Making You Mine - 5

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Callum POV

I pull my car to the side of the road and text Cassie.

Me: I'm here.

Cassie: I'll be right out.

I drum my fingers across steering wheel while I wait for Cassie to leave the party.

She doesn't like going to parties alone and whenever I don't go with her she asks me to pick her up within an hour or two.

Looking up I see Cassie walking towards the car. She opens the door. "Hey, bestie. You missed out on a great party."

I can smell the beer on her breath. "How much have you had to drink?"

She shrugs. "I don't know." She slurs. "I played beer pong until you texted me."

That explains why she smells like a beer factory. I'm going to have to get something greasy for her.

Cassie never takes care of herself properly when she drinks. She can drink like a guy, but she normally ends up dehydrated and puking her guts out.

Looking at Cassie I say. "We're going to get a pizza before we go back to mine. I don't want you to be too sick in the morning."

She looks at me. "I have practise in the morning."

I laugh. "You should have thought about that before drinking with your team."

Cassie closes her eyes. "Wake me up when we get home."

I see Pizza Hut ahead and I pull in front of the building. "Cassie," I shake her. "I'm going to get the pizza."

She opens her eyes and looks at me. "Okay," she rolls her head to the side and falls back to sleep.

I step out of the car and walk over to Pizza Hut.

Opening the door to the store I see a group of girls and they turn their attention my way.

A blonde steps forward and she holds her hand out to me. "Hey, I'm Casey. What's your name handsome?"

"Callum," looking at the board I decide to get half Hawaiian and half pepperoni.

Pepperoni is Cassie's favourite pizza while Hawaiian is mine.

I walk over to the counter and place my order.

They girls start talking to me, but the only girl I can think about is the one sitting in my car waiting for me to get the pizza.

I watch as they bring out the girls order and they grab their pizza.

Casey looks at me. "You should come to my place and eat with us."

I shake my head. "I have plans tonight, girls. Have fun though."

My order is called next and I grab the box off the counter and walk over to my car.

Looking behind me I see the girls staring at me as I climb into my car.

Cassie looks out the window. She shakes her head. "Even getting food you have fan girls watching you."

I laugh. "You can't talk. I've seen you walk into the grocery store to buy some tampons and you've come out with ten guys watching you're ass as you walked towards my car."

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