Making You Mine - 14

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One Month Later

Callum POV

The host of Meet Your Equal Dean Ryback is standing next to me as we wait the arrival of the woman. I normally don't get scared of anything, but the thought of being in a room full of girls is becoming daunting.

I can't wait to see my best friend walk through the door. I hope she's wearing the red dress I told her that looks great on her.

It hugs her body nicely and it shows off her curves nicely, as well as her legs. They look longer and are revealed through a slit on both sides of the dress. There's also a dip in the back of it, revealing her back.

She gets a lot of guy's attention wearing that, but the only guy's attention she'll have is mine in this house.

The first girl walk into the house and Dean whispers to me. "That's Cheryl Kramer." Looking at him I say. "I remember all the girls' names and their faces. Thanks for help, Dean."

Cheryl is a beautiful woman she's stands at about 5 something with tanned, skin, brown hair and brown eyes. She has a small tattoo on her back. She walks over to me. "Hello, Callum. I'm..."

I cut her off. "... Cheryl, it's nice to meet you."

A smile spreads across her face. "I'm glad you remember my name." She kisses my cheek. "I'm looking forward to getting to know you Callum."

Me, too.

She stands across from me and the next girl walks through the door. She tells me how happy she is to be on the show and getting to know me.

The girls keep walking into the room and I lose count after number four.

When's Cassie going to walk into the room?

Another girl walks in and she kisses my cheek. "Hey, Callum. It's nice to meet you." She walks over to the other.

When I look at the double doors I see a red dress and know instantly that it's my best friend.

Cassie walks through the door and she looks at the ground shyly at first before raising her head and looking at me. A smile spreads across her face. "Hi, Callum. I'm Cassie."

I shake her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Cassie. I'm looking forward to getting to know you." I lean in and whisper. "Meet me on the patio after dinner. I have a surprise for you." I kiss her cheek before looking at Dean who winks at Cassie."

Her face starts turning red. "Hey," she says to Dean. Cassie walks over to the group and a few girls give her a dirty look.

Cassie's going to have to put these girls in their places or they're going to eat her alive.

She's never been a fan of being around groups of woman, because in high school they used to pick on her because she was into riding bikes and driving the hottest cars to school. All the guys would pay attention to her as she talked to them about their engines and other things about cars.

A popular girl named Candy used to call her butch, which resulted in Cassie getting suspended from school because she punched the girl in the face.

Cassie's parting words to the girl was. "I hope you enjoyed you're make-over bitch."

She's going to have to hold her temper in, when dealing with this lot.

The last three girls walk into the house.

Dean steps forward and looks at the woman. "Welcome ladies to the 2018 Meet Your Equal. I'm you're host Dean Ryback. To start the evening off there's going to be drinks in the living room. Followed by dinner."

The girl next to Cassie says. "Good, I'm starving."

Cassie laughs at that. "I'm glad that you said it." She looks at the other girls. "I bet all they're going to eat is salad to impress, Callum."

"Probably," Kaylee says. "Do you think Callum will go for girls like that?"

Cassie looks me up and down, before turning her attention back to Kaylee. "Nah, he likes a woman that's not afraid to eat in front of him."

The blonde at the end says something to Cassie and her hands form into fists.

This can't be good.

I take a step forward. "Shall we head to living room, ladies?" I start walking toward the living room and see Cassie walk away from the blonde.

She's going to be trouble. I just hope that Cassie won't do something she'll regret later on.

A waiter is waiting for us with drinks on a tray and he passes them out to everyone as they step into the room.

Dean walks into the room and says. "Ladies, you'll be sharing a room." He calls out names and the girls grab keys from him.

Cassie ends up sharing a room with the girl she was talking to in the hall.

Those two hit it off well.

Looking around the room I tap my glass. "Can I have your attention, please?" My eyes land on Cassie and I wait for her to look at me. When she does my heart begins to race. "I would like to welcome you all to the first season of Meet your Equal and I'm looking forward to getting to know each of you..." I look around the room making eye contact with the woman in the room. "...beautiful ladies."

The ladies raise their glasses into the air and says. "Here, here."

Cassie brings the wine glass up to her lips and she takes a small sip. She walks away from the group of woman and stops next to waiter. "Can you please tip this out for me?"

"Sure," The waitress takes my glass from me. "Can I get you something else to drink?"

"Water, please."

"I'll be right back with the water." She walks through the door that leads to the dining and kitchen areas.

I walk around the room and talk to a few girls, but my eyes travel over to Cassie at times.

"Callum," a girl says. "Did you hear what I said?"

Looking at her I say. "Sorry, I missed it."

She sighs. "You should talk to the girl over there. She seems to be more interesting than me, but once you're done with her come and find me for a drink."

"Sure," I move across the room and stand next to Cassie.

She looks at me. "Callum, what are you doing seeking me out every time you talk? We need to act like strangers."

I pull a white rose off the table behind me and say. "Cassie, I want you to be the first woman I give the rose to. From the moment you walked through the door I knew you were someone that I wanted to get to know. Congrats, Cassie. You're the first one to move on to the next week."

A group of girls in the corner of the room sends Cassie a death glare. "What does she have that the rest of us don't have?"

"She's down to earth." Kaylee says, walking over to Cassie.

A smile spreads across Cassie's face when she sees Kaylee. "I can't believe I'm the first girl to get a flower from, Callum."

I grab another flower and give it to Kaylee. "I want you to have this flower as you're one of the people that's not sending death glares to a fellow contender."

"Thanks," Kaylee takes the flower from me.

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