in like a month or something but I'll ask and tell you.

B: Ok thanks Ash

A: You're welcome

B: Ash do you know where Luke is?

A: Yeah he's chillin right there.

Ashton turns the camera around so it's facing away from him.

I see Luke lying under some blankets and Michael lying on top of him.

B: Why are you laying on my boyfriend you little shit?

M: He's mine. I told you Blue!

L: Blue??

When Luke said my name he sounded so broken.

I just wanted to cry and hug him but I couldn't.

A: And here we have Calum! Oi that arms though!

Calum looks at Ash really confused and I laugh.

A: Never mind

B: Can I talk to Luke.....alone

A: Yeah sure

Ashton yells at Calum and Michael to leave the room before giving Luke his phone and leaving the room himself.

Luke hangs up and I feel really hurt and almost start to cry when Ashton's name flashes at the top of my screen.

I accept his call and put the phone to my ear.

"Luke?" I answer but he doesn't say anything.

"Luke please say something" I say starting to really worry about him.

"Luke please!" I cry.

"I....I...can't" He mumbles and I could just hear him.

"I need to know you love me Luke, fight for me!" I cry before hanging up and turning off my phone.

Luke's POV
(Luke is 19, Ash is 21, Cal is 19, Michael is 20)

"I need to know you love me Luke, fight for me!" Blue cried before hanging up.

As soon as she said that I knew I fucked up.

I called her back but she turned off her phone.

I have to fix things! I can't sleep knowing I fucked up...again.

I got out of bed and quickly jumped in the shower.

I washed my hair and body in a record time before getting out.

I throw on some sweats and a tee shirt.

I grab one of Calum's beanies and pulled it over my wet hair.

I grabbed my sunglasses and hooked them onto the front of my shirt.

I packed a suit case and slipped on some shoes grabbing my phone.

I ran out the door and across the living room.

"Luke, Luke! Where are you going?" Calum yells.

"I need to see her" I say opening the door.

"Luke you can't just leave, we're going to Australia tomorrow!" Calum says.

"I have to go today Cal, I fucked up and I need to fix things! I can't lose her!" I say almost crying.

"You really love her don't you?" Calum asks and I nod.

"Go" He says and I hug him.

He hugs me back before I quickly pull away and run out the door.

I need to fix things.

I can't lose her.......ever

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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