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Cole's POV
It's a Friday morning and I have the day of work today because Dylan is coming to visit for the weekend.
I'm waiting at the airport at arrivals when I hear some girls shouting my name and running up to me.
They all ask for photos so I take some with them, and they all say how there so excited for the premier of Riverdale next week. The all walk away giggling...
"Brother" Someone says so I turn around and it's my bother Dylan.
I pull him in for a tight hug.
"I have missed you brother." I say as we pull away from our long hug.
"I missed you too." Dylan said as we started to walk back to my car.
I opened my car boot/trunk (a/n I think that is what it is called in America) and put all of Dylan's bag in it. Then we both go in the car.
"So you and Lili." Dylan said to me.
"What about her?" I question Dylan.
"I'm just happy for you, because you have found someone who really cares about you and you care about her so much. I can tell when you talked about Lili over the phone." Dylan said without losing eye contact.
"She means so much to me and I have only know her for 7 months." I said as tears slowly fell from my eyes.
"Wow Cole crying is a rear occasion." Dylan said patting me on the back. "Lets get going."

We got back to my apartment and I made me and Dylan some pizza.
"Lili does the best pizza ever." I said cutting up the pizza.
"When do I get to meet Lili?" Dylan said as we both sat down with our pizza.
"We could go to the beach tomorrow with her." I said.
Dylan agreed with me so I text Lili and she said she should live to go to the beach with me and Dylan tomorrow.

Lili's POV
I woke up and got out of my bed. I am so excited that I get to meet Dylan today, and I also do love the beach. I did not get a shower as I was going in the sea at the beach. I left my hair down in it natural state. Cole said he would pick me up at around 10am. I got all of my things in my bag for the beach and by that time I hear a knock on the door. My heart stated beating fast because i knew it was Cole and I'm so happy to get to see him again.
I open the door to Cole standing that with his dark hair flopping over his face.
"Hey gorgeous." Cole said to me.
"Hi." I said back, I moved the hair out of Cole's face, then he lent down to kiss my lips. I feel sparks ever time we kiss, it's magical.
"Let me take your back for you." Cole said pick up my bags.
"Thank you. Your such a gentleman." I said shutting the front door behind me.

We got down to the car and put my things in the car. I got into the back seats as Dylan was in the front.
"So this is Lili, he calls me at least 5 times a week talking about you." Dylan said turning round to look at me.
"Is that true." I said in my sarcastic voice.
  Both the boys started to laugh.

Cole's POV
We made it to the beach I'm so happy my brother and Lili are getting along. I did not want fans funding us so I chose a not very know beach in Vancouver. When we walked into the beach, there was only a couple of people on the beach and they did not seam to know who we were. We set up our things. Lili then took off her clothes to reveal her perfect body in a bikini. She looked so perfect and all I want to do was to have my hands on her body right now but we were with Dylan so that would have been a bit awkward.
I was laying in the middle of Lili and Dylan. I decided to put some music on so I go my phone out and put on my playlist of my favourite songs.
I looked over at Lili, she was looking like she was going to fall asleep. I taped Dylan on the arm.
"She looked so beautiful when she sleeps." I whispered to Dylan so I did not wake her.
"Your a lucky boy brother, you have found someone you love dearly." Dylan said back to me in a very quite voice.
"I heard that." Said Lili in her tired voice.
We all started to laugh.

I dropped Lili back off at her apartment and gave her a good by kiss.
I had a really good day, and I'm so happy they both got along. 

Sorry I haven't updated in ages as the WiFi at my house broke and I ran out of 4G.
This part is really rushed because I just want to get one up for you all.
I will try to update this 1-2 times a week.

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