Is it the end?

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Vivian's POV
   I stare violently at Jacob wishing his head would explode but at the same time I was scared for my life.
      Ryan's hand held mine tightly I could tell he was also was scared but he didnt show it. Jacob smirked and said "give me the girl and nothing bad will me" Ryan growled and spat sarshly "never" Jacob smirked "suit yourself" he anapped his fingers and his goons they all held Ryan and his men back Jacob walked up to me slowly. I couldnt be scared not now I straighten my postiure and take a deep breath.

     Ryan stuggles and Jacob walks up to me making my heart race quickly. He smirked evilly and said "which one of you should die...Vivian you have 30 seconds to decide which one of you dies the other lives...Mabye" I look back at Ryan then my feet. Jacob says "time starts now" he starts counting down Ryan say "Viv choose me" I say "I-I can't" his eyes go wide "15 seconds". I run up to Ryan and kiss him passionately tears run down my face and even though his hands are being held back he kisses back hard.

      Jacob says "...5 seconds" I pull away and say "me I choose me". Jacob shruggs and pulls his trigger a gun shot rings in my ears I wait for the bullet to collied with my heart but it doesn't I open my eyes and see Jacob in a pool of blood I turn around and see all of Jacobs men passed out and Ryans men free and breathing heavy

     Ryan was holding a gun strait. Tears fall even harder and I run into his arms he holds me tightly we were both shaking violently he picks me up bridal style and carries me to the car we dont say anything. You could hear a pin drop it was so quiet in the car and I know when we got home I'd hear about it

         The car stopped Ryan and me walked up to our room he shut the door and turned around so fast even I could feel whip lash. I said "Ryan I'm sorry I ju-" He ran to me and kissed me hard he pushed me on the bed and slid his hands on my stomach under my shirt making me shiver.
       He pulled away and said "are you ready?" I nodded and said "do you at least have protection?" He nodded and we continued kissing. No words were said that night just our true passion for eachother that night. I wouldnt change it for the world- no the universe.

    That night it was only us and the world. Now its the next morning and I'm awake playing with Ryans hair as he slept. He looked so peaceful and inoccent, but I knew he was the exact opposite. Memories of last night rushed in my head and I blushed.

    "Morning Baby girl" a husky voice scared me from my thoughts I said "morning handsome". He smirked and said "your face is red any.." He paused and moved his head to my ear and continued "...memories?" I blushed and said "n-no" he laughed and said "let's go get breakfast". I stood up and grabed Ryan's shirt and he slipped on his basketball shorts, we walked down stairs hand and hand into the kitchen.
     Ryan says "what do you want to eat" I say " about I make breakfast?" He smirked and said "or how about you be my breakfast". I blush amd say "no shut up" he chukles I push him out of the kitchen and say "you cant come in until I finish breakfast".
        He pouts and says "can I at least have a kiss?" He pouts his lips out I smirk and kiss his cheek he looked like a kid that said he cant have candy. I say "now go" He huffs and walks into the living room I think about what to make then I know exactly what to make so I pull my ingredients out and cook.
      Cody walks in and streaches and he says "so how is he?" I say "who at what?" He smirked and said "dont think I didnt hear you last night". I blush and say "he's really go-" *cough* "lets not talk about it" he laughs and says "so whatcha making" I say "my mom's famous brownie waffles topped with whipped cream. 

     I call Ryan in the kitchen says breakfasts ready they both ate and went to do their thing. I wash the dishes and the door bell rings, so I go get it a man with chestnut brown slicked back hair and hazel eyes stands there. He had a tattoo on his neck and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, there was no denying he was hot, but not as hot as Ryan. He clears his throat I say "yes?" He says "Is Ryan here" I nod and let him in.

       Cody comes in and says "Viv who-" he stops and says "-Adam Richardson what the hell are you doing here". The guy who I assumed is Adam said "Im here on businuss" Cody rolled his eyes and said "you know Ryan will-". Cody wants cut off by a deep voice that was behind me "Adam" Ryan's voice was stiff. Adam nodded Ryan said "Cody take Viv to her room and then join us in my office". He nods and drags me upstairs I say "who is that?" He said "no one you need to worry about". I huffed, Cody said "stay in here Viv ok?" I just nod I go into my room Cody looks at me with a sad smile.

       It's been an hour and a half and I'm getting bored I sigh and decide to go spy on them to see what's so bad I have to stay here. I quietly open my door and tip toe downstairs and put my ear to the door I hear "...Adam you think care about that girl she doesn't mean one thing to me I have said this many times before and I'll say it again I don't love her never had never will got that?" there's a pause but I don't stay to listen I go upstairs and pack all of my clothes and go on my computer looking for the farthest flight. It was Hawaii I booked one ticket for this afternoon I walked out the door leaving my phone and computer there I don't leave a note or video this time. I take a taxi to the airport tears threaten to fall, but I don't let them I get out paying the driver I walk in the airport, check in and  I wait to get out of here hoping not to see Ryan again ever. 


Hey guys so I'll keep this short thoughts? how do you like the story what is the most emotion you feel and who's your favorite character let me know. Vote, Comment, and follow me  

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