Hi Stranger - Chapter 3

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I freeze.
There's no shoe crunching on the leaves, instead I hear humming.

I decide to risk it and whirl around. A boy in blue pajamas, sits on the ground as if it's the middle of July, Instead of late November.

He's picking something, poisonous leaves. This confirms my thesis, he's got a death wish.

I walk up to him and smack the leaves out of his hands. He turns to me and I almost stutter. Yellow eyes, like a cat , with green in one of them ( A/N - I forgot the name of what that's called lol)

"What are you doing, are trying to die?" I almost shout.

"The way they speak of it , It doesn't seem so bad right about now" He laughs hysterically

About a million questions flood through my head at this odd statement, but I shake them off .He's shivering like there's no tomorrow . I have no other choice. Damn you morals. I extend my hand.


"I'd rather not get turned in by your parents" he says glumly

Now it's my turn to laugh. So I grab his arm and pull him up and drag him with me all the way to the cabin.


When we get in, I make no stops pulling him to the bathroom . He looks as if he's about to faint from the cold. I take his shirt off And begin to turn the hot water on.

His hair is matted with dirt so I wash that out first. Then is when I realize how akward this situation is.

"Can you do the rest on your own ?" I ask him
And he looks up at me with those eyes and I flinch. Damn him too. He nods and I, flustered, walk out .

2 hours later

He sits there writing furiously. All I can do is stare at him. That's when I take in his appearance . Maybe 15 ? I'm 14 . Why am I comparing myself to him ?

"Do you know your address?" I ask him. He stops what he's doing and looks at me. All of a sudden he stands up and walks over to me and sits.

"No" He says, staring at me. "You don't have any color in your skin"

"Do you write?" I ask changing the subject

He stares at me for a few seconds, making me uncomfortable, before nodding and proceeding to grab his book.

"I wrote this" - He says

That's the only word I could use to describe you
The colors of old televisions.
You are the spaces in between the stars , in the night.

I stare blankly at him, before saying " What's your name ?"

He furrows his brows at me "Saturn"

Almost 500 words!!!!
I know the storyline is weird but plzzz stick with it !!!
I was originally going to name Saturn , Thomas but I just felt Saturn matched the mood more

Don't mind any spelling errors!!!! I'm working on it !

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