Untitled Part 2

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Lila sighed into her glass. Of course he'd found her. 

Life had been, simpler, she supposed, when she'd followed Bucky. No rules. No boundaries. My easier than Heaven with all of it's restrictions. Bucky practically ruled everything. People feared him. Gave him whatever he wanted. Dropped to their knees before him.

She had to admit that she enjoyed it. The grandeur of it. The lavish lifestyle. Even though she'd missed some things from her previous life, Bucky never let her dwell on it. He'd see her begin to drift and he'd bring her back. Any way that he could. Jewels, clothing. Amazing, rough sex. Whatever brought Lila back to him.

He'd whisper in her ear. Hold her close to his body. Reach deeper and deeper until her screams were echoing off the wall. The pleasure nearly bringing her to tears sometimes. He knew her, understood her. Worked her body exactly the way she liked it. She'd never known pleasure like that. Never knew it was possible.

Carnal pleasures weren't an option where she came from. But there were no limits in Hell, no limits with her King. He made her cum over and over again until she'd bed him to stop. Until the pleasure was too much. He'd let her rest, and then he'd do it again. 

She was just as respected as he was. Everyone knew not to mess with the Queen. Bucky wouldn't hesitate to strike down anyone who dared. Demon, angel. Human. It didn't matter. No one, absolutely no one messed with his Queen. She was given anything she wanted.

But she fought herself. The emotions stirred within her. The guilt ate her up inside. It was all so wrong. All of it. It went against everything she'd ever known. Everything she believed it. Everything she'd ever been taught. She missed it. Missed her wings. Missed her home.

Having that taken from her, her wings ripped painfully from her, was a low blow. She'd been in pain. Bucky had nursed her back. Promised to reward her with new ones. Beautiful ones. Gold. Fit for a queen, he'd said. But Lila knew it was one more thing to tie her to him. To make her stay with him.

And she didn't want to. She wanted her wings. She wanted to go home.

She wanted Heaven.

So she ran. Made a deal. Promised to work hard. To earn her redemption. Do whatever it took to return. Whatever damn tasks that needed to be done. No matter how hard, how taxing. She had to do them. She had to get home. But Bucky didn't give up easily.

He tracked her down. Had her followed to the four corners of the world. Had eyes on her. And he'd show when she least expected it. Reminding her of who she was. Who she belonged to. That she belonged with him, beside him. That Heaven didn't deserve her. That Hell was her home.

She'd give in. Fall for his wicked charms. Let him have her over and over. His sweaty body against hers. She'd get wrapped up in it. In the way he felt inside her. The way he'd work her like no one possibly every could. That no one ever would. And then the guilt would come. She'd repent. Beg for forgiveness.

And she'd run again.

Two years. Two years of tasks. Two years of running, hiding from the King. Avoiding him at every turn. Of course, he found her several times. And it would be more of the same. She'd give in. She'd be weak for him. For letting him fuck her. Letting him have his way with her body. Always finding new ways to please her. Drawing her in for days. 

She knew what he was doing. Distracting her from her tasks. Keeping her from succeeding. He knew if she failed, she'd be free to return to him. She'd be free to be with him, to return to Hell. Be his Queen again. He'd never admit to anyone how weak he was for her. And he'd kill anyone for suggesting it.

But he was. So desperately weak for the little angel. The connection that he felt for her was like nothing he'd ever felt. Even as a human. No one had this affect on him. He had to make sure she failed. He had to make sure she knew that she belonged to him, beside him. He had to bring her back to him.

Lila sat the glass down on the bar and looked at him. That was her first mistake. He was so beautiful. The human body he had taken was perfect. The soft chocolate brown locks that she loved to run her hands through. The gray blue eyes that she got lost in. The plump lips that she loved to kiss. The strong hands that brought her so much pleasure.

She couldn't let him win again, but something tugged at her. Knowing that she'd made a deal with the Devil, quite literally. She swallowed and waited. Bucky ran a hand through her hair and pulled her lips to his, kissing her softly. But she could feel the need, the urgency in it. He needed her, she knew that. She knew he'd never admit it out loud, but she could tell.

"I've missed you," he spoke, his voice soft, gentle. This was the way he pulled her in. He understood her. What worked, what didn't. Gentle demon, he thought to himself, biting back a chuckle. But Lila loved it. How gentle he could be in one moment and taking her hard, passionately in the next moment. And Bucky used it to his advantage.

"Did you really miss me?," she asked, quirking a brow, "or did you simply miss having control over me?," she questioned him and he smirked. "Is that what you think? That I only love the power that I can have over you, little angel?," he asked, almost sarcastically. He could see the struggle in her eyes. She was fighting with herself.

"You're so close. Two more tasks," he said flatly and she nodded. "You know I can't let you get there, Lila," he tsked and she sighed. Of course not. "You know your true fate. Where you really belong. You know they'll treat you differently if you return. You won't have the position you once held. You'll start at the bottom."

"But," he continued, a grin stretching across his face, "if you come with me," he said, extending his hand and brushing it softly over her cheek, "you'll rule with me. By my side. Because you and I know it's where you truly belong. Your wings are waiting, pretty little angel." She closed her eyes, trying to brace herself. To collect her thoughts.

She wanted to resist him so badly. To tell him to fuck off and send him on his way. To finish her damn job and return to Heaven. But the other part of her knew he was right. She'd given everything up for him once. He'd been there when no one else had. He'd done everything he'd promised and more. And that was honestly more than she could say about her time in Heaven.

It was a constant struggle for Lila. Light and dark. Good and evil. Heaven and Hell. Angels and demons. And she had no idea what to do. Would it be worth it, to finish the tasks? To earn her wings and go home. Have her grace returned, to really be an angel again? Or should she just give in to her desires? Return to her King. Rule beside him? 

She watched his face. He was gauging her reaction, waiting for an answer. She knew he'd never give up. That he'd chase her no matter where she went. That he'd follow her to the ends of the earth, never letting up. Never letting go of her. Always reminding her of who she was.

"Which is it, pretty little angel?," he asked and she looked at him. "Heaven or Hell?"

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